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Terrence Thompson 2/7/14 English 1102

They Always Learn From the People That Come Before Them

Identity is the form a person takes based on a certain situation. I have multiple identities depending on whether Im with my family or Im at school with my peers and professors. I have one special identity that I take pride in and have made it a major part of my life. This identity is being a role model towards my younger brother Freddy. Growing up I always wanted a younger brother, so I would have someone to interact with when I came home from school. When I was four years old I got what I wanted. My brother and I would always spend time with each other and play with our toys. I remember when I was eight years old, me and my brother would wake up early in the morning, before school to watch the Transformers television show. We would get excited about the new episodes that would come on and we would buy the action figures and pretend like we were completing our own mission. We were inseparable and this made our relationship close at an early age.

Now that we are older, I know that I have to be the one that sets the standard for his future success. I take this identity seriously because I know that this could form a positive identity for someone else. I started this process when I was in middle school. That year both me and my brother transitioned from a public elementary school to a pri-

vate school that had students from pre-kindergarden to eight grade. At the time my brother was in first grade and I was starting middle school, in the sixth grade. It was a new experience for both of us. The environment was complete different from my elementary school. Immaculata was a smaller school with a more diverse student population. The school only had approximately 300 students. My grade had two different classes with fifteen students in each class. We were both adjusting to a new environment, but I had another obstacle because I was transitioning from elementary school to middle school. This was tough for me at first, but I knew the only way we were going to get through this new experience was if I showed initiative and got involved in school activities. The first month of school I decided to join the soccer team. I played soccer all my my life and at that time it was my favorite sport. I also decided to join the french club. In elementary school, we were required to take a foreign language and I chose french. I enjoyed learning the language in elementary school and I wanted to learn more in middle school. I later joined the basketball team in the winter. With all of these activities on my slate, I still managed to maintained a honor roll average. When Freddy got to middle school he followed my footsteps and even exceeded what I did while at the school. He joined student government by becoming the student body president. He also played basketball for the school team and was a part of the chorus as well as the school theater. On top of that he also maintained the honor roll average.

Last summer I was fortunate enough to earn my first paying job, of the my life. I worked as a camp counselor for the Durham Parks and recreation. I enjoyed my experience working there because I was able interact with the kids and be a positive role

model for them. About four weeks into the job, the camp lost a few employees so we were short on staff. I then asked my supervisor if my brother could be a volunteer at the camp to gain work experience and have a first hand experience on what I do at work on a daily basis. She said he could volunteer, but he had to fill out an application first. This gave him the opportunity to go through the job application process and ask his teachers for recommendations. When he started volunteering at the camp I took it upon myself to show him the ropes on what and what not to do when it came to watching over the participants. After three weeks of shadowing me, he was able to have his own group to watch over. He volunteered the rest of the summer and since he did so well, my supervisor has asked him to come back next year as a junior counselor. Because I gave Freddy a recommendation, he was able to gain work experience at a young age so he could be better prepared for the real world. I didnt have that opportunity when I was his age, so it felt great for me help motivate him to want to work and earn honest living.

Now he is in high school and he knows that academics come first. Once he finishes his homework and maintains good grades he can then have fun. So far he has a 4.3 GPA and plans on playing lacrosse in there spring. When I come home from college I make an effort to spend as much time with him as possible. I give him advice on the things he is going through in high school and telling him I would do to get through it.

I feel like Ive done a great job being a positive role model for my brother and making this a large part of my overall identity. I know that I have to continue this for the

rest of my life because I know that he is always looking up to me even when Im not on my A game.

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