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Research Study Informed Consent

Western Governors University Teachers College
Masters of Education, Learning and Technology Ecosystems and Interdependence Wendy Keenum

My name is Wendy Keenum, a student researcher in the Teachers College of Western Governors University, and I wish to conduct a research study on the most effective method of teaching students about the ecosystem and interdependence, by using different hands-on teaching methods. Approval of the school principal to conduct this study was obtained prior to this announcement. By signing this consent form, parents allow their childs research data to be reported, in the aggregate, (individual student names will not be used), in the WGU student researchers written capstone project. Upon administrator and parental approval, classroom students will be invited to participate in this research project. ____________________________________________________________________

Description of the project:

The purpose of this study will be to determine whether a hands-on method of teaching ecosystems and interdependence is more effective than a traditional textbook method The research procedures were discussed with the school administration and were approved. Students will be involved in an intense study of the ecosystems and interdependence. The research study will be perform from April 21st through May 2nd, 2014, and will last for 10 days during their 3rd period science class. All students are expected to participate fully in all routine classroom assignments. The participants will be required to do a questionnaire and survey regarding attitudes in science and their perception of the lessons taught and a pre- and post-assessment, in addition to regular participation in the curricular activities.

Benefits and Risks of this study: Benefits to the students during this research study will be
the participation in many hands-on activities, different concepts that will be taught using technology, and the use of different methods of learning the assigned curriculum. There are no expected risks to the participants.

Confidentiality: Confidentiality of the participants will be maintained, and all raw data will
only be seen by the researcher. Individual student names will not be used in any of the report findings. All data will be reported in the aggregate.


Voluntary participation and withdrawal: All participants are expected to participate in

any regular classroom instruction, but may choose to voluntarily participate or withdraw from any study related video or audio taping, interviews, or data gathering. Generally, since data gatherings and surveys are used to inform instruction or measure pre-post gains, these are considered part of regular classroom instruction. Participants may withdraw at any time from non-regular classroom instruction and will not be penalized for non-participation. Parental consent and the school principal, or district administrator, must grant permission for the researcher to gather data for the purposes of a Capstone Project. Participants will be allowed to request that their individual results be excluded from the final report.

Questions, Rights and Complaints: If you have any questions regarding this study, please
feel free to contact me: Wendy Keenum, (615) 962-3897 (text or call), or wkeenum@my.wgu.edu All participants and legal guardians have a right to view the results of the study by contacting me.

Consent statement: By signing this document the administrator grants permission for student
data collection and reporting necessary for this study.

____________________________ School Administrator Signature

________________________________ Parental Signature

____________________________ Title of Administrator

________________________________ Typed/printed Name

____________________________ Typed/printed Name

_____________________________ Date

_________________________ Date


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