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Parental Involvement

What is parental involvement?

Parental involvement refers to the amount of participation a parent has in their childs life.

Parental involvement has developed and changed over the course of time Parents held great control over the school regarding
Decision making Hiring and Firing of Staff School Calendar Curriculum

As Time Went On
Confidence in the teachers and staff began to build Parents needed to be a support system at home Parents could serve on school advisory boards & participate in activities in the classroom Focus shifted from fundraising events to also being supportive and aware of child's needs

Contributing Factors
Support from everyone involved including: administers, teachers, parents, community, school board, etc. A welcoming environment for parents, students, and staff Appreciation for all parties involved To be considerate and aware of everyones individual needs Strong communication across the board

Students are motivated and encouraged to do well Behavior tends to improve Parents are more comfortable with teacher, and are able to freely express their questions, concerns, and comments Students grades improve

Addressing the Issue

- Welcoming environment - Everything should be easily accessible - Hold Conferences for parents - Journal for communication between home & School - Open communication

As a School:

As a Teacher:

- Check over homework - Express concerns, questions, or any comments to teacher - Encourage your child

As a Parent:

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