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BA (Hons.

Module Code Module T tle OUGD503 RESPONSIVE


Outcomes Doc. Code


!"es# Ru$$e" T#e B" e% Create a series of logos based on the sa e design !rin"i!als b#t $ith differen"es in te%t and "olo#rs of te%t& Conce't(P"o'os t on +ogos "reated fro fl#id t)!e s oke as the "ore design !rin"i!le& Cons de"&t ons
'ake s#re it has high (isibilit) and "an $ork $hen !la"ed o(er different t)!es of ba"kgro#nds& Ins!ired b) daft !#nk*s logo in ter s of la)o#t and "onstr#"tion&

B&c)*"ound , brand ne$ otor ra"ing blog- "o #nit) and lifest)le brand that is s"hed#led at so e !oint d#ring the .0/01ra"ing season&

T&"*et Aud ence 'otors!ort ra"ing fans 2 .0100& Use te"hnolog) to kee! #! to date on ra"ing e(ents&

Del +e"&$les
Se" es o% , lo*os.

Tone o% Vo ce Pla)f#l in "onstr#"tion- $ith #ndertones of !assion to$ards the s!ort&

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