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Science Lesson Plan

Student Learning Outcome: Students will be able to correctly identify major vocabulary surrounding heat energy, sound energy, light energy, electricity and magnetism and provide examples of each. For example, students will be able to explain that a thermometer is a heat measuring device used for measuring temperature. They will be able to give examples of thermometers used for indicating a fever and the temperature of meat while cooking. Task: Students will be able to complete all of the following activities and assessments to achieve the learning outcome. The task involves the following activities:

Firstly students will complete the 3 energy stations that are described below in the Launch portion of the lesson. Secondly, students will be given a document through Google Docs with a list of the vocabulary for the unit. Students will then be given another document via Google Docs with these major headings: (one section of headings for each vocabulary word) Vocabulary word: ________________________ What you think this means: ________________ Researched Definition: ___________________ Real-life Example: _______________________ If you can upload a picture from Google Images: _________________ Students will be allowed to research online real-life examples only after they have completed the rest of the questions so as to not use the internet as an alternate resource for their own thoughts. They will also be able to look up pictures on Google Images. After students have completed the questions for each vocab word, the entire class along with the teacher will go over the vocabulary to make sure that they have accurate and correct information. Students will also give examples of their real-life examples and their pictures if they have any. The next day, after all of the vocabulary has been covered, the teacher will pass out the Energy Bingo cards to each student. The teacher will have a hat full of clues/definitions for each vocab word that will be randomly selected. When a student gets 5 correct answers horizontally, vertically, or diagonally on the bingo card they will say, Energy! The teacher will check the answers to determine whether or not they got all of the answers correct. The teacher will then give the student a prize if they choose to do so. Student work/Misconceptions: Temperature is merely a number indicating how hot something is; not a measure of the average kinetic energy of particles in an object

Electricity is immediate; it does not need to be transferred through a conductor to activate the tool using the electricity Students may not know that there are some materials that will not allow electricity to pass through it (rubber, fibrous materials, or wood) Sound waves are not actually moving They will not realize that surfaces can absorb sound They will not understand the meaning of concave mirror (for example, why it is that when you look at your face on the inside of a spoon, your face is upside down) Students may not know that static electricity is a buildup of charged particles

Launch: The teacher will have three stations set up in the classrooms that students have either seen/experienced or will require some direction from the teacher. Static Electricity- Balloon Station: There will be a cut out piece of carpet on top of a table with 3-4 blown up rubber balloons in a cardboard box. Firstly, students will be instructed to pick up the balloons out of the cardboard box and see what happens when they touch themselves or their group mate, then record what happened. Then students will be instructed to rub the balloons on the carpet piece, see what happens when they touch themselves or their group mates and then record what happened. Motor/Lightbulb Station: o Materials: One battery, one motor, one light bulb, two wires o Students will be given the following directions: Try and see if you can get the motor to move and then try to get the light bulb to light after you got the motor to move The instructions will be very vague to allow student ideas to grow before the congress. Mirror Reflection Station: o Materials: one metal serving spoon, hand mirror, powered down iPad o Students will be asked to record the type of reflection they see of themselves and other objects in the three given objects (are the reflections correct, upside down, blurry, etc.)

Explore: During student exploration time, students will be working in groups of 3 or 4 as they rotate during station time. The point of the stations is to allow student inquiry and exploration. The stations will not be called, The Static Electricity Station or the Mirror Reflection Station. The station titles are solely for the purpose of teacher organization and helpful indicators for those reading the lesson plan. After the stations have been discussed with the students and the teacher, the students will be given the vocab worksheets. They will be allowed to work on them during the allotted time in class and

then at home if they do not get it finished. It will not be expected to be finished that day since it is a weeklong unit. The next day the teacher will lead students in a guided discussion regarding their findings during their vocabulary research. On the next day of class, the teacher will introduce the Energy Bingo activity. Congress: After all of the stations have been completed (10 minutes per station), the entire class will go over their findings with the teacher. The teacher will pose the questions: What happened when you completed the directions at station #1, #2, and #3? (going over one station at a time). The teacher will randomly pick a student, the students will share their findings, then the teacher will say, Did anyone find that something different happened at the station? This will hopefully eliminate repeated answers . Then, as shown in the exploration, after completing the vocabulary worksheets, the teacher will lead students in a guided discussion about their answers. The teacher will take volunteers to answer each question and then make corrections or amendments to the answers as the discussion goes on. It is vital that the students receive the correct information in order to complete the Energy Bingo activity. The next day the students will play Energy Bingo. Once a student gets an Energy the teacher will go over the answers the individual student got and then discuss the correct answers with the class. This is no longer a time for student discovery, but a time for review of the subject. Assessment: Student assessment will involve me collecting the students vocabulary worksheets, going over their recordings from the stations, and recording student responses while playing Energy Bingo. The majority of the assessment will take place during Energy Bingo since by this time the students will have received all of the correct answers and if they are truly grasping the subject they will do well during the bingo activity. If students are not getting less than 50% of the answers right then they will be considered to not be on track with the lesson content. Gearing Up: In order to gear up the lesson, the teacher would not go over the vocabulary worksheet answers with the students. They would be trusted to do thorough research and be graded by the teacher individually. In order to gear down the lesson, the teacher would perhaps turn the 3 day unit into a longer unit that they saw fit for the students who were struggling. If only a few students were struggling, they will be given one on one time with a teachers assistant or the classroom teacher to allow for more thorough explanation.

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