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CBS NEWS/NEW YORK TIMES POLL For release: September 15, 2010 6:30 pm (EDT)

Discrimination Against Muslims and Arabs in the U.S. September 10-14, 2010 With the debate over the proposed Islamic cultural center and prayer room to be built near Ground Zero stirring up heated debate on both sides, most Americans think it is at least somewhat likely that Arab Americans, Muslims, and immigrants from the Middle East are being singled out unfairly by people in this country. 34% think it is very likely, while another 37% think it is somewhat likely. Still, the recent debate does not seem to have made Americans think discrimination is more likely to take place than before. The percentage of Americans that thinks anti-Muslim and antiArab discrimination is very likely has not increased over the past two years, while the percentage who says it is not likely has increased eight percentage points since August 2006, to 24% now. Likelihood of Discrimination in U.S. Against Muslims and Arab Americans Now 8/2006 9/2001 Very likely 34% 34% 50% Somewhat likely 37 49 40 Not too/at all likely 24 16 9 When asked specifically about Muslims and the 9/11 attacks, 55% of Americans say they know people who have negative feelings toward Muslims because of the attacks on the World Trade Center, though just 21% say they themselves ever have negative feelings towards Muslims. Negative Feelings towards Muslims Because of 9/11? People you know Yourself Yes 55% 21% No 40 74 One in two Americans say they know someone who is Muslim, and those Americans are even less likely than Americans overall to have negative feelings towards them. Only 15% of Americans who know a Muslim personally and 11% who have a close friend who is Muslim say they have negative feelings towards them. Do You Have Negative Feelings towards Muslims Because of 9/11? Total Know Muslim Close friend who is Muslim Yes 21% 15% 11% No 74 81 86

Among other demographic groups, men are slightly more likely to report anti-Muslim sentiments than women, as are Americans between the ages of 45 and 64 compared with those both younger and older. Regionally, Americans from the South are more likely to report negative feelings towards Muslims than those in other parts of the country. In terms of partisanship, Republicans (39%) are nearly four times as likely as Democrats (11%) and nearly twice as likely as independents (20%) to report anti-Muslim feelings. Liberals (11%) are less likely than moderates (18%) and conservatives (31%) to say they ever have negative feelings toward Muslims, though they are the most likely to say they know other people who do. Do You Have Negative Feelings Towards Muslims Because of 9/11? Yes No Total Men Women 18-44 45-64 65+ Northeast Midwest South West Republican Democrat Independents Liberal Moderate Conservative 21% 26% 17% 16% 30% 23% 22% 14% 28% 17% 39% 11% 20% 11% 18% 31% 74 69 78 80 67 69 73 79 67 79 54 85 77 87 80 60

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This poll was conducted among a random sample of 990 adults nationwide, interviewed by telephone September 10-14, 2010. Phone numbers were dialed from random digit dial samples of both standard land-line and cell phones. The error due to sampling for results based on the entire sample could be plus or minus three percentage points. The error for subgroups is higher. This poll release conforms to the Standards of Disclosure of the National Council on Public Polls.

CBS NEWS/NEW YORK TIMES POLL Discrimination Against Muslims and Arabs in the U.S. September 10-14, 2010 q88 How likely do you think it is now that Arab Americans, Muslims, and immigrants from the Middle East are being singled out unfairly by people in this country -- very likely, somewhat likely, not too likely or not at all likely? **** TOTAL RESPONDENTS**** **** Party ID **** Total Rep Dem Ind % % % % 34 20 46 34 37 41 35 38 15 20 14 12 9 17 4 9 5 2 1 7

Very likely Somewhat likely Not too likely Not at all likely DK/NA

Aug06b % 34 49 11 5 1

q89 These days, do people you know have negative feelings toward Muslims because of the attack on the World Trade Center, or not? Yes No DK/NA 55 40 5 59 37 4 55 42 3 54 40 6

q90 Do you ever have any negative feelings toward Muslims because of the attack on the World Trade Center, or don't you? Yes No DK/NA 21 74 5 39 54 7 11 85 4 20 77 3

q99 Do you personally know anyone who is Muslim? IF YES, ASK: Would you say they are a close friend or not? Know Muslim, close friend Know Muslim, not close Don't know any Muslims Self or family is a Muslim DK/NA 23 27 49 1 0 15 29 55 1 0 26 22 51 1 0 25 29 45 1 0

Total Respondents Total Republicans Total Democrats Total Independents

UNWEIGHTED 990 261 346 383


248 (25%) 345 (35%) 397 (33%)

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