ME 192 Review Guide For Exam#1 (Wednesday, March 9, 2005) (Chapter 1 - 4) - in Class Part

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ME 192 Review Guide for Exam#1 (Wednesday, March 9, 2005) (Chapter 1-- 4) In class part

1. Multiple-choice/filling-blank problems (20 Points) are related to the following basic concepts: Industrial robots (definition by RIA) Types of robot design Off-line programming Direct Kinematics Homogenous transform Position control Homogenous coordinates Revolute joint Denavit-Hartenberg parameters Link parameters Denavit-Hartenberg Notation Joint variables Characteristics of rotation matrices Actuator space Closed-form solution Numerical solution End-effector frame Station frame Wrist frame Tool frame 2. Frame assignment problem (20 Points) 3. Joint/link parameter determination problem (20 Points) 4. Direct Kinematics problem (20 Points) 5. Inverse Kinematics problem (20 Points) Trajectory DOF Inverse Kinematics Force control Euler angles Prismatic joint Link twist Link length Joint offset Joint angle Workspace Joint space Link frame Goal frame Base frame

Things to bring in the exam: The exam will be close everything (book, notes, homework, handout, etc) except an 8 x 11 sheet of paper (you can WRITE but NOT COPY) anything on both sides). You can bring any type of calculator. The test is 75 minutes long. Note: 1) If you miss the exam, your grade will be ZERO. No any excuse will be accepted. 2) No any discussion is allowed

Problems for Exercises 1. Sample exam (posted) 2. review problems (posted)

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