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The Great Gatsby Theme Essay Rubric

Excellent (86%-100%) A theme is accurately identified and explained. Writer clearly shows how the theme is developed throughout the text. Specific examples are provided to support all ideas. Writer explains how certain characters help to develop the theme and also gives examples of symbolism and imagery that illustrate the theme. The essay is clearly organized and enhances the writer's argument. Sequencing of details is logical and effective. Writer includes an inviting introduction, appropriate transitions, and a satisfying conclusion. Average (70%-85%) A theme is accurately identified and explained. Writer attempts to show how the theme is developed throughout the text, though the provided examples may not be clear or specific. An explanation of characters, symbolism, and/or imagery illustrating the theme may be unclear or missing. The essay is generally organized, though may not effectively enhance the writer's argument. Sequencing of details is somewhat logical, though some changes would make the argument more effective. Writer includes an introduction and conclusion. The writer speaks to the reader in a The writer seems sincere but not way that is compelling and engaging. fully engaged in the topic. Writing The writer's voice is appropriate for may not be fully appropriate for the purpose and audience of the either the purpose or the audience. essay. The writer's words are precise, The writer's words are functional, interesting, powerful, engaging, and though may not be precise, natural. interesting, powerful, or engaging. Meaning is understood. Writer demonstrates a solid grasp of Writer shows reasonable control of standard conventions. Only a few standard conventions. Many minor minor errors. errors or a few major errors may be distracting. Unsatisfactory (0-69%) A theme is not accurately identified or may not be explained in a satisfactory manner. Writer does not show how the theme is developed and examples are missing or inaccurate.

Ideas (25 pts):

Organization (25 pts):

The essay is not well-organized. Sequencing of details may not be logical or effective. Introduction or conclusion is ineffective or missing. Transitions may be ineffective or missing.

Voice (10 pts):

The writer seems indifferent to the topic. Writing lacks purpose or does not engage the audience.

Word Choice (10 pts):

The writer's words demonstrate a limited vocabulary and may be unclear or inaccurate. Errors in spelling, punctuation, usage, and/or grammar are distracting and make the text difficult to read.

Conventions (10 pts):

The Great Gatsby Theme Essay Rubric

MLA Format (20 pts): Paper perfectly follows MLA formatting guidelines. In-text citations and Works Cited page are accurate. Paper follows some MLA formatting guidelines, though there are some errors. In-text citations and Works Cited page are included but contain formatting errors. Paper has many MLA formatting errors. In-text citations and/or Works Cited page are missing.

Total Score: ___________/100 points

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