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SWOT Analysis Template for Technology Planning Needs Assessment What is the current reality in our school?

Name: Jamie Nicholson ITEC 7410, Semester: Spring 2014

ESSENTIAL CONDITION ONE: Effective Instructional Uses of Technology Embedded in Standards-Based, Student-Centered Learning ISTE Definition: Use of information and communication technology (ICT) to facilitate engaging approaches to learning. Guiding Questions: How is technology being used in our school? How frequently is it being used? By whom? For what purposes? To what extent is student technology use targeted toward student achievement of the Georgia Learning Standards (GPSs, QCCs)? To what extent is student technology use aligned to research-based, best practices that are most likely to support student engagement, deep understanding of content, and transfer of knowledge? Is day-to-day instruction aligned to research-based best practices? (See Creighton Chapters 5, 7) Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats 80.95% of teachers Teachers have a 67% of teachers Technology takes a surveyed use misunderstanding of surveyed have taken a back seat to preparation technology 3 5 times a what interactive, course or have had for state tests. week. student-centered some type of technology is. To them, professional learning a flipchart that students centered around can move things around technology use. in is enough interaction with technology. Technology is being used frequently for basic skill review. Summary/Gap Analysis: Technology is being used at Belmont Hills every day. Teachers use it for attendance, email communication, presentations of lessons, and with students. However the frequency of student-centered technology use needs to be improved upon. How it is being used now with students is nowhere close to research-based, best practices. Teachers using it frequently are using it for basic skill tasks. They are not challenging the students to use technology for problem solving or higher-order thinking. Belmont Hills has unique demographics with our large population of ESOL students, so teachers face many language challenges. With the language barriers faced at Belmont Hills, technology takes a back seat to reading, writing, and math instruction. But we will not be able to meet our students needs much longer with this model. Career and college readiness has been receiving a lot of attention in the new Common Core standards and we cannot meet these readiness focuses without technology.

SWOT Analysis Template for Technology Planning Needs Assessment What is the current reality in our school?
Data Sources: Staff SWOT Survey

ESSENTIAL CONDITION TWO: Shared Vision ISTE Definition: Proactive leadership in developing a shared vision for educational technology among school personnel, students, parents, and the community. Guiding Questions: Is there an official vision for technology use in the district/school? Is it aligned to research-best practices? Is it aligned to state and national visions? Are teachers, administrators, parents, students, and other community members aware of the vision? To what extent do teachers, administrators, parents, students, and other community members have a vision for how technology can be used to enhance student learning? What do they believe about technology and what types of technology uses we should encourage in the future? Are their visions similar or different? To what extent are their beliefs about these ideal, preferred technology uses in the future aligned to research and best practice? To what extent do educators view technology as critical for improving student achievement of the GPS/QCCs? To preparing tomorrows workforce? For motivating digital-age learners? What strategies have been deployed to date to create a research-based shared vision? What needs to be done to achieve broad-scale adoption of a research-based vision for technology use that is likely to lead to improved student achievement? Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats STEM initiative in A shared vision has Cobb County has a At this Title I school, effect. been very difficult to detailed 3 year plan for there is a large develop at the school technology use. population of ESOL 100% of teachers due to the lack of learners and teachers surveyed believe that The school is equipped participation of parents have not been trained technology aids in with technology and the community. on how to meet their student learning. resources needed to needs with technology carry out the Cobb use. County technology use plan. The focus is on phonics, phonemic awareness, vocabulary development, and reading since many of

SWOT Analysis Template for Technology Planning Needs Assessment What is the current reality in our school?
the students are below grade level in reading. Summary/Gap Analysis: A wonderful initiative that is in affect at Belmont Hills, is our STEM initiative. It is our first year implementing it and we have completed successful community STEM nights, monthly STEM days in the classroom, and a math lab, engineering lab, and science lab as specials. Teachers are also aware of and in agreement with the potential technology has in student learning. Even with these strengths, there are issues still holding us back. One of those main issues is the shared vision or lack thereof. To date, there has been no action taken to create a shared vision. It has sadly become the norm to expect our parent and community involvement to be almost nonexistent. But we have the opportunity to change a lot of these factors for the simple fact that the school is well equipped with technology resources and because of our low enrollment numbers, we are able to stretch these tools even further. Data Sources: Staff SWOT Survey, Cobb County Technology Plan, SIP of Belmont Hills Elementary

ESSENTIAL CONDITION THREE: Planning for Technology ISTE Definition: A systematic plan aligned with a shared vision for school effectiveness and student learning through the infusion of ICT and digital learning resources. Guiding Questions: Is there an adequate plan to guide technology use in your school? (either at the district or school level? Integrated into SIP?) What should be done to strengthen planning? Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats Cobb County School Teachers wrote in the In the school strategic Technology is never District has a detailed 3 survey that they worry plan, key strategies specifically mentioned year technology use about using technology listed include: create in the school strategic plan. in plans because they flexible and innovative plan. dont have the trouble learning opportunities District technology School needs stronger shooting skills to fix it for students, develop, coaches are available to technology leaders to when something goes implement, and support the school and an make technology use a aria. new plans and/or invaluable resource. focus and a viable tool programs that focus on for accomplishing the Communication and student-centered collaboration between key strategies. learning, higher-order staff members and

SWOT Analysis Template for Technology Planning Needs Assessment What is the current reality in our school?
administration is in a negative place as of the 2013-2014 school year. thinking, and problem solving in the classroom, and enhance existing programs to further develop college and career paths. These key strategies can be accomplished with the use of technology.

Summary/Gap Analysis: This school year, the teachers have been under a considerable amount of stress because of the new planning expectations and the framework being used. With this new model and the lack of communication and collaboration with administration, teachers are just trying to make the best of the situation. This, unfortunately, has led to a decrease in technology planning. On top of this, teachers surveyed almost have a fear of using technology because they cannot troubleshoot when something goes aria. Teachers surveyed were very specific about how they wanted help with these issues though. The two ideas that stood out and were mentioned the most were professional development and technology coach. Now we do not have a technology coach just for our school, but Cobb County has a technology coach available to us. With a simple email, she would be at our school ready to help however was needed. This years professional development is pretty much shot, but with this new information from the staff SW OT survey the hope is that next years professional development will have one main focus of technology and all the ways to integrate it, use it for problem solving, and higher order thinking. Data Sources: Staff SWOT Survey, SIP of Belmont Hills Elementary, Cobb County Technology Plan

ESSENTIAL CONDITION FOUR: Equitable Access ISTE Definition: Robust and reliable access to current and emerging technologies and digital resources. Guiding Questions: To what extent do students, teachers, administrators, and parents have access to computers and digital resources necessary to support engaging, standards-based, student-centered learning? To what extent is technology arrange/distributed to maximize access for engaging, standards-based, student-centered learning? What tools are needed and why? Do students/parents/community need/have beyond school access to support the vision for learning? Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats

SWOT Analysis Template for Technology Planning Needs Assessment What is the current reality in our school?
School is equipped with 48% of teachers in the School enrollment is Student households lack 2 iPad carts, 2 computer survey mentioned that it low, so resources can be the ability to use labs, desktop computers is difficult to sign up for stretched further. technology; therefore in each classroom, a the available technology affecting the connection netbook cart, an iPod at times they need it. between school and cart, Promethean boards home. in every classroom, projectors, and broadcasting tools for morning news show. Summary/Gap Analysis: A large road block faced at Belmont Hills is the connection with technology at school and technology at home. Many households do not have internet access and the most technology they have is a smart phone and that is limited. Teachers also find it difficult to sign up for the available technology at the times the need it. But with a recent change to a shared Outlook calendar, the hope is that teachers will find it easier to sign-up for the technology at times convenient for them. Data Sources: Staff SWOT Survey, SIP of Belmont Hills Elementary

ESSENTIAL CONDITION FIVE: Skilled Personnel ISTE Definition: Educators and support staff skilled in the use of ICT appropriate for their job responsibilities. Guiding Questions: To what extent are educators and support staff skilled in the use of technology appropriate for their job responsibilities? What do they currently know and are able to do? What are knowledge and skills do they need to acquire? (Note: No need to discuss professional learning here. Discuss knowledge and skills. This is your needs assessment for professional learning. The essential conditions focus on personnel, which includes administrators, staff, technology specialists, and teachers. However, in this limited project, you may be wise to focus primarily or even solely on teachers; although you may choose to address the proficiency of other educators/staff IF the need is critical. You must include an assessment of teacher proficiencies. Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats 67% of teachers 29% of teachers do not 57% of teachers felt like At the school, there has surveyed have taken a have skills in they could navigate the been a high turnover course or a professional troubleshooting technology they use rate in teachers.

SWOT Analysis Template for Technology Planning Needs Assessment What is the current reality in our school?
learning seminar in the technology. everyday very well. The schools media use of technology in the Teachers do not 14% of teachers are specialist is not a strong classroom. understand what real self-proclaimed techies. technology leader. Teachers are motivated interactive technology to learn new skills that looks like. will aid in student Administration doesnt learning. model the use of technology in their jobs. 100% of teachers surveyed are using their promethean boards daily. 90% of teachers surveyed are using the iPads carts. 85% of teachers are using the desktop computers in their classroom. Summary/Gap Analysis: One of the biggest strengths for Belmont Hills is the amount of quality, skilled teachers at the school. They truly know what is best for students and work hard to help the students become their best. Technology may be far from efficiently implemented, but the teachers are motivated to learn how to use the technology available. Belmont has these motivated teachers, but lacks the technology leadership to put the motivation to good use. Our administration does not model technology use. And we have a media specialist who is learning as she goes and lacks confidence with her technology skills. Data Sources: Staff SWOT Survey

ESSENTIAL CONDITION SIX: Ongoing Professional Learning ISTE Definition: Technology-related professional learning plans and opportunities with dedicated time to practice and share ideas. Guiding Questions: What professional learning opportunities are available to educators? Are they well-attended? Why or why not? Are the current professional learning opportunities matched to the knowledge and skills educators need to acquire? (see

SWOT Analysis Template for Technology Planning Needs Assessment What is the current reality in our school?
Skilled Personnel) Do professional learning opportunities reflect the national standards for professional learning (NSDC)? Do educators have both formal and informal opportunities to learn? Is technology-related professional learning integrated into all professional learning opportunities or isolated as a separate topic? How must professional learning improve/change in order to achieve the shared vision? Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats Professional The professional The schools schedule Professional learning is development in the learning is planned by accounts for usually centered around school is at 100% one person who barely professional learning the weaknesses that participation. has time to do so. time already every were reported from the Wednesday from 2:45 state test results. Skilled personnel is The professional to 3:45. willing to take part in learning is far from Funding is limited the presenting and ongoing. It jumps topics and/or allocated for 52% of teachers planning of the every week. surveyed feel like they other resources out of professional can be better supported the technology realm. Administration has not development. in the use of asked for teacher input instructional technology when planning for through professional professional learning. development. Professional learning is not centered around the areas of improvement in our skilled personnel.

Summary/Gap Analysis: Professional learning is where Belmont Hills has the most opportunity for growth. The teachers surveyed are craving for effective technology professional development. They understand that our 21st century learners are going to need technology skills on order to be successful in college and in their career, no matter what field they enter. But, in order for this professional learning to work, the communication between teachers and administration has to change. A well thought out plan with specific goals needs to be set at the beginning of the school year and one of the first steps should be creating a shared vision within the school so no stakeholder is confused about where we are going. Also, a large obstacle to overcome is convincing all stakeholders that focusing on technology will not take away from other subject areas, but only add to it. Many times, professional development is centered around the areas of weakness that showed up on the last school years state test. So within the professional development the topic of integration needs to be specifically addressed. Data Sources: Staff SWOT Survey

SWOT Analysis Template for Technology Planning Needs Assessment What is the current reality in our school?

ESSENTIAL CONDITION SEVEN: Technical Support ISTE Definition: Consistent and reliable assistance for maintaining, renewing, and using ICT and digital resources. Guiding Questions: To what extent is available equipment operable and reliable for instruction? Is there tech assistance available for technical issues when they arise? How responsive is tech support? Are current down time averages acceptable? Is tech support knowledgeable? What training might they need? In addition to break/fix issues, are support staff available to help with instructional issues when teachers try to use technology in the classroom? Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats Tech support responds Media Specialist is only Teachers are willing to School atmosphere of quickly to issues. He person available at the learn more about being overwhelmed as it works hard to fix the school daily to help trouble shooting is results in lack of problem and is attentive with technical support technology issues. interest of adding more to the needs of the staff. but she is stretched thin to the plate with as it is and is also not technology professional confident in her development. technical support abilities. The iPads have continually been problematic with updating, not adding new apps to all the iPads, and require tech support from the county to fix. At the school, there is no technical support staff for instructional issues.

SWOT Analysis Template for Technology Planning Needs Assessment What is the current reality in our school?
Summary/Gap Analysis: Cobb County has created a desktop program called Help Desk that directly links teachers to trouble tickets. Once the trouble ticket is submitted, it does not take long for tech support to come out to the school. Even though this works well for issues that dont have to be fixed immediately, when technology isnt working and the teacher needs it for almost every lesson planned for the day that is when you really need the tech support. In classrooms today teachers depend on technology for almost their entire work day. A change should be made to include tech support at each school and have them be there full time. Not only would this help with those stressful technology issues, but with the teachers confidence levels in using this technology more often. Data Sources: Staff SWOT Survey

ESSENTIAL CONDITION EIGHT: Curriculum Framework ISTE Definition: Content standards and related digital curriculum resources Guiding Questions: To what extent are educators, students, and parents aware of student technology standards? (QCCs/NET-S) Are technology standards aligned to content standards to help teachers integrate technology skills into day-to-day instruction and not teach technology as a separate subject? To what extent are there digital curriculum resources available to teachers so that they can integrate technology into the GPS/QCCs as appropriate? How is student technology literacy assessed? Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats Teachers believe in the Parents have a small School has the Technology standards vital role of technology interest in the resources needed to are not aligned to in career and college curriculum framework. integrate technology content standards since readiness initiative. into GPS. recent change to School has no way of common core. assessing technology Cobb County is increasingly becoming literacy in students, nor Teachers trying to learn more technology is there a goal written to about common core and focused and pushing try and achieve this. best way to teach the forward with NET-S. new standards right Educators, students, and now. parents are not aware of NET-S. No state, county, or school technology A new curriculum

SWOT Analysis Template for Technology Planning Needs Assessment What is the current reality in our school?
framework is in effect in Cobb County and with these changes, teachers are less focused on integrating technology into the new framework. literacy assessment has been created.

Summary/Gap Analysis: In order to measure the success students are having with technology, a technology literacy assessment needs to be created. Cobb County should be the ones to create such an assessment to ensure fairness throughout the county in each school. The school personnel is busy trying to implement common core and a new county framework; the last thing they are going to be worried about is creating a technology literacy assessment. With the proper tools and education, Belmont can get all stake holders invested into NET-S and the overall goal of technology integration. Belmont has the equipment already, they just need to put the motivation of the teachers to good use and contact the county resources for their support. Data Sources: Cobb County Technology Plan, SIP of Belmont Hills Elementary, Staff SWOT Survey

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