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Tonle Sap OHs

Inception Workshop Technical Workshop 1 Technical Workshop 2 Final workshop

NWISP2, Final Workshop

1 December 2006 in Phnom Penh Handout Report Photos


The objective of the workshop was to present the draft final report on the Package 2 studies, and to receive related guidance
from PMO, the PIUs and the TA Consultant


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Tonle Sap OHs

PMO; ADB; AFD; MOWRAM; PIUs/PDWRAM officers from Battambang and Pursat; TA Consultant (BCEOM/ACIL/SAWAC);
Package 1 Study team (CADTIS); Package 2 Study Team (PRD/DHI)


8:30 Opening speech, by HE Veng Sakhorn

8:45 Outline of study results and organization of data and information, by Toch Sophon

9:00 Coffee break

9:30 Hydrology, water balance and water availability for candidate sub-projects, by Tue Kell Nielsen

10:00 Questions and answers

10:30 River basin characterization and thematic maps, by Teang Sokhom

11:00 Questions and answers

11:30 Lunch

13:30 Water use in the river basins, by Prum Pheurn

14:00 Questions and answers

14:15 Economic analysis of water use, by Sorn Somoline

14:45 Questions and answers

15:00 Coffee break

15:30 Farmer water user groups and related recommendations, by Sorn Somoline

15:45 Questions and answers

16:00 Wrap-up and conclusion

Handout Report Photos

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