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Production Meeting

Presentations of research and concepts for the play By the Bog of Cats.

Technical Theatre
Grades 9-12 7 April 2014

Handout (given previously) Script (given previously) Computer Individual Supplies Partner/Group

Students will gain experience researching the play text in order to support design concept ideas. This assignment is also the beginning of building positive collaboration skills in order to reach the same goal.

117.323. Technical Theatre, Level I (1) Foundations: Inquiry and Understanding (C) recognize theatre systems such as the production calendar, tech rehearsals, and production staff roles 117.323. Technical Theatre, Level I (1) Foundations: Inquiry and Understanding (E) read scripts and apply basic script analysis techniques to technical theatre elements 117.323. Technical Theatre, Level I (2) Creative expression: performance (B) recognize the design process of analysis, research, incubation/selection, implementation, and evaluation

1. 2. Expectations are covered to reinforce prior discussions and handout. Partners/Groups will present their research which should include: a. Themes b. Concrete Information c. Abstract Ideas d. Design Concept Questions/discussion will be allowed from peers and teacher after each presentation.


Theme, concrete, abstract, concept, scene, presentation, draft, rendering, model, etc.

The presentation is worth one quiz grade. Grading Criteria will be as follows:

Preparation (20 pts.) 4 Themes (20 pts.) Concrete Information (20 pts.) Abstract Ideas (20 pts.) Design Concept (20 pts.)

to a theatrical product such as rendering, model, sketch 117.323. Technical Theatre, Level I (2) Creative expression: production (C) identify the production team such as designers, director, crew members, playwright, and stage manager and their duties 117.323. Technical Theatre, Level I (2) Creative expression: production (D) articulate the importance of collaboration and leadership skills. 117.323. Technical Theatre, Level I (4) Historical and cultural relevance (A) conduct research to establish historical and cultural accuracy in theatrical design 117.323. Technical Theatre, Level I (5) Critical evaluation and response (G) use technology to communicate and present finding in a clear and coherent manner

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