Exercise 3

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Norges teknisknaturvitenskapelige universitet NTNU


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TET 4190 Power Electronics for

Renewable Energy
Published: Return to: 23.09.13

Exercise: 3
Edited by:

12.09.13 Santiago Sanchez

Exercise 1 (chapter 7)
The Figure 1 above shows a chopper. Assume that Vo(t) is constant. Vd=100V L=0,1 mH fs=50kHz D=0,7 C=100uF

Figure 1. Buck converter 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 Explain the function of this converter. Sketch Vo(t), VL(t) and iL(t). Calculate Vo as a function of Vd and D by calculating the integral of the voltage over the inductor L (assume continuous conduction). Calculate the ripple current iL, (defined in figure 7-10 in the book). Sketch iL(t) at the limit of continuous conduction. What is the maximum current through the inductor? (Sol. 4.2 A) What is the output average current io? (Sol. 2.1 A) Assume no ripple in the output current io of the converter. Because C has a definite value, there is some ripple in the output voltage. Calculate the ripple voltage Vo. (Sol. 105mV) Switching frequency is now set to fs=250kHz. What inductance must be used now, if we want the same current ripple iL as in 1.3? (Sol. 20H)

Exercise 2. (Chapter 7)
In a step up converter, consider all components to be ideal. Let the input voltage Vd be 8-16 V, Vo=24V (regulated), fs = 20 KHz and C= 470 F. Calculate Lmin that will be keep to converter operating in a continuous-conduction mode Po5W.


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Exercise 3 (chapter 7)
The Figure 2 below shows a chopper. Assume that Vo(t) is constant. Vd=120V L=0,1 mH fs=50kHz D=0,7 C=100uF

Figure 2. Buck converter 1. Find R load that makes the system to operate at the boundary limit. 2. What kind of operation is going to present the system if R load found decreases? 3. In which mode is going to operating the system if a load of R=30 is connected in parallel to R found in the question 1?

Exercise 4. (Chapter 7)
In a step up converter, Let the input voltage Vd be 12 V, Vo=24V , Io=0.5W , L=150H, fs = 20 KHz and C= 470 F. Calculate Vo (peak to peak).
Any question about the assignment? santiago.sanchez@elkrat.ntnu.no


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