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Politics & Reform

23 April 2014

Return to Normalcy

!! !! !! !! Industry Family Life Jobs Racial Issues

G.I Bill
!! 1944 !! Education !! Unemployment

Housing Crisis
!! Growing families !! Levittowns

Redefining the Family

!! 4 million more women employed !! What kinds of jobs were these? !! Why might 1950s women have been resistant to leaving their jobs?

Economic Readjustment
!! !! !! !! Wartime economy $38 billion removed Peacetime economy Remarkable recovery

What industries were removed? What industries were added?

Presidential Change

!! Organized Strikes !! Civil Rights Issues "! equality of opportunity for all human beings. "! Jackie Robinson

1948 Election
!! Stunning upset !! The Fair Deal

1952 Election
!! Eisenhower and Nixon !! Modern Republicanism

Policy Changes
!! !! !! !! !! Brown vs. Board of Education Minimum wage Public Housing Highways Departments

Small Groups
!! Choose an issue discussed in class today regarding the returning WWII veterans !! Create a Google doc and summarize what the issue is, why is was an issue, and how it was resolved.

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