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Unit Plan Overview

Unit: Its Chow Time: An ESL Unit on Food, the Restaurant, and Health Stage 1- Desired Results Connections to Context: My students come Transfer from various ethnic and cultural Students will be able to independently use their learning to backgrounds. Thus, each individual has Communicate effectively in English with other members of society (including in the restaurant) differing worldviews on food, the Decide how to take care of the world around us in better, more effective ways restaurant experience, and views on health. Access their own personal health and/or make long-lasting changes that will be of benefit to their health This, in turn, will create for a rich Meaning classroom. This unit will also address the UNDERSTANDINGS ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS school goals which include English Students will understand that Students will keep considering proficiency in the areas of reading, writing, The world and our bodies are special and need special Do we take good care of the earth and environment? speaking, and listening. In addition, this care What can I do to take better care of the world around unit will address large societal issues such me? Other people require respect as the care of the earth and the Do I really take good care of my body? Are there ways in Learning is an on-going process environment and the care of our human which I can improve in taking care of my body? Food can be a catalyst to appreciate other cultures bodies. Established Goals Acquisition of Knowledge, Skill and Values/Commitments/Dispositions
Goals taken from English Language Proficiency Standards for K-12 Schools.

Listening: L L1: Follow simple and complex directions L2: Understand spoken English to participate in social contexts L3: Identify main ideas and supporting details from spoken English L4: Identify the meaning of vocabulary in the content areas L5: Make inferences and predictions Speaking: S S1: Use spoken language for daily activities within and beyond the school setting S2: Engage in conversations for personal expression and enjoyment S3: Use spoken English and nonverbal communication in socially and culturally appropriate ways S4: Use English to interact in the classroom

Students will know Basic food, restaurant, and health vocabulary The rules and explanations of the grammar of English prepositions, commands, count and non-count nouns, commas, and comparisons of equality and inequality How to order food in a restaurant How to read a restaurant bill and calculate an appropriate tip What is good nutrition, the benefits of exercise, and the importance of good sleep

Students will be skilled at Using technology to aid them in the learning process (using a dictionary to look up a word, searching for an image of an unknown word, investigating a website, etc.) Utilizing the new vocabulary and newly acquired grammar into their writing and speaking Reading through passages (and understanding them)

Students will exhibit An openness to the other students as they share their favorite dish to the class A sense of wonder at the beauty of the earth and the human body An acceptance to the other cultures that are brought to the classroom Some struggles as they fight with some misunderstanding. But, they will also exhibit endurance as they fight through the struggles

Based on Wiggins and McTighe (2011) The Understanding by Design Guide to Creating High-Quality Units and Van Brummelen (2002) Steppingstones to Curriculum

S5: Provide and obtain information; express and exchange opinions S6: Demonstrate comprehensible pronunciation and intonation for clarity in oral communication S7: Present information, concepts, and ideas to an audience of listeners on a variety of topics

Reading: R R1: Recognize concepts of print literacy R3: Build vocabulary to develop concepts R4: Understand and use grammatical rules of English to improve comprehension R5: Read and demonstrate comprehension of main ideas and supporting details R7: Read for research purposes R8: Make inferences, predictions, and conclusions from reading Writing: W W1: Use conventions and formats of written English W2: Use grammatical conventions of English W3: Write using appropriate vocabulary choice and variation W5: Use the writing process to produce written products

Evaluative Criteria For most of these activities, I will be looking for completion and participation (the inclass activities and the Food Pyramid and MyPlate templates, the independent sections of the grammar sheets). However, for the vocabulary lists, I will evaluate their work based upon the effectiveness of the definitions they provide and the original sentence. The Google Doc questions will

Stage 2- Evidence Students will show their learning by PERFORMANCE TASK(S): Filling out the master vocabulary list (write a definition of the word, provide an image of the word if applicable, and writing an original sentence utilizing the new word) Writing a recipe while correctly writing the command form of the verbs Google Doc assignments after the reading of every short story (answer questions regarding the story and filling out a vocab list with same requirements for the master vocabulary list The creation of a restaurant menu activity (practice comparisons of equality and inequality) Waiter role-play activity (practice how to correctly order food in a restaurant) Filling out the empty Food Pyramid and MyPlate templates (used to allow the students to examine their own diets)

Based on Wiggins and McTighe (2011) The Understanding by Design Guide to Creating High-Quality Units and Van Brummelen (2002) Steppingstones to Curriculum

contain some objective and some subjective answers. For the subjective answers, I will be looking at how well they pick and defend their position. Lastly, my students will receive a rubric for the final oral presentation. I will evaluate their presentations based upon the criteria addressed in the rubric.
In this case the most important qualities that I am looking for is obvious time and effort put into completing the activities. Only through time, effort, and dedication can students learn.

The final section of each grammar sheet will be done independently by the students The final oral presentation speech on the preparation of a favorite dish will tie in everything that the students have learned: new vocabulary and the correct use of the grammar that was taught to them

OTHER EVIDENCE: Participation in the classroom Questions asked of the instructor

Based on Wiggins and McTighe (2011) The Understanding by Design Guide to Creating High-Quality Units and Van Brummelen (2002) Steppingstones to Curriculum

Stage 3- Learning Plan Before the teaching of the unit, a pre-assessment quiz will be given to the students. This quiz is designed to see how much food, restaurant, and health-related vocabulary the students know. This quiz will also measure how much grammar the students know and how well the students know how to form and create effective sentences that carry meaning. In addition, at the beginning of each other, I plan on asking various questions or providing students with warm-ups that will target their previous knowledge on the lesson of the day. Learning Events Progress Monitoring Student success at transfer, meaning, and acquisition depends upon their participation in these learning events Actively participate in classroom: contribute to classroom discussions, fully engage in the in-class activities (writing the video clip notes, filling in the grammar note sheets, doing the create-a-menu activity, participating in the waiter role-playing activity, exploring the various websites) Actively participating outside of the classroom: talking to parents about what they normally consume every day Apply what they learned in the classroom outside of the classroom: correctly ordering food in a restaurant, thinking about better ways to take care of the earth and their bodies, using the newly learned vocabulary, correctly utilizing grammar concepts learned in class, etc.
(How will you monitor students progress toward acquisition, meaning, and transfer during lesson events?) During the actual teaching of the lesson, I will walk around the classroom and check all the students papers to see if they are actively taking down notes. I also will plan on using the teaching methods (incorporating technology with their Chromebooks etc.) that I know captures their attention. (How will students monitor their own progress toward acquisition, meaning, and transfer?) During the class, I will always let them work independently on the various exercises, but I will always go over the answers. I do not want to spoon-feed my students the answers. Rather, I want them to work towards the answer, check their answer, and re-check their work to see where the error was made. In addition, I will require the students to hand in the Google Doc assignments. I plan on grading their work and writing feedback in the form of comments on the Google Doc. The students may go back and re-do any of their work that was not done right. (What are potential rough spots and student misunderstandings?) Clearly, everything could be a potential rough spot. These kids are in the process of learning their second language (English), and it is bound to be hard. Since these kids come from various ethnic and cultural backgrounds, there will be differences in opinion, and these differences could clash. In addition, perhaps the topic of a healthy lifestyle could be hard for some kids. It could be too invasive. Based on Wiggins and McTighe (2011) The Understanding by Design Guide to Creating High-Quality Units and Van Brummelen (2002) Steppingstones to Curriculum

(How will students get the feedback they need?) Some of the homework will be done via Google Docs. I will be able to give feedback in the form of comments in each students document. In addition, I plan on giving immediate feedback to my students during class when we do the grammar notes and the various activities such as the menu and waiter role-play activity.

Based on Wiggins and McTighe (2011) The Understanding by Design Guide to Creating High-Quality Units and Van Brummelen (2002) Steppingstones to Curriculum

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