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Group Interaction Analysis 1 Running head: Group Interaction Analysis

Group Interaction Analysis: Session 4 Amber Suedmeyer The Robert B. Miller ollege

!S" #1$ % &rgani'ational and Group (ynamics )arren *rit' May #rd o+ ,$1$

Group Interaction Analysis , Group Interaction Analysis 4th Meeting - (i.ersity )ithin this class reunion committee there /as .ery little di.ersity in culture0 yet there /as still a +eeling o+ di.ersity o+ opinion and ideas. The people on the committee /ere elected into their positions. The group /as a compellation o+ people that +ound an interest in helping /ith their high school reunion. It included a lot o+ chie+s and not enough Indians in my opinion0 yet I am a little bias being the leader1mediator o+ the group. The lac2 o+ di.ersity increased the negati.e attitudes. )e all gre/ up in Battle ree2 and had a similar e3periences in high school. Than2+ully0 It /as not 4ust one clic2 o+ old high school +riends ma2ing the decisions. There /as at least one girl +rom each clic2 +rom schools days. these commonalities created a one6sided .ie/ o+ /hat needed to be accomplished and /hat /as most important about the reunion. There /as pre4udice and producti.ity to be achie.ed /ithin the group. There /ere no men /hat so but I /ould ha.e lo.ed to o+ got a guys insight and maybe brea2 up all the estrogen. The meetings /ere not .ery +ormal so it made it .ery di++icult to create a set o+ norms to +ollo/. )ithout the norms there /as a creation o+ a hostile and unorgani'ed producti.ity that I /as +orced to 2eep in order and on trac2. The threatening en.ironment that /as thic2 on the +irst meeting /as thinned out the ne3t couple meetings. !eople are naturally threatened /hen they +eel li2e their opinion is not being heard or considered. I did e.erything in my po/er to ma2e e.eryone +eel com+ortable to share ideas. I made it clear that my opinion /as 4ust as important as theirs and that I appreciated there time and interest in helping. I /ent in /ith an ethnocentrism idea o+ /hat /ould be the best idea and le+t /ith a uni+ied agreement o+ the group to a better and e7ual en4oyment +or all types o+ alumni no matter /hat mile stone they /ere at.

Group Interaction Analysis # The ten6year class reunion /as not .ery comple3 and really not too di++icult to come to a consensus due to the +act that /e /ere a group o+ /oman all o+ the same age gi.e or ta2e a year. The most di.erse and comple3 thing about the group o+ /oman /as that some had children and1or married. !riorities are a little di++erent and /hat is desired +or a +inal decision can be totally di++erent than /hat a person /ants as a single classmate /ith no 2ids. )e came to a group decision to ma2e e.eryone happy /ith a party night and also ha.e a +amily day. This allo/ed +or a rene/ed .itality and uni+ied group /ith cohesi.eness. The best 7uality o+ the group /as the abilities and connections people brought to the table. 8ate brought the organi'ation and Tehanne brought the money to help start the +inancial obligations. 9amie had the connections to people that could gi.e discounts on the alumni apparel /e /anted +or raising money. I 2ne/ the o/ner o+ the location and boo2ed the ban7uet room +or +ree e.en though the o/ner accepts parties o+ any 2ind normally. 5e /as smart enough to 2no/ that I /as going to bring him a .ery signi+icant amount o+ money that night being that people usually drin2 a lot at reunions. a connection or a talent that is desired is one o+ the most important 7ualities +or a small local group to ha.e. A truly success+ul reunion is one /here at least hal+ o+ the class sho/s up and brings there signi+icant others and +riends. As long as people are not to 4udgmental I thin2 e.eryone /ill ha.e a great time and I hope I +eel at the end o+ the night that it /as /orth all the time and e++ort e.eryone ga.e.

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