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Macaroni Salad

Macaroni Salad
This macaroni salad is easy to make and and a crowd pleaser. It is perfect for parties! Author: Aubrey Cota Recipe type: Side ish

! lb. elbow pasta ! red onion" about !# c." chopped $ c. chopped dill pickles. %you want to do this yourself" not relish& $ c. shredded Colby 'ack Cheese $($.$) o* cans sliced oli+es %I used black but use ,reen if you-d like& Sauce ! c. mayo . c. mustard . c. pickle /uice # t. salt # t. pepper ! t. ,arlic powder ! t. onion powder

!. $. 1. 2. ). cook pasta accordin, to directions on the bo0 then drain and rinse with cold water and add to lar,e bowl add onion" pickles" cheese" and sliced oli+es in a small bowl combine" mayo" mustard" pickle /uice" salt" pepper" ,arlic and onion powder. mi0 sauce into pasta and toss en/oy!

The pasta will soak up the sauce. ependin, on how dry your area is" you may need to make more sauce and add it to your pasta. 3or instance" here in A4 I ha+e to make $ batches of sauce. I add the first batch ri,ht away and if I am preparin, ahead of time I will sa+e the second and add /ust before the party.
Recipe by Real 5ousemoms at http:66realhousemoms.com6macaroni(salad6

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07.04.2014 06:16

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