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Deadlines for AE 595S 1) April 1st 2014 11:59 PM Peer evaluations are to be emailed to me just kidding April 2nd

nd 2014 11:59 PM. 2) April 16th 2014 11:59 PM Peer evaluations are to be emailed to me. 3) April 30th 2014 11:59 PM Peer evaluations are to be emailed to me. 4) April 29th 2014 noon 2:30 PM final presentations 12 minutes per group strictly followed - 10 minutes talking plus two minutes for questions. Pizza is on me. 5) April 28th 2014 11:59 PM final report emailed to me in *.pdf format along with soft copy on Dropbox share folder. 6) April 30th 2014 11:59 PM one single *.ppt slide for a poster to be displayed in the hallways. 7) Weekly meeting and lectures. Final paper 1) AIAA Journal format. Email me if you want Latex style files for this. 2) 15 pages maximum 10 point font, single spacing. 3) An extra page (apart from the 15th pages of the actual paper) will be a table with list of tasks performed as part of the project and along with the name(s) of the team member(s) who performed. A column will also include the time in hours each task took. All team members will sign on this page that they agree with the task divisions on the page. If there is an irreconcilable conflict as to the task divisions please clearly state which tasks are under dispute, how so and sign. Final presentation 1) Every single team member should speak with the talking time, roughly, evenly divided 2) Time will be strictly adhered to and I will cut you off at the end of your speaking time. I will give a warning at 8 minutes and again one at 9 minutes.

I will post a rubric shortly on how the presentation and paper will be graded along with how your final grade will be calculated.

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