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Regis University EDTC401 Andrea Isaacs Lesson Plan: Exploring Persuasive Writing

Regis University Lesson Plan Template

Name: Andrea Isaacs Title: Exploring Persuasive Writing Content Area: English/Language Arts Grade: 5 Duration: 1 session Standards and Grade(s): 5 Benchmarks: Standard: 1.1.d. Adapt language as appropriate to purpose: to persuade, explain/provide information, or express an opinion Grade(s): 5 Standard: 2.2.c.iii. Integrate information from several texts on the same topic in order to write or speak about the subject knowledgeably. (CCSS: RI.5.9) Grade(s): 5 Standard: 4.2.c. Analyze concepts and draw distinctions between related but different concepts Standard: 5.1. Collaborate effectively as group members or leaders who listen actively and respectfully pose thoughtful questions, acknowledge the ideas of others, and contribute ideas to further the group's attainment of an objective Subject: Language Arts Grade(s): 5 Standard: 5.6. Demonstrate comprehension of a variety of informational, literary, and persuasive texts Grade(s): 5 Standard: 5.1.2.b.i. Come to discussions prepared, having read or studied required material; explicitly draw on that preparation and other information known about the topic to explore ideas under discussion. (CCSS: SL.5.1a) Grade (s): 5 Standard: 4.1.b.ii Recall relevant information from experiences or gather relevant information from print and digital sources; summarize or paraphrase information in notes and finished work, and provide a list of sources. Provide documentation of sources used in a grade-appropriate format. (CCSS: W.5.8) Objectives: Students will know how to identify a piece of writing as persuasive. Students will identify parts of a persuasive piece of writing. Students will apply their knowledge of persuasive writing to analyze a piece and explain what makes it persuasive? Students will be able to use their technology skills to retrieve persuasive articles/sources articles to analyze. Pre-Assessment / Teacher will ask students to name different types of writing that they know of. Activating Background She/he will write these on the white board and discuss each one as students call Knowledge them out. Assessment: Teacher will grade student work by reviewing their checklist that they filled out during their reading of a piece of persuasive text (attached). Teacher will observe and compare students notes against the presentation on elements of persuasion.

Regis University EDTC401 Andrea Isaacs Lesson Plan: Exploring Persuasive Writing

Resources and Materials/ (Technology integration is REQUIRED)

Differentiation/UDL Considerations REQUIRED (Use Modifications Worksheet)

White Board/Markers/Scissors Newspapers/Magazines IPad or Computers with links to several persuasive articles from sources such as Time, National Geographic, Wall Street Journal, New York Times etc. Power Point Presentation Tech cart with internet access and projector Screen or White Board Time for Kids Persuasive Writing Example Checklist/Notes Worksheet For students with ESL they may find an article (from sources the teacher pulls online) in their primary language, but must fill-out the worksheet in English to the best of their ability. Students with visual impairment will be offered an online article or podcast to review. Students with learning disabilities may also find a podcast, video or another example online of a persuasive nature. The teacher will tell students that they must raise their hands to ask questions and/or make comments throughout the lesson. She/he will review that requirements for using scissors, magazines, and newspapers in the room as well as the rules surrounding use of the computers, and that this is a privilege that will be taken away if students do not choose to use their time wisely while completing the activity. The teacher will present the PowerPoint on Elements of Persuasion. Teacher will state that they all had great ideas examples from the above activity on what types of writing there are. She/he will state that she would like them to now listen with quietly to a persuasive piece of writing. The teacher will begin by reading a short piece of persuasive writing to the students. An example from Time For Kids is found in the references at the bottom of this page. Teacher will start to fill-in some of the elements in the piece of writing that display each element of persuasion by creating a chart on the white board.

Preparing Students for the Lesson: Transitions Expected Behaviors Teaching the Lesson (Lesson Sequence/ Activities): Motivation/ Anticipatory Set Teacher Input, Modeling, & Checking for Understanding Guided Practice

Students will then be called on to fill-in what elements persuasion they hear in the text that was read as well.

Independent Practice

Students will then be told that they will now look through magazines, newspapers and online articles to find a persuasive piece.


Students will be given the attached checklist/notes page to complete either in class or at home on the persuasive piece theyve chosen.

Regis University EDTC401 Andrea Isaacs Lesson Plan: Exploring Persuasive Writing


Teacher will play a short online video from a historic persuasive speech and ask students to start thinking about what made that speech so persuasive/great?




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