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Jesica Bowman 04/27/2014 History 1700 Professor Dawn Martin Dale HSA 3: Plight of the Natives Chief Joseph

of the Nez Perce tribe was a very proud and loyal man. He sought peace with the white men at first. Until it became evident after signing the Treaty of Walla Walla, that the white men lust for land and riches could not be sufficed by the Nez Perce presents. In a speech that chief Joseph stated that This promise the Nez Perce have never broken. When he said this he was showing those who were willing to listen that the Nez Perce once had peace with the white man and still want peace with them. However, the white men greed for gold is causing the peace treaty to fail. He is showing us that at this time the nation was expanding, and instead of coexisting with the natives the white men wanted the land and all of it riches for themselves and their fellow countrymen. Joseph makes a powerful plea for his people stating Treat all men alike. Give them the same laws. Give them all an even chance to live and grow. All men were made by the same Great Spirit Chief. Everything that he said in this statement is what we as Americans had put into our Declaration of Independence except for one thing, we included originally that all white men. Now we have amended our constitution to include all men and women no matter what race who is an American citizen to have these rights. Joseph asks for his freedom, the ability to take control of where he works and lives. The ability to take part in the foreigners right for freedom of speech. He wants to see those who steel from his tribe punished by white men law and ask them to treat his people the same way. If they do wrong punish them the same way as they would punish the white men. All Chief Joseph and the rest of the Nez Perce tribe wanted was their home back and to be treated as equals. Many peoples blood was spilt both white and Indian over this dream. Was it asking too much to be treated as equals and have a place they could call home?

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