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Article Title: The Article Oil & Wildlife Refuge Author/Source: W.

Wayt Gibbs A: List the major ideas, concepts or key points- point by point Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act of 1980 sets aside 1.5 million acres Political dispute 8 separate groups of geologists guess oil and gas that sit below area Size of formation, thickness, porosity have errors for each reading Gathered logs and rock samples from 41 wells by Kennth J. Bird Bird found seven billion barrels of oil if North Slope prices stay same 7bbo= 1002 Area holds profitable petroleum 3-D seismic surveys help companies Trucks will leave damage to slopes and mountain for petroleum Development of 1002 Area is equal to seven billion barrels of oil ANWR holds four trillion cubic feet of natural gas in 1002 area Water near 1002 area not very abundant Building of plants create problems of refuge 5 times as many in herd in ANWR than Central Artic If mining, muskoxen will leave and upset balance

B: Summarize the AUTHORs main point or idea- at LEAST 1-2 paragraphs The ANWR refuge in Alaska is home to diverse herds of bison and muskoxen. Underneath the ground contains an estimated 7 billion barrels of oil. In the lower 48 states, the debate of whether to drill in precious ANWR happens between congressmen and scientists.

Proposing an area filled with acres for a short period of oil, many political figures see this as a benefit for the US. The risk of disruption of the refuge is concern between the public and others involved. The proposal of drilling in ANWR is still in effect, as current leaders battle each other for the beautiful land in Alaska. C: Write a reaction paragraph to the article stating your own thoughts on the topic, using specific citations from the article to support your views The ANWR should not be drilled in. The risk outweigh the benefits in my opinion. Disrespecting the previous leaders of the country for a small amount of oil and gas is not worth it. There are other solutions we can look for in order to have support our lifestyle. Man-kind is known for destruction, but can solve problems that were created generations before us. So What? It is important to know about the ANWR debate. What if..? What if we took the chance to use biofuels? Says Who? The author and the various sources.

What Does This Remind Me Of? This reminds me of fracking methods.

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