APL Service LTD: Trading

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Importers & Distributors: Electrical, Mec a!ical Spares, I!"ustrial C emicals

& Mi!i!# E$uipme!t Supplies P.O. Box 23191 R.G. Holdings Building Plot No. 5 840 off Nye e e !ig"t #ndust i$l % e$ &it'e( )$*+i$ ,ell- . 2/0 955 882 499 . 2/0 9// 882 499 . 2/0 905 882 499 Authorized Distributor for Pall Corporation 12*$il- $3it


H.V. TEST (PTY) LTD P. ! " #$%$ S &TH A'()CA %*TH De+e,ber #$%Dear Sir. Sub/ 0& TAT) 1/ )L TESTE(. TYPE D)ELTEST DPA 23 1(/$%*%%3$*4.&/%$$5#*$V1.!A&( PV&'5&1D.6ESSTEC&)7 (efer to our telephone dis+ussion re8ardin8 the oil tester. 9e ha:e deli:ered to ;ou a sa,ple of the e<istin8 oil tester for ;ou to ad:ise the a:ailabilit; and the pri+e of a ne= one. 9e loo> for=ard to ;our fa:orable response. Yours 'aithfull;. Cha>=an8asha Si>az=e. Dire+tor

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