Jaiib - Paper II

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JAIIB PAPER NO. II ACCOUNTING & FINANCE FOR BANKERS 1. What is the Rate of Interest if Rs.

.2000/- when invested on Simple Interest becomes Rs.4000/- in 8 years a. 13.25 % b. 13.50 % d. 12.75 %

c. 12.5 %

2. Rs.2000/- when invested on Simple Interest becomes Rs.4000/- in 8 years, in how many years it will become Rs.8000/-... a. 12 b. 16 d. 24

c. 20

3. What is the Present Value of Rs.7500/- to be received after 4 years, if the current investment rate is 7.5% pa a. 5616 b. 5576 d. 5715

c. 5689

4. I need Rs.40000/- to enable me to purchase a Bike after 2 years. How much amount I should invest if the rate of interest is 8% pa. Compounded quarterly. a. 34140 b. 35570 d. 33845

c. 32480

5. Diminishing balance method of depreciation is one, according to which a. The amount on which depreciation is charged declines from year to year

b. The rate at which depreciation is charged declines from year to year c. The rate as well as the amount declines from year to year

d. The rate & the amount remains the same but the depreciation amount declines from year to year as per government guidelines 6. Expenditure incurred on Research & Development is an example of a. Capital expenditure

b. Revenue expenditure c. Deferred revenue expenditure d. It indicates cash withdrawal

7. There is overdraft of Rs.17000/- as per cash book of the trader, he deposited a cheque of Rs.7000/- in the bank which is not yet credited to the traders account. What is the balance as per bank pass book a. Rs.10000/b. Rs.17000/d. None of these

c. Rs.24000/-

8. A, B & C share profits in 3:2:1. If B retires and his share is taken by A & C in ratio 2:1, what is their new profit sharing ratio. a. 4:5 b. 5 : 7 d. 5 : 13

c. 13 : 5

9. RBI has put minimum Capital to Risk-Weighted Assets Ratio (CRAR) for New Private Sector Banks at a. 8% c. 15% b. 9% d. Not Applicable to Pvt. Sector Banks

10. Which of the following maxim is applied in the case of Indirect Quotation. a. Buy Low Sell High c. Buy Low Sell Low b. Buy High Sell Low d. Buy High Sell High

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