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3rd Grade Language Arts Cause and Effect Writing with Technology Materials- Volcano Books, Circle Map,

T- Chart, Rough Draft, Final Draft, and Computer Lab Keys Procedures: 1.) Teacher will review some cause and effects that were presented throughout the book. 2.) Students will use their T-chart and circle map to help them create their rough draft. 3.) Students will then self edit followed by peer editing their papers. 4.) The teacher will do the final check. 5.) Students are to have this done by Wednesday. 6.) Thursday afternoon we proceed to the computer lab where students will type up their final draft. 7.) Students will be given a copy of the grading rubric to make sure they meet all the requirements Objective: Students will be able to compose a cause and effect paragraph that will have an introduction sentence, three-body sentence and a closing paragraph Closing: Students will present their papers to the class Assessment: The final typed paper will be graded as an


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