20peter Morris - Has Written To Minister Regarding The Provision of A Refuge For Male Victims of Domestic Violence

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Mr Peter Morris Regional Co-ordinator Real Fathers for Justice NI Founder MensAid NI pete.morris74 googlemail.


Domestic & Sexual Violence Unit !" Castle #uildings $tormont %state #elfast #&4 "$' &el( )*+ ,)7- .-)7 %mail( naomhin.mcgarrit/ 2ur Ref( &2F34+.3*)4) !ate( *4st Jul/ *)4) dhsspsni.go0.u1

!ear Mr Morris5 &han1 /ou for /our email sent to Michael Mc6impse/ M7A on *, June *)4) regarding pro0ision for male 0ictims of domestic 0iolence. I ha0e 8een as1ed to repl/. Tackling Violence at Home is a cross-departmental domestic 0iolence strateg/ for Northern Ireland 9hich the !epartment for :ealth5 $ocial $er0ices and Pu8lic $afet/ ;!:$$P$< and the !epartment of Justice ;!oJ< =ointl/ lead on. $e0eral other go0ernment departments are in0ol0ed in the deli0er/ of the strateg/ including !epartment of $ocial !e0elopment ;!$!< and their agenc/5 the Northern Ireland :ousing %>ecuti0e ;NI:%<5 9ho are responsi8le for pro0iding accommodation for male 0ictims of domestic 0iolence. Pre0ious correspondence issued to /ou from !r Maura #riscoe on 4) th Ma/ *)4) highlights that Tackling Violence at Home is a gender-neutral strateg/5 9hich aims to respond to the needs of all 0ictims of domestic 0iolence in Northern Ireland. &he !omestic ?iolence Regional $trateg/ 6roup ;R$6<5 co-chaired 8/ !:$$P$ and !oJ5 is responsi8le for o0erseeing the Tackling Violence at Home strateg/. &o deli0er on the 1e/

actions identified in the annual Tackling Violence at Home Action Plans5 there are currentl/ three su8-groups in operation( Pre0ention @ $upport Protection @ Justice Children @ Aoung People

Considera8le efforts ha0e 8een made to ensure that the Regional $teering 6roup and itBs su8 groups are full/ representati0e of all 0ictims of domestic 0iolence. &hat said5 if /ou feel there is a role for /our organisation on an/ of these groups5 please contact me and 9e can discuss. I hope this response is helpful. Aours sincerel/ Naomhn McGarrity !omestic @ $e>ual ?iolence Cnit

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