Gcse Muscles 2013-14 Teacher Resource

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10 iFlashcards SAM learning revision task

Main Course
20 minutes 30 minutes 40 minutes

PE Take away homework

Create a mind map that summarises the learning in this lesson use all key terms Write 3 tweets that summarise this topic using no more than 140 characters Reduce todays lesson into 5 sentences, then reduce that to 5 key words, and then 1 key word Explain this key word Listen to a GCSE PODcast and summarise the key points Write a newspaper article about this topic and find some supporting research

Create a song or Rap explaining the key points from todays lesson (and present to the class..) Create a revision PowerPoint on the topics you have covered this week

Extra Hot
Produce a revision guide for the current topic using pictures and key words Find an article in a newspaper or on the internet about this topic area. Write a page that discusses how relevant it is. ( Discuss = +ve / -ves) Write a 1, 3 and 6 mark question and mark scheme linked to your current topic Write a poem based on the current unit

Create 10 challenging quiz questions to use to test the class

Create 5 Simple statements and 5 Developed statements linked to the lessons Guess the Question Create 3 exam questions and their simple and developed statements and play guess the question Create 10 TOP TRUMP revision cards for the current topic and explain why you have ranked the aspects the way you have

Review your current topic and rank order the 5 most / least important factors that affect health. Use developed statements to why you have ranked them in this order Make an information advert / video / animation clip that explains the key points you have learnt so far in this unit / lessons

Create a crossword and clues for the key terms from this lesson and the last one

What do I need to know?

Specification Content
The role of the muscular system during physical activity:

June 2011
3 marks

June 2012
4 marks

June 2013
4 marks

Exercise and physical activity -immediate and short-term effects of participation in exercise and physical activity

6 mark LAQ

1 mark

Effects of regular participation in and long-term effects of participation in exercise and physical activity

1 mark



Performance enhancing drugs

1 mark

Mr Connectivator Connecting the stars of your GCSE PE class

Sequencing Firstly, Secondly, Thirdly, Next, After that, Eventually, Lastly, Adding This means that In order to In addition, Additionally, Furthermore, Also, As well as, Moreover, Concluding Lastly, In conclusion, Finally, To sum up, Comparing & Countering In comparison, In contrast, However, On the other hand, Although, Whereas Alternatively, Without doubt, Undoubtedly, Equally, Similarly, Likewise,

Make a

Simple statement
(Grade E-D) into a

Developed statement
(Grade A*-C)

Illustrating For example, In particular, For instance, In this case, Above all,

Muscular System Key Word Mat

The role of the muscular system during physical activity Exercise and physical activity Effects of regular participation in and long-term -immediate and short-term effects of participation in exercise and physical effects of participation in activity exercise and physical activity Isotonic contractions Adaptations increased strength and Isometric contractions size/hypertrophy increased fuel/energy The potential for injuries such as muscle strain demands and muscle atrophy (due to injury and lactic acid inactivity), muscle fatigue Treatment using common techniques R.I.C.E

Deltoid Trapezius Latissimus Dorsi Biceps Triceps Pectorals Abdominals Quadriceps Hamstrings Gluteals Gastrocnemius Agonist Antagonist Rest Rest required for adaptation to take place, time for recovery before next exercise session

Diet Effects of protein in building and repairing muscles

Performance enhancing drugs Use of steroids to aid muscle building and recovery

The role of the muscular system during physical activity: Deltoid Trapezius Latissimus Dorsi Biceps Triceps Pectorals Abdominals Quadriceps Hamstrings Gluteals Gastrocnemius Agonist Antagonist Exercise and physical activity -immediate and short-term effects of participation in exercise and physical activity Isotonic contractions Isometric contractions increased fuel/energy demands lactic acid, muscle fatigue Effects of regular participation in and long-term effects of participation in exercise and physical activity Adaptations increased strength and size/hypertrophy The potential for injuries such as muscle strain and muscle atrophy (due to injury and inactivity), Treatment using common techniques R.I.C.E

Dont understand its location / function / cant explain

Understand But cant explain

Understand location and function and can explain

Rest Rest required for adaptation to take place, time for recovery before next exercise session
Diet Effects of protein in building and repairing muscles Performance enhancing drugs Use of steroids to aid muscle building and recovery

For a C You will show a sound level of understanding and are able to identify muscles involved in activity though analysis will lack understanding of their function. For a B you will be able to show a good understanding of movement analysis and be aware of the role ands function of key muscles involved. For an A you need to be able to comprehensively analyse a sporting action / performance taking into account all of the above points.

For an A* you need to be able to comprehensively analyse a sporting action / performance taking into account all of the above points with no spelling or grammatical errors.

Exam command words

Exam command words

Exam command words

Exam command words

Assess (relative importance) / Evaluate Discuss

Describe Explain

Exam command words

How much do we know already?

In your groups you have 5 minutes to list as many muscles in the body as possible and stick these labels onto one model in your group.

How well have we done?

As the following names of muscles appear on the screen you must identify if your group has got the muscle in the right place.

Give yourself 1 point for every muscle named correctly and an additional point if it is in the correct place.






Pair Task
Using what we have just learnt you now need to label all the major muscles on the following worksheets:
EXAM TOP TIP: 1)Some muscles you must spell correctly to get the mark! 2) Dont get into the habit of using abbreviations!!

The muscles (Voluntary / skeletal) Front view

The muscles Back view

The muscles Front view


Pectorals Abdominals



The muscles Back view

Trapezius Triceps Latissimus Dorsi




Types Of Muscle
Muscles are required to create movement in the body. There are 3 types: 1. Cardiac Muscle 2. Involuntary Muscle 3. Voluntary Muscle

Types of muscle

Muscles are required to create movement in the body. There are 3 types:

These muscles are also known as striated or skeletal muscle due to their stripy appearance They are the muscles that are attached to the bone to cause movement You have full voluntary control over the muscles but there are also some involuntary reflexes

Muscular wall
It is an involuntary muscle that works outside of our conscious control
It is fitted with a pacemaker which provides the heart with its own rhythm (heart beat) Heart beats are rhythmical muscular contractions of the heart that are automatic and never stop

Involuntary muscle contracts and relaxes automatically with no conscious thought It is also known as smooth muscle due to the texture of the muscle Smooth muscle is present in arteries and veins to allow vasoconstriction (narrowing of vessels to keep the skin warm or cool) It is also present in the small intestine and the diaphragm

Examples include hamstrings, quadriceps and triceps

The cardiac muscle has its own blood supply via coronary arteries, which provide the muscle with oxygen and nutrients

1. Cardiac Muscle
Cardiac muscle is unique to the heart
It is an involuntary muscle that works outside of our conscious control It is fitted with a pacemaker which provides the heart with its own rhythm (heart beat) Heart beats are rhythmical muscular contractions of the heart that are automatic and never stop (hopefully!!)

Muscular wall

The cardiac muscle has its own blood supply via coronary arteries, which provide the muscle with oxygen and nutrients

1. Cardiac Muscle
1. Describe how the coronary arteries can become blocked (3)

2. identify how this can affect physical health. (2)

1. Cardiac Muscle
1. Describe how the coronary arteries can become blocked (3) 2. identify how this can affect physical health. (2)

Describe - A diet high in fat - Will lead to an increase in LDL cholesterol / fatty deposits in the arteries - Which will narrow / block them
identify This can cause - High blood pressure - Coronary heart disease - Heart attack

2. Involuntary Muscle
Involuntary muscle contracts and relaxes automatically with no conscious thought It is also known as smooth muscle due to the texture of the muscle Example: smooth muscle is present in arteries and veins to allow vasoconstriction (narrowing of vessels to keep the skin warm or cool) It is also present in the small intestine and the diaphragm



Small Intestine

3. Voluntary Muscle
These muscles are also known as skeletal muscle as they are attached to our skeleton to create movements. You have full voluntary control over the muscles but there are also some involuntary reflexes Examples: include hamstrings, quadriceps and triceps

Apply it!!!
Describe, with a sporting example, how each of the types of muscles are used in sport. 1. Cardiac muscle is used in



Apply it!!!
Describe, with a sporting example, how each of the types of muscles are used in sport. 1. Involuntary muscle is used in



Apply it!!!
Describe, with a sporting example, how each of the types of muscles are used in sport. 1. Voluntary muscle is used in



Share it!!!
Read your statements to the person next to you and share your ideas. Check their Simple statements and developed statements! If you have different sporting examples then use each others statements and add them to your own using your green pen!.

Discuss how the types of muscle can affect sporting performance (6)


Cardiac Muscle Advantages / disadvantages Involuntary Muscle Advantages / disadvantages

Voluntary / skeletal Muscle Advantages / disadvantages


Discuss how the types of muscle can affect sporting performance (6)

Advantage Cardiac
SS Cardiac muscle is found in the heart SS It has a pacemaker so it can generate its own heart beat and never stop working. DS - This means that it can it can pump out oxygenated blood around the body to working muscles

Disadvantage Cardiac
SS - The coronary arteries can become blocked / by LDL cholesterol SS This can affect physical health and cardiovascular fitness DS Health - This can cause Coronary Artery disease / High Blood pressure / Heart attack

DS - and deoxygenated blood to the lungs when we exercise

DS CV Fitness This will reduce as less oxygen can be pumped out of the heart to working muscles

Discuss how the types of muscle can affect sporting performance (6)

Advantage involuntary
SS Is also known as smooth muscle SS It contracts and relaxes automatically

Disadvantage involuntary
SS - The coronary arteries can become blocked / by LDL cholesterol SS This can affect physical health and cardiovascular fitness SS Can cause Blood shunting when we exercise DS Health - This can cause / High Blood pressure / Heart attack / Stroke DS CV Fitness This will reduce as less oxygen can be pumped through the arteries to working muscles DS This means that food is undigested in the stomach and could cause vomiting / affect sporting performance

DS - This means that it can vasodilate and vasoconstrict to shunt blood around the body. DS This means that when we exercise it will helped take oxygenated blood to muscles and CO2 away. DS It will also help control temperature by take blood to the surface to cool us down (Vasodilation) / keep blood away from the surface to keep us warm (Vasoconstriction)

Discuss how the types of muscle can affect sporting performance (6)

Advantage voluntary
SS Is also known as skeletal muscle SS It contracts and relaxes voluntarily DS - This means that we can use our muscles in a range of sporting situations . DS We can also undertake training to increase the size of these muscles to help increase our muscular strength (Hypertrophy) or muscular endurance

Disadvantage voluntary
SS These muscles can become injured e.g. muscle tear DS This is because they may not be warmed up properly DS They may also not be fully developed due to a lack of protein

Discuss how the types of muscle can affect sporting performance (6)

If you have a healthy diet without a high amount of fat you will have healthy Cardiac muscle If you do not eat within one hour of exercise your involuntary muscles will not shunt blood needed for digestion from your stomach If you warm up effectively you will not injure voluntary / skeletal muscle Overall, the most important is ensuring your diet is healthy as without an effective heart you will not be able to live.

Discuss how the types of muscle can affect sporting performance (6)

Exam Question Time

Level 1

1 2

A number of simple statements (1-3) And / or A developed statement SPAG - frequent errors in spelling, grammar and punctuation.

Level 2

3 4

At least one developed statements from each section and one simple statement A simple conclusion / but maybe not linked to winning the race SPAG few errors in spelling, grammar and punctuation.

Level 3

5 6

At least two simple and developed statements from each section Conclusion linked to which function is most important to winning the race SPAG no errors in spelling, grammar and punctuation.

Muscles and movement

1) Extension: Straightening or extending a limb The angle of the joint increases

2) Flexion: Bending or flexing a limb

The angle of the joint decreases

Example: The arm can be extended at the elbow and the angle moves to 180 degrees

Example: The arm can be flexed at the elbow and the angle moves to 90 degrees

3) Abduction: Moving a limb away from the centre line of the body (An alien would take somebody away when they abduct a person!)

4) Adduction: Moving a limb towards the centre line of the body (You are adding the limb to the body)

Example: The arm can be moved away from the centre line of the body at the shoulder

Example: The arm can be moved towards the centre line of the body at the shoulder

5. Rotation: This is a turning or rotational movement of a limb or body part. Your whole body can also be rotated around an axis (imaginary line)

Example: the humerus can rotate around the shoulder (Scapula)

Example: The body can rotate around a horizontal axis (line) when performing a somersault

Identify the movement

Putting it all together

SS - Which muscles do you think cause which movement? DS add a sporting example
Knee flexion Knee extension Hip extension

Hip flexion

Ankle extension

Putting it all together

SS - Which muscles do you think cause which movement? DS add a sporting example
Upper body flexion

Shoulder rotation

Shoulder adduction

Shoulder abduction

Elbow extension

Elbow flexion

Upper body muscle function

Name / Location Deltoid Function match the function statements to the muscle
To abduct (take away from the body) the arm and bring across the chest


To flex (bend) the arm at the elbow


To provide core strength and to flex (bend) at the spine


To raise arms (abduction, adduction, flexion and extension of arm)

Upper body muscle function Name / Location Trapezius

Centre of back, just below neck

Function match the function statements to the muscle

To pull arms down and together at the back of the body

Triceps Latissimus Dorsi

Lower back at the sides

To move head sideways and to hold and rotate shoulders

To extend (straighten the arm) at the elbow

Lower body muscle function

Name / Location Function match the function statements to the muscle
To straighten at the ankle and stand on tip toes



To extend (straighten) the leg at the knee


To flex (bend) the leg at the knee


To move bend (flex) and straighten (extend) the leg at the hip

Make the match!

SS = write the movement DS = name the agonist / prime mover

Increases the angle of the joint at the knee by straightening the leg

Increases the angle of the joint at the elbow by straightening the arm

Rotates shoulders, with arms moving sideways and backwards

Increasing the angle at the ankle by pointing the toes

Bending over / Moving the upper body forward

Straightening the leg from the hip

Decreases the angle of the joint at the knee by bending the leg

Decreases the angle of the joint at the elbow by straightening the arm

Moves arm away from the midline of the body

Moves arm towards the midline of the body

Complete 10 tuck jumps!...... Explain 1) what type of movement is occurring at the knee when you are jumping up, which are the agonists and antagonists? 2) what type of movement is occurring at the knee when you are jumping down, which are the agonists and antagonists?



Simple description



Knee Knee

Upward tuck jump Downward tuck jump

Complete 10 press ups!...... Explain 1) What type of movement is occurring at the elbow when you are pushing up, which are the agonists and antagonists? 2) What type of movement is occurring at the elbow when you are moving down, which are the agonists and antagonists?



Simple description



Elbow Elbow

Upward phase Downward phase

Antagonistic Pairs
Skeletal muscles are attached to the bone by tendons. They cause movement by pulling on the bone and creating levers.
Muscles work together in antagonistic pairs to cause contraction and relaxation

The AGONIST is the prime mover (the muscle) that shortens and contracts
The ANTAGONIST is the opposite muscle that acts as a brake. It lengthens and relaxes whilst the agonist contracts

Flexing the arm (bending)

The bicep contracts and shortens to
bend the arm so it is the Agonist
EXAM TOP TIP: The word

Agonist is shorter than the word Antagonist so this must refer to the muscle that shortens.

The tricep lengthens and relaxes when the arm is flexed (bent) so it is the Antagonist.

Extending the arm (straightening)

Write down what happens to the bicep and tricep now. What are they now called?

Extending the arm (straightening)

The tricep
contracts and shortens to extend the arm so it is the Agonist The bicep lengthens and relaxes when the arm is extended so it is the Antagonist.

Apply it!!!
What other pair of muscles can you name? Now write the same explaining how the leg flexes and extends at the knee.

When flexing the knee, the quadriceps shorten and contract so it is the agonist and the hamstring lengthens and relaxes so it is the antagonist. When extending the knee, the hamstring shortens and contracts so it is the agonist and the quadriceps lengthen and relax so it is the antagonist.

Movement Analysis putting it together

Sporting example

Shoulder Shoulder Shoulder Front of Torso Hip Elbow Elbow Knee







Movement Analysis putting it together



Rotates shoulders, with arms moving sideways and backwards



Sporting example

Movement Analysis putting it together

Shoulder Shoulder

Rotation Abduction

Rotates shoulders, with arms moving sideways and backwards Moves arm away from the midline of the body

Trapezius Deltoid


Sporting example

Latissimus Dorsi / Pectorals

Movement Analysis putting it together

Shoulder Shoulder Shoulder

Rotation Abduction Adduction

Rotates shoulders, with arms moving sideways and backwards Moves arm away from the midline of the body Moves arm towards the midline of the body

Trapezius Deltoid Pectorals


Sporting example

Latissimus Dorsi / Pectorals Deltoid

Movement Analysis putting it together

Shoulder Shoulder Shoulder Front of Torso

Rotation Abduction Adduction Flexion

Rotates shoulders, with arms moving sideways and backwards Moves arm away from the midline of the body Moves arm towards the midline of the body Bending over / Moving the upper body forward

Trapezius Deltoid Pectorals Abdominals


Sporting example

Latissimus Dorsi / Pectorals Deltoid

Movement Analysis putting it together

Shoulder Shoulder Shoulder Front of Torso Hip

Rotation Abduction Adduction Flexion Extension

Rotates shoulders, with arms moving sideways and backwards Moves arm away from the midline of the body Moves arm towards the midline of the body Bending over / Moving the upper body forward Straightening the leg from the hip

Trapezius Deltoid Pectorals Abdominals Gluteals


Sporting example

Latissimus Dorsi / Pectorals Deltoid

Movement Analysis putting it together

Shoulder Shoulder Front of Torso Hip Elbow

Abduction Adduction Flexion Extension Flexion

Rotates shoulders, with arms moving sideways and backwards
Moves arm away from the midline of the body Moves arm towards the midline of the body Bending over / Moving the upper body forward Straightening the leg from the hip Decreases the angle of the joint at the elbow by straightening the arm

Deltoid Pectorals Abdominals Gluteals Bicep


Sporting example

Latissimus Dorsi / Pectorals Deltoid


Movement Analysis putting it together

Shoulder Shoulder Front of Torso Hip Elbow Elbow

Abduction Adduction Flexion Extension Flexion Extension

Rotates shoulders, with arms moving sideways and backwards
Moves arm away from the midline of the body Moves arm towards the midline of the body Bending over / Moving the upper body forward Straightening the leg from the hip Decreases the angle of the joint at the elbow by straightening the arm Increases the angle of the joint at the elbow by straightening the arm

Deltoid Pectorals Abdominals Gluteals Bicep Tricep


Sporting example

Latissimus Dorsi / Pectorals Deltoid

Tricep Bicep

Movement Analysis putting it together

Shoulder Shoulder Front of Torso Hip Elbow Elbow Knee

Abduction Adduction Flexion Extension Flexion Extension Flexion

Rotates shoulders, with arms moving sideways and backwards
Moves arm away from the midline of the body Moves arm towards the midline of the body Bending over / Moving the upper body forward Straightening the leg from the hip Decreases the angle of the joint at the elbow by straightening the arm Increases the angle of the joint at the elbow by straightening the arm Decreases the angle of the joint at the knee by bending the leg

Deltoid Pectorals Abdominals Gluteals Bicep Tricep Hamstring


Sporting example

Latissimus Dorsi / Pectorals Deltoid

Tricep Bicep Quadricep

Movement Analysis putting it together

Shoulder Shoulder Front of Torso Hip Elbow Elbow Knee

Abduction Adduction Flexion Extension Flexion Extension Flexion

Rotates shoulders, with arms moving sideways and backwards
Moves arm away from the midline of the body Moves arm towards the midline of the body Bending over / Moving the upper body forward Straightening the leg from the hip Decreases the angle of the joint at the elbow by straightening the arm Increases the angle of the joint at the elbow by straightening the arm Decreases the angle of the joint at the knee by bending the leg Increases the angle of the joint at the knee by straightening the leg

Deltoid Pectorals Abdominals Gluteals Bicep Tricep Hamstring


Sporting example

Latissimus Dorsi / Pectorals Deltoid

Tricep Bicep Quadricep





Movement Analysis The A* analysis

Sporting example



Rotates shoulders, with arms moving sideways and backwards Moves arm away from the midline of the body





Moves arm towards the midline of the body

Front of Torso Hip

Bending over / Moving the upper body forward

Straightening the leg from the hip


Decreases the angle of the joint at the elbow by straightening the arm


Increases the angle of the joint at the elbow by straightening the arm Decreases the angle of the joint at the knee by bending the leg Increases the angle of the joint at the knee by straightening the leg Increasing the angle at the ankle by pointing the toes




Movement Analysis The A* analysis

Sporting example

Shoulder Shoulder

Rotation Abduction

Rotates shoulders, with arms moving sideways and backwards Moves arm away from the midline of the body

Trapezius Deltoid


Latissimus Dorsi / Pectorals

Front of Torso Hip Elbow Elbow Knee

Flexion Extension Flexion Extension Flexion

Moves arm towards the midline of the body

Bending over / Moving the upper body forward Straightening the leg from the hip Decreases the angle of the joint at the elbow by straightening the arm Increases the angle of the joint at the elbow by straightening the arm Decreases the angle of the joint at the knee by bending the leg Increases the angle of the joint at the knee by straightening the leg Increasing the angle at the ankle by pointing the toes

Pectorals Abdominals Gluteals Bicep Tricep Hamstring


Tricep Bicep Quadricep






Extension (Plantar flexion)


Isotonic contraction
The muscle contracts and CAUSES MOVEMENT
The shortening of the muscle pulls on the bone and causes movement

TOP TIP Lucozade sport is an ISOTONIC drink you have this when you exercise when muscles are moving.

The biceps curl is a an example of isotonic contraction

Top Tip! Always use the word movement in your answer e.g. SS - The movement of limbs in a bicep curl is an isotonic contraction DS - as the muscle changes length and shortens when it is lifted up

Isotonic contraction
Write another example of isotonic contraction SS


Isometric contraction
The muscle contracts but does not change length and there is NO MOVEMENT The whole body weight is being held in balance and there is no movement Top Tip! Always use the word movement in your answer e.g. The stationary phase of a rugby scrum is an isometric contraction as the muscles are exerting a force but not changing length

Isometric contraction
Write another example of isotonic contraction SS


4 3
Undertake an A* analysis of your sporting action For all the joints in the picture Key terms Movement pattern at the joints eg, Elbow- Extension / Agonist Tricep/ Antagonist/ Bicep Muscle contraction - Isometric

Undertake an A* analysis of your sporting action For all of the joints in yourpicture Key terms Movement pattern at the joints eg, Elbow- Extension / Agonist Tricep/ Antagonist/ Bicep Muscle contraction Isotonic Movement pattern Agonist Antagonist Type of contraction

Joint Shoulder Shoulder Shoulder Front of Torso Hip Elbow Elbow Knee

Ankle Shoulder



i) Which one of the following muscles is contracting to allow the cyclist in Figure 1 to flex his leg at the knee? (1)
Figure 1 A Trapezius B Hamstrings C Gastrocnemius D Quadriceps B Hamstrings

2012 (i) Which one of the following statements correctly explains the term isometric? (1)
A An isometric muscle contraction does not result in movement B A gymnast running across the floor towards the vault is using isometric muscle contractions

C A swimmer using her leg muscles to explode from the blocks when the whistle blows uses isometric contractions
D An isometric muscle contraction is less strenuous than an isotonic contraction. This means the muscle can continue to work for longer. A An isometric muscle contraction does not result in movement



9 Complete the statements below by identifying which muscles are contracting to allow the gymnast in Figure 4 to achieve the described actions.

(a) Keeping the arm straight at the elbow.


............................................................................................................... (b) Keeping the leg straight at the knee. (1)


(c) Moving the arms away from the mid-line of the body.


................................................................................................................... (d) Pointing the toes. (1)


2012 9 Complete the statements below by identifying which muscles are contracting to allow the gymnast in Figure 4 to achieve the described actions.


(a) Keeping the arm straight at the elbow. (1)

TRICEPS (b) Keeping the leg straight at the knee. QUADRICEPS NOT QUADS (1)

(c) Moving the arms away from the mid-line of the body. DELTOID (d) Pointing the toes. GASTROCNEMIUS (1)




Figure 7 shows two basketball players. One player has flexed his arm at the elbow to control the ball. His opponent has moved his extended arm away from the mid-line of the body to try to intercept the next pass.

Figure 7 (a) Name the muscle that contracts in order to flex the arm at the elbow. (1)

(b) Name the joint action occurring at the shoulder as the arm moves away from the mid-line of the body. (1)



Figure 7 shows two basketball players. One player has flexed his arm at the elbow to control the ball. His opponent has moved his extended arm away from the mid-line of the body to try to intercept the next pass.

Figure 7 (a) Name the muscle that contracts in order to flex the arm at the elbow. (1)

(b) Name the joint action occurring at the shoulder as the arm moves away from the mid-line of the body. (1)


2013 (i) Which one of the following is the correct statement about muscle action and antagonistic muscle pairs? (1) A When a muscle contracts it pushes a bone, for example, the biceps and triceps

Movement is brought about through antagonistic pairs, for example, the pectorals and abdominals
Muscles are arranged in pairs, for example, the hamstrings and quadriceps When one muscle contracts the other relaxes to bring about movement, for example, the trapezius and latissimus dorsi


Muscles are arranged in pairs, for example, the hamstrings and quadriceps

2013 Several muscles are listed in the table below. Abdominals Latissimus dorsi Triceps Pectorals Gastrocnemius Quadriceps

Gluteals Trapezius

Using the muscles in the table, match the correct muscle to the stated action in each of the following statements. (a)Moves the thigh backward at the hip (hip extension). (1)

.................................................................................................... (b) Moves the upper arm back and inwards towards the body. .................................................................................................... (c) Adducts the upper arm at the shoulder. (1) (1)


13 The following are two training adaptations: (a)Identify the method of training that is most likely to cause muscular hypertrophy. .......................................................................................................................................


(b) Identify an exercise activity that will result in an increase in bone density. .......................................................................................................................................


2013 Several muscles are listed in the table below. Abdominals Latissimus dorsi Triceps Pectorals Gastrocnemius Quadriceps


Using the muscles in the table, match the correct muscle to the stated action in each of the following statements. (a)Moves the thigh backward at the hip (hip extension). (1) Gluteals

(b) Moves the upper arm back and inwards towards the body. (1) Latissimus dorsi / Trapezius (c) Adducts the upper arm at the shoulder. (1) Latissimus dorsi / Pectorals

13 The following are two training adaptations: (a)Identify the method of training that is most likely to cause muscular hypertrophy.


Weight training Or Resistance training Or Resistance Or Weight Or Weights Or Circuit training with weights NOT WEIGHT LIFTING

(b) Identify an exercise activity that will result in an increase in bone density. Any one weight bearing exercise activity e.g: Running Jogging Walking Weight bearing activity Fartlek training session


(f ) Sullimans PEP involves a lot of running. Complete the table below by:


(i) naming the missing leg muscles


(ii) identifying the muscle action of the stated muscles (2) (g) (i) Which of the muscles in the table above work as an antagonistic pair? (1) .................................................................................. (ii) Explain the term antagonistic pair in relation to muscle movement. (1) .................................................................................. ..................................................................................

(f ) Sullimans PEP involves a lot of running. Complete the table below by:


Extends the leg (at the hip)

Quadriceps NOT QUADS Hamstrings Flexes the leg at the knee

(i) naming the missing leg muscles (3)

(ii) identifying the muscle action of the stated muscles (2) (g) (i) Which of the muscles in the table above work as an antagonistic pair? (1) HAMSTRINGS AND QUADRICEPS (ii) Explain the term antagonistic pair in relation to muscle movement. (1) One muscle contracts whilst the other relaxes to bring about a movement/equiv

1. A B C D

Which of the following muscles allows abduction of the arm at the shoulder during a tennis serve? Latissimus dorsi Pectorals Deltoids Triceps (Total 1 mark)


2. Muscles move the bones they are attached to. Name two of the muscles of the leg that are used when running. (i) .....................................................................................................................................(1)

(ii) ......................................................................................................................................(1) 3. There are three types of muscle tissue. Complete each of the statements by naming the muscle tissue type being described. (i) ....................................................................... muscle tissue is only found in the heart.(1) (ii) ........................................... muscle tissue can be found in the walls of blood vessels.(1) (iii) The bicep is an example of ................................................................... muscle tissue.(1) (iv) During exercise we use ............................................... muscle tissue to help us move.(1) (e) When sprinting, Marvins muscles work antagonistically. Complete the following statements to explain what is happening when he is sprinting. (i) When muscles work antagonistically, one muscle ................................................ and the other muscle ..............................................(2)

(ii) As the muscles work they change the shape of the leg at the knee. When the leg straightens it is called ........................................... and when it bends it is called ........................................... (2)

(iii) The muscles responsible for straightening the leg at the knee are the ............................................. . The .................................. bend the leg at the knee. (2)


/ 13

(h) What type of muscle contraction is taking place: (i)Whilst Marvin is stationary in the sprint start position? (ii) As Marvin moves forward once the race has started?

...........................................................................................................................(1) ...........................................................................................................................(1)

The diagram below shows the legs of a runner.

(a) (i) A (ii) B (iii) C

Label the muscles A, B and C. ............................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................(3)

(b) Which muscle, A, B or C, allows the runner to drive forwards off the toes during his running action?

(c) Which muscle, A, B or C, allows the runner to extend the leg at the hip? .....................................................................................................................................(1)



(a) Two of the muscles named in the box below work as an antagonistic pair. Bicep Deltoid Hamstrings Gluteals Quadriceps


Name the two muscles. ............................................................. and ................................................................(1)

(b) Which of the following terms is the correct muscle type for the biceps? A B C D Voluntary Fast twitch Slow twitch Involuntary (Total 1 mark)

13. The diagram to the right shows an elite sprinter preparing to start a race. In order to reach this level he has worked on many factors which affect his performance. Sprinters use power to get a good start. How do they use their power at the start of a race? ...................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................(1) (c) Which leg muscles are responsible for generating most of the required power at the start of the race?

1. ...................................................................................................................................

2. ...................................................................................................................................(2)



You need to know 6

short term effects of exercise on the muscular system (ss)

And be able to Explain why they occur (DS)

= Immediate changes in the muscle

Heres some clues!

6 short term effects


of exercise on the muscular system (ss)

why they occur (DS)

Immediate effects of exercise on the muscular system

Immediate = as soon as you start exercising
Build up of lactic acid in anaerobic work why? Blood shunting why? Increase temperature why? Increase demand for oxygen from muscles why? Increased CO2 production why? Muscles fatigue why?

Short term effects of exercise on the muscular system

SS Grade C Adaptation
Build up of lactic acid in anaerobic work Blood shunting

Developed statements Grade B Explanation why it occurs Grade A/A* Impact on performance

Increase temperature Increase demand for oxygen from muscles Increased CO2 production Muscles fatigue

Short term effects of exercise on the muscular system

SS Grade C Adaptation
Build up of lactic acid in anaerobic work Blood shunting

Developed statements Grade B Explanation why it occurs Product of anaerobic respiration Grade A/A* Impact on performance

Oxygen is needed to be transported from organs to working muscles Body releases heat during respiration

Increase temperature Increase demand for oxygen from muscles Increased CO2 production Muscles fatigue

Muscles need Oxygen to produce aerobic energy Waste product of aerobic respiration

Lactic Acid causes muscles to fatigue (tire)



15 A healthy, active lifestyle will have an impact on the body systems. Describe some of the effects of participation on the bodys cardiovascular and muscular systems. In your answer you may consider: the immediate and short-term effects of participation on each system the effects of regular participation and long-term effects on each system.

LAQ Exam Question Time

Immediate effects on CV system

Immediate effects on Muscular system

Long term effects on CV system

Long term effects on Muscular system


Exam Question Answer

Immediate/short-term effects (muscular system)
Simple statement 1 increased carbon dioxide production Developed statement This is because there is increased respiration in the muscles to allow the muscles to produce energy (or similar) This is because the muscles need oxygen for aerobic respiration This is because heat is released when muscle produce energy

2. increased demand for oxygen/energy for muscular work 3. increased temperature

4 lactic acid production

5. muscle fatigue Do not accept tire/ache

This is because it is produced during anaerobic work

This is because there is an increase in lactic acid and this causes the muscles to stop contracting

NB must be clear whether candidate is referencing immediate or long-term effects

Exam Question Answer

Regular participation/long term effects (muscular system)
Simple statement 6. increased strength of ligaments / tendons 7. increased size/strength of skeletal muscle / muscular hypertrophy 8. increased muscular endurance 9. increased mitochondria (site of aerobic respiration) 10. increased myoglobin (equivalent to an oxygen store in the muscle Developed statement This means that the performer is likely to get injured (or similar) This means that more force can be used e.g. kick a ball harder (or similar) This means that the performer can exercise for longer without fatiguing This means that the performer can produce more aerobic energy This means that the performer can produce more aerobic energy

NB must be clear whether candidate is referencing immediate or long-term effects

Exam Question Answer

Conclusion which would be the most / least important short term / effect and why e.g. Most SS DS Increased demand for oxygen as this allows the body to exercise harder /energy for muscular work

Least SS DS Lactic Acid production as this will cause the muscle to fatigue and affect performance

Conclusion which would be the most / least important long term effect and why e.g. Accept any factor with relevant explanation e.g. SS DS increased mitochondria This means that the performer can produce more aerobic energy which will improve their cardiovascular fitness and allow them to run faster in a marathon.

15 A healthy, active lifestyle will have an impact on the body systems. Describe some of the effects of participation on the bodys cardiovascular and muscular systems. In your answer you may consider: the immediate and short-term effects of participation on each system the effects of regular participation and long-term effects on each system.

Level 1

1 2

A number of simple statements (1-3) And / or A developed statement SPAG - frequent errors in spelling, grammar and punctuation.

3 Level 2 4

At least two developed statements from each section A simple conclusion / but maybe not linked to winning the race SPAG few errors in spelling, grammar and punctuation.

5 Level 3 6

At least five developed statements from each section Conclusion linked to which function is most important to winning the race SPAG no errors in spelling, grammar and punctuation.

Long term

effects of exercise on the muscular system

Long term effect = adaptations that cause permanent change in the muscle over time

1. You need to know 5 long term effects of exercise on the muscular system (SS) 2. Be able to Explain how they improve performance (DS)

Heres some clues!

LONG term effects of exercise on the muscular system (ss)

why they occur (DS)

1 2

Short term effects of exercise on the muscular system

SS Grade C Adaptation
Increased strength of muscle

Developed statements Grade B Explanation why it occurs Grade A/A* Impact on performance

Increased muscle hypertrophy

Increased Tolerance to Lactic Acid

Increased Myoglobin stores

Tendons and ligaments become stronger

Short term effects of exercise on the muscular system

SS Grade C Adaptation
Increased strength of muscle Increased muscle hypertrophy

Developed statements Grade B Explanation why it occurs Grade A/A* Impact on performance

Muscle has increased in size

Performance in activities requiring strength, power and muscular endurance improve e.g.

Increased Tolerance to Lactic Acid

Muscles become used to work at high intensity in the presence of Lactic Acid Improves immediate oxygen supply to muscles

Improves performance in activities requiring muscular endurance

Increased Myoglobin stores Tendons and ligaments become stronger

Better support of joints

Developing an answer

Watch the following clip and explain what happens and how you would improve their performance http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oeW-8J6NVHY


How is the body working in the activities? Make a list of Keywords related to the activity based on the Muscular System?


Can you describe the functions of the Muscular System in relation to the performers?

Application 1

Explain the impact a well trained Muscular system will have on their performance

Application 2

Identify and explain suitable training methods that they could undertake to improve their performance

Why does muscular endurance improve?

Lets get wall squatting!
Training helps the body cope with increased Lactic acid so can work for longer at a higher intensity INCREASED LACTIC ACID TOLERANCE

2013 Janet needs to select a relevant method of training to improve her cardiovascular fitness. Four different methods of training are shown in Figure 7.


Interval training Continuous training Weight training (using short intervals) (using heavy weights)

Circuit training

(g) (i) Identify the most relevant and least relevant method of training to help Janet improve her cardiovascular fitness from Figure 7. (2) Most relevant Least relevant (ii) Identify a sporting activity where the performers would use the training method you identified as least relevant to Janet. (1)

2013 Janet needs to select a relevant method of training to improve her cardiovascular fitness. Four different methods of training are shown in Figure 7.

Interval training Continuous training Weight training (using short intervals) (using heavy weights)

Circuit training

(g) (i) Identify the most relevant and least relevant method of training to help Janet improve her cardiovascular fitness from Figure 7. (2) Most relevant Least relevant Continuous training Weight training (using heavy weights)

(ii) Identify a sporting activity where the performers would use the training method you identified as least relevant to Janet. (1)

Any relevant activity/performer based on candidate selected method of training in (gi), e.g. weight lifting if weight training selected.

Explain the long term effects of exercise on the muscular system

LAQ Exam Question Time

and how they could improve sporting performance. (6 marks)

Explain the long term effects of exercise on the muscular system

Plan / Scaffold

how they could improve sporting performance


Explain the long term effects of exercise on the muscular system and how they could improve sporting performance. (6 marks) 1) 2) 3) 4) SS SS SS DS Long term effect adaptations that cause permanent change in the muscle over time Hypertrophy (muscle gets bigger) MUST STATE HYPERTROPHY Increase in Muscle Myoglobin The muscle is able to produce more aerobic energy as it can transport more oxygen to the mitochondria

6) 7) 8)


Muscles become stronger

There is an increase in the number of muscle fibres which causes the muscle body to increase in size Increased Muscular Endurance Training helps the body cope with increased Lactic acid so can work for longer at a higher intensity MUST LINK TO LACTIC ACID TOLERANCE /EQUIV

Evaluation pupils makes reasoned argument which factor is most important in improving sporting performance with relevant explanation e.g. SS - A marathon runner would require increased muscular endurance in order to run the race quicker without fatiguing. DS - This is because their muscles will be contracting over a long period of time. e.g. SS - A boxer would require increases in muscular strength in order to have a more powerful punch DS - This is because strength x speed is power, and the more powerful his punch, the chance he has of wining the fight

Explain the long term effects of exercise on the muscular system and how they could improve sporting performance. (6 marks)
Level 1

LAQ Exam Question Time

1 2

A number of simple statements (1-3) And / or A developed statement SPAG - frequent errors in spelling, grammar and punctuation.

Level 2

3 4

At least TWO simple and developed statements A simple conclusion SPAG few errors in spelling, grammar and punctuation.

Level 3

5 6

At least THREE simple and developed statements Conclusion linked to which function is most important to improving performance

SPAG no errors in spelling, grammar and punctuation.

Long or short term?

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Hypertrophy (muscle gets bigger) Lactic Acid created More energy production Redistribution of blood flow to muscles Minor tears of muscles Increase in muscle temperature Muscles become stronger More efficient at oxygen transport Stronger ligaments, tendons and connective tissue

long or short term effects of exercise?

1.Hypertrophy (muscle gets bigger) Long 2.Lactic Acid created Short 3.More energy production Long 4.Redistribution of blood flow to muscles Short 5. Minor tears of muscles Short 6.Increase in muscle temperature Short 7.Muscles become stronger Long 8.More efficient at oxygen transport Long 9.Stronger ligaments, tendons and connective tissue Long

Rest and Recovery

How do you get from this.....

To this....


Developing an answer


Watch the following clip and explain what happens


Make a list of Keywords related to body shape, improvements in health, effects of training

Describe the how the changes occurred


Application 1

Explain the impact of the changes on his health and fitness

Application 2

Identify and explain the most relevant training method that would have improved his muscular strength

Rest and Recovery

period of time allocated to recovery

time required for repair of damage to the body

The importance of REST zzzzzzzz

Overusing muscles can cause STRAINS Rest allows the body to RECOVER between exercise sessions this is when ADAPTATIONS take place

Too much rest can have a negative effect and muscle ATROPHY

How does diet aid growth and repair of muscles?

Discuss with your partner and mindmap all of the foods that contain protein

Diet Protein
In order to rebuild and repair muscle tissue, protein is needed in our daily diet. It can be found in food including:

Diet Protein
How much protein did you eat: Yesterday? This week? Average per day = 70-80g Athlete / body builder per day = 150g

Rest and Recovery

To ensure that improvements occur you need to train muscles at least 3 times a week

If you reduce this training or stop training altogether then reversibility will occur This loss will happen 3 times quicker than it would take to gain muscle. For example, progress achieved in 3 weeks would be lost in one week!

Rest and Recovery

Rest days are just as important as workout days. It is during these rest periods that your muscles grow and change, so make sure that youre not working the same muscle groups 2 days in a row. It is also important to have rest inbetween weight training sets

When designing a circuit, you must ensure that you do not work the same muscles consecutively (i.e. work biceps on one station, and then work them on next station).

Rest and Recovery

What else does Rest and Recovery in a training programme prevent?

(Training too often without enough rest e.g.)
This can cause fatigue and further increase the chance of injury

Diet and rest need to be considered when planning a healthy, active lifestyle. Describe the impact of diet and rest on the MUSCULAR system. (i) Impact of diet on the MUSCULAR system. (3)


......................................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................................................................ ......................................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................................... (ii) Impact of rest on the MUSCULAR system. (2) ......................................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................................................................ ......................................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................................... (Total for Question 6 = 5 marks)

Diet and rest need to be considered when planning a healthy, active lifestyle. Describe the impact of diet and rest on the MUSCULAR system. (i) Impact of diet on the MUSCULAR system. (3) Poor diet 1) SS Lack of protein would affect muscle growth and lead to a lack of muscular strength / endurance 2) DS This would reduce the performance of a sports person e.g. not have the strength to tackle in rugby / hold their weight in gymnastics etc 3) SS 4) DS Lack of protein will also mean that muscles cannot repair themselves This would increase the chance of injury / take longer to recover

Gooddiet 1) SS Increased protein would improve muscle growth and therefore increase muscular strength / endurance 2) DS This would increase the performance of a sports person e.g. not have the strength to tackle in rugby / hold their weight in gymnastics etc 3) SS 4) DS Increased protein will mean that muscles can repair themselves quicker This would reduce the chance of injury / improve recovery time

(ii) Impact of rest on the MUSCULAR system. (2) A description based on the impact of rest that makes reference to: 1. Rest required for adaptation of MUSCLES to take place OR need rest for MUSCULAR hypertrophy to take place (1) 2. Rest required for MUSCLES rate to recover to resting level OR to remove lactic acid / carbon dioxide that had built up during exercise (1) (Total for Question 6 = 5 marks)


1) Describe the training principles of rest and recovery and explain why they are important to a sportsperson. (6 marks)
Scaffold 1) Define both key terms 2) State why important 3) Give examples of what happens / what it prevents 4) Give examples of how other factors, e.g. diet can improve recovery
LAQ Exam Question Time

1) Describe the training principles of rest and recovery and explain why they are important to a sportsperson. (6 marks)
Scaffold 1) Define both key terms 2) 3) State why important Give examples of what happens / what it prevents


Give examples of how other factors, e.g. diet can improve recovery

Mark Scheme
Principles 1. SS - rest period of time allocated to recovery 2. SS - recovery time required for repair of damage to the body Why important 3. SS - need to plan adequate rest to allow recovery 4. SS - e.g. training alternate days/equiv Note: to gain credit for point 4 must refer to point 3 5. DS - allows individual to replenish energy stores 6. DS - allows adaptations to take place as a result of training 7. DS - reduces feelings of fatigue/de-stress 8. DS - prevents overtraining 9. DS - therefore reduces chance of injury Note: to gain credit for point 9 must refer to point 8. Conclusion Both rest and recivery are equally important to ensure the

Discuss how the types of muscle can affect sporting performance (6)

Level 1

1 2

A number of simple statements (1-3) And / or A developed statement SPAG - frequent errors in spelling, grammar and punctuation.

Level 2

3 4

At least TWO simple and developed statements from each section A simple conclusion / but maybe not linked to winning the race SPAG few errors in spelling, grammar and punctuation.


5 6 At least THREE simple and developed statements from each section Conclusion linked to which function is most important to winning the race

Level 3

SPAG no errors in spelling, grammar and punctuation.

Performance-enhancing drugs
Mmmmmmmmm........ Whos being taking drugs?

Performance-enhancing drugs

Why would an athlete be tempted to take drugs?

Performance-enhancing drugs
Why would an athlete be tempted to take drugs?
1. Pressure/to win/wants to be the best/prize money/fame/improve 2. performance/gain advantage/train harder (or longer)/gain outweighs 3. risks / quicker recovery from injury/equiv

Who pays the price for drugs?

Why should you not take performance enhancing drugs?

Who pays the price for drugs?

Why should you not take performance enhancing drugs?

1. Cheating/against rules/illegal
2. Get banned/disqualified

3. Should demonstrate good sporting behaviour/unfair advantage /bad image/bad role model/equiv

Anabolic Steroids

There are a number of drugs which aid muscular development and strength. Anabolic steroids are the most common drug used to help increase muscle bulk Steroids also help increase recovery by repairing damaged muscle quicker


Causes heart disease Causes high blood pressure Weakens ligaments/tendons Causes aggression Infertility and cancer Increases facial hair Deepens voice in females

Builds muscle Increases strength Allows athletes to train harder Testosterone Increases aggression Nandrolone Aids recovery from training Stanozolol Quick effect so rapid improvement

2011 8 Several different categories of performance enhancing drugs are listed in the table below. Anabolic steroids Beta blockers Diuretics

Narcotic analgesics

Stimulants Peptide hormones/EPO (a) Using this information, identify the relevant category of drug referred to in each of the following statements. (i) Long distance runners are more likely to use this class of drug than sprinters. (1) ............................................................................................................................ ..................................................................................................................................................... (ii) Weight lifters may use this class of drug to mask the pain of a torn muscle. (1) ........................................................................................................................................ ......................................................................................................................................... (iii) Archers may use this class of drug because of its calming effect to improve their accuracy. (1) .......................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................... (iv) Some performers will use this class of drug to mask the use of other types of drugs. (1) ........................................................................................................................................ ......................................................................................................................................... (b) All of these drugs have potentially harmful side effects. Explain why, despite the risks, some performers will still use them. (1) ..................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................. (c) Give an example of a possible harmful side effect of diuretics. (1)

2011 8 Several different categories of performance enhancing drugs are listed in the table below. Anabolic steroids Stimulants Beta blockers Peptide hormones/EPO Diuretics


Narcotic analgesics

(a) Using this information, identify the relevant category of drug referred to in each of the following statements. (i) Long distance runners are more likely to use this class of drug than sprinters. (1) Peptide hormones/EPO (ii) Weight lifters may use this class of drug to mask the pain of a torn muscle.(1) Narcotic analgesics (iii) Archers may use this class of drug because of its calming effect to improve their accuracy.(1) Beta blockers

(iv) Some performers will use this class of drug to mask the use of other types of drugs.(1) Diuretics (b) All of these drugs have potentially harmful side effects. Explain why, despite the risks, some performers will still use them. (1) Any one from: Pressure/to win/wants to be the best/prize money/fame/improve performance/gain advantage/train harder (or longer)/gain outweighs risks / quicker recovery from injury/equiv Do not accept addictive / wont get caught (c) Give an example of a possible harmful side effect of diuretics.(1) Any one from: Dehydration Nausea/sickness Kidney/liver failure/damage Do not accept damage to organs / heart problems / death

Apply it!!!


Evaluate reasons why a performer would take drugs that would improve their muscular strength 6 marks

LAQ Exam Question Time

Evaluate reasons why a performer would take drugs that would improve their muscular strength (6 marks)

Reasons for

Reasons against


Discuss with your partner any MUSCULAR injuries that you or somebody that you know has suffered from.
List as many below as you can Next to the injury write down how it could have occurred

Muscular injuries
Most common injuries are classified as skeletal injuries. The main muscular injury is a strain. Definition: caused by the tearing or ripping of muscle fibers (sometimes referred to as a pulled muscle)

Symptoms of a strain

Inflammation and swelling

Limited motion

Treatment for muscle injuries


Do not walk on, or move the injured area

Apply an ice pack to the injured area for 20 mins. This prevents blood and swelling to the area. Apply a bandage or support to prevent swelling



Raise the injured area above heart level to drain blood back, e.g. raise foot

Apply it!!!


Apart from the health risks state two reasons why sports performers should not take drugs to improve their performance. (2 marks)

1) 2)

2) To maintain peak performance sprinters must eat an appropriate diet. (a) State one way in which a sprinters diet might differ from that of an untrained person. (1 mark)

(b) Explain your answer.

(1 mark)



1) Cheating/against rules/illegal Get banned/disqualified Should demonstrate good sporting behaviour/unfair advantage /bad image/bad role model/equiv 2) (a) More protein/more carbohydrate/more fluids/less fat. (b) Protein muscle growth and repair / equivalent. Carbohydrate increased energy usage / equivalent. Fluids more fluid lost through sweating / equivalent. Fat do not want additional weight, energy stores not easily accessible / equivalent.

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