Lesson2bsketch2bfor313 1

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Lesson Sketch for EDT 313 Individual completing this lesson plan: Andi Heniff Lesson title Building

with Tools Date that lesson was taught: 3/18

Standards in 2 Domains: Approaches Toward Learning: Innovation and Invention- se i!agination and creativit" to interact with o#$ects and !aterials% &h"sical 'ell-Being and (otor )evelop!ent: (otor )evelop!ent- *oordinate the use of hands+ fingers and wrists to !anipulate o#$ects and perfor! tas,s re-uiring precise !ove!ents% Instructional ob ectives: list 2observable/measurable objectives for this lesson. Use precise language w/ action verbs. The student will #e a#le to: 1% Identif" each tool along with its .color/ to ,now its $o# in the construction world% 0% Have class discussion and activel" engage in conversation with other students of how each tool is used in their dail" life%

E!periences: Describe authentic (real life, hands-on not representational) materials and enticing/ creative e periences in
which children are activel! engaged. "afet! should be addressed if warranted.

1tudents will gather in circle ti!e that is part of their dail" routines and Teacher will present a tool #o2 that is part of the 3*onstruction4 the!e lesson we are learning a#out in class% Inside the tool #o2 will have all different colored tools that are co!!on to construction% 52a!ple: ha!!er+ screwdriver+ wrench+ and saw% 1tudents will #e called upon to share their own personal e2periences see these tools fro! !edia+ television+ or at ho!e life% Teacher will read the poe! that goes along with the tools in the tool #o2 and call on the students to hold and pass around the construction paper tool representations% In this engage!ent conversation+ teacher will show how these tools are used safel" and what their purpose is in the classroo!% 1tudents can ta,e #ac,ground ,nowledge of tools and activel" engage in this discussion with the teacher and the class!ates% 1afet": Teacher should stress the i!portance of safet" of the tools in real life situations and should alwa"s have adult supervision when in contact with the tools% Evidence of student learning: &re test was ta,en into evaluation #efore the lesson was conducted% 6ollowing after the lesson and having the group class discussion+ a post test was ta,en to show the students learning in a chart%

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