9.4 Learning, Literature, and The Arts

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4 Learning, Literature, and the Arts

Medieval Universities
Academic guilds.
Early schools developed near cathedrals to train better-educated clergy First universities: Salerno and Bologna, then Paris and Oxford

Student life.
Academic life was rigorous Only the best and the brightest studied in schools Students were expected to memorize lectures Women were generally not allowed to attend schools

Europeans Acquire New Learning

Aristotle ancient Greek philosopher
Taught that faith and reason are incompatible Christian scholars attempted to reconcile Christianity and reason (scholasticism)

Thomas Aquinas
Wrote Summa Theologica Showed that faith and reason can be in harmony together because these lead to the same truth

Science and mathematics

Europeans adopted and developed from Greek, Hindu and Arabic cultures Christians studied Hippocrates for medicine, Euclid for geometry, Aristotle for science Adopted Arabic numerals instead of Roman numerals

A General Timeline
of the Western World
Middle Ages Renaissance/ Reformation High Middle Ages Industrial Revolution Information Age

Roman Empire Dark Ages


900 AD

12001300 AD

140016001500 AD 1700 AD

18001900 AD

2000 AD

Education for Women

Christine de Pizan female writer from Italy Wrote about the gender-specific duties, obligations and customs that were tolerated or hated Educated women were percieved to be oddities

Medieval Literature
Vernacular common language of lay people (French, German, Italian) Heroic Epics
Song of Roland Charlemagnes knight, Roland, heroically sacrifices his life fighting the Spanish Moors Poem of the Cid Rodrigo Diaz battles Muslims in Spain

Dantes Journey
Divine Comedy (Inferno, Purgatorio, Paradiso) by Dante Alighieri Imaginary journey through Hell, Purgatory, and Heaven Not supposed to be funny

Chaucers Wit
Canterbury Tales offered insight into medieval life of pilgrims traveling to Beckets tomb Each tale varies in style: funny, romantic, bawdy, etc.

Splendors in Stone
Romanesque Strength
Round arches Thick walls Dark interior due to thin windows

Gothic Grace
High, ornamented spires Flying buttresses Stained glass

Church architects designed scriptural stories into carvings and stained glass

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