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Task 3.1.

3 a) One learning activity that I chose was allowing students to come to the board and work out a problem. This activity allows for the student to get out of their seat and interact with the board and class. This activity also allows for classroom participation, so that the rest of the class is helping the chosen student work out the problem. This generally helps with classroom management, as well. I can keep an eye on the students throughout the classroom because I do not have my back turned, writing the problem on the board. Another activity that I used for this lesson was using base ten rods. The students use these rods to reinforce what they have learned and it gives them a concrete, visual example of why problems are solved the way that they are. b) These activities allow for students to use their strengths by showing off what they know and understand. For their needs, they have reinforcement from the rest of the class and their tens and ones rods. The class is their support system while writing on the board because they are providing their input. The tens and ones rods provide support as a checking your answer system. c) The activities are kept brief and interesting for students with ADHD. The students are also working together and involved in a variety of activities so that they are not easily bored with the material. It is my goal to keep students attention at all times because this material is covered at a fast pace. A variety of activities and methods are used to touch base with the different types of learners (kinesthetic, auditory, visual, etc.)

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