Course Units by Years

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History Course Outline

I. Colonial Period to 1750 (Chapters 1-4) 12 Days A. People of North America B. European Expansion and Exploration C. Colonization D. Colonial America New England, Chesapeake, Middle Colonies, Southern Colonies E. Colonial Economies and Society F. Conflicts (Includes European competition for America) Revolutionary Era (1750-1789) (Chapters 5 & 6) 12 Days A. Imperial Warfare B. Conflicts with Parliament C. Revolutionary War D. Articles of Confederation E. The Constitutional Convention The New Republic (1789-1824) (Chapters 7 & 8) 14 Days A. Federalist Era Washington, Hamilton, Adams B. Jeffersonian Democracy C. War of 1812 D. Era of Good Feelings Age of Jackson (1824-1840) and Social History (1815-1860) (Chapters 9-11) 16 Days A. Westward Expansion B. Rise of Manufacturing C. Jacksonian Politics D. Reform and Home Life E. Technology F. Art and Literature Slavery, Conflict, and Secession (1830-1861) (Chapters 12-14) 11 Days A. King Cotton and the Plantation Economy B. Immigration C. Manifest Destiny D. Texas, Mexico and War E. Road to Disunion Civil War and Reconstruction (1861-1877) (Chapters 15 & 16) 10 Days A. The Civil War B. Wartime Diplomacy C. Reconstruction D. Impact of Emancipation







The West (1860-1900) A. Settling the West

VIII. Late 19th Century Politics and Culture (1877-1900) A. Pop Culture of the Era B. Partisan Politics C. Imperialism and the Spanish-American War D. Immigration E. Urbanization IX. Progressivism and World War I (1900-1920) (Chapters 21 & 22) 15 Days A. Progressive Movement B. Progressive Politics C. World War I D. Wilson, the Fourteen Points and Versailles The 1920s, Depression, and New Deal (1920-1940) 12 Days (Chapters 23 &24) A. The 1920s B. Great Depression C. The New Deal D. American Life in the 1920s and 1930s World War II and the Early Cold War (1933-1952) 11 Days (Chapters 25 & 26) A. The United States in World War II B. Truman C. Cold War The 1950s and 1960s and beyond (Chapters 27 - 31) 12 Days A. Eisenhower B. Social America- 1950s and 1960s C. Kennedy and the New Frontier D. Johnson and the Great Society E. Civil Rights F. Vietnam G. Nixon and Vietnam H. Watergate I. The Carter Presidency J. Reagan Revolution K. Societal Change L. Bush and Clinton M. The Twenty-First Century




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