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Maths Test - Thursday 24th April

Name: ____________________________

Read and answer each of the 25 questions carefully. Maximum score is 50.
On your table, you are allowed a pencil, a rubber, a ruler and one A4 cheat sheet.


4 598


8 025

3 217

3 519



3. Solve 102.34 + 1893.53 + 2281.65 + 3.9


4. Continue the counting patterns:


a) 24, 32, __________, __________, _________, __________, _________, ___________, _________.

b) ________ , 3.0, 3.5, ________, __________, __________, __________, __________, _________ .

c) _______, ________, ________, 63, 56, 49, ________, ________, _________, _________, ________.

d) 4, 6, 7 , _________, __________, __________, __________, __________, ___________.

5. Name two fairies who like Genius Hour.

Fairy 1:

Fairy 2:

6. Round the numbers to complete the table.

Nearest 10

Nearest 100

Nearest 1000

12 459
101 551
7. What type of triangle is shown?
A. Equilateral
B. Isosceles
C. Scalene
D. None of the above


8. Choose the word that completes the motto displayed in Mrs Placek and Miss Crowthers office:
Keep Calm and Eat:

9. Draw a scalene triangle. Record the measurement for each side length in centimetres.


10. An isosceles triangle has:

A. Three sides that are exactly the same length
B. Three sides that are all different lengths
C. Two sides that are the same length
D. Three angles that are the same


11. Why did the chicken cross the road?


12. Write the roman numeral/s for:


50 _____________

100 ______________

500 ______________

2000 ____________

155 ______________

9 _________________

13. Write the English numbers for CLXXVIII ____________


14. Who is sitting next to you?


15. Complete the table below.


12 hour time
(must use am or pm)

6 oclock at night
Half past three in the morning
Quarter past 9 at night
25 minutes past 4 in the

24 hour time


17. Whats the time, Mr Wolf?




19. A regular heptagon has __________ sides that are the ________________ length.


20. The shape is

A. An irregular hexagon
B. A regular hexagon
C. An irregular heptagon
D. None of the above


21. A perpendicular line _____________________________________________________


22. Add a 3cm line below and make it perpendicular to the line already drawn.


23. Write your favourite number, circle it and draw a bee.





25b. What was the median time taken to complete the maze? ______________________


25c. Calculate the mode for the maze data. Mode = ________________________


End of Test
Check each answer and estimate your total score.
I think I scored ________ out of 50.

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