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Greenleaf Friends Academy Music Department: High School Choir Instructor: Mrs.

Kylie Shatto

Course Syllabus Spring 2014 E-mail:

I. Course Rationale High School Choir provides an opportunity for students to sing quality music in a variety of genres alongside their peers. This course will develop students musical abilities and performance skills while inspiring and fostering teamwork through ensemble unity. Students will develop critical listening skills to facilitate life-long learning. Students will also act as ambassadors for their class, for Greenleaf Friends Academy, and for Christ while they perform in the community. II. Course Objectives (Idaho State Music Standards Grades 9-12) Idaho State Standard 1: Historical and Cultural Contexts A. Discuss the historical and cultural context of music. a. Identify representative musical works from a variety of cultures and historical periods. b. Outline the purpose and function of a particular form of music through history. c. Compare and contrast aesthetical aspects of music from different cultural perspectives. d. Identify the roles of musicians in society. B. Discuss the relationships among visual and performing arts disciplines a. Discuss connections between the history of one art form or style and another
related art form or style. b. Describe similarities among different art forms across cultures.

c. Compare and contrast the origins of music with another core subject area (e.g., history, literature, and math). Idaho State Standard 2: Critical Thinking A. Conduct analyses in music. a. Recognize commonalities in the use of musical elements appearing in music throughout history. b. Describe and analyze aural examples of music using correct musical terms pertaining to form, meter, rhythm, basic keys, and simple harmonic progressions. c. Compare two contrasting musical works. d. Discuss the similarities and differences of artistic styles of music performed. B. Formulate and express opinions about musical performances. a. Evaluate how music participation is critical to global culture. b. Explain personal preferences for musical styles and pieces, using proper terminology. c. Offer an alternative for copyright infringement both for the consumer and the artist. d. Develop criteria for high musical quality and apply it to a live musical performance.

e. Evaluate constructively the quality of ones performance and the performances of others. Idaho State Standard 3: Performance A. Utilize concepts essential to music. a. Perform an appropriate instrumental or vocal part demonstrating rhythms and pitch accuracy, articulation and expression, following the cues from a conductor. b. Sight-read simple melodies and rhythms in clefs applicable to the performance medium. c. Read music that contains level-appropriate technical demands, expanded ranges, and varied interpretive requirements. d. Formulate a method of consistent and efficient musical practice. B. Communicate through music, applying artistic knowledge, concepts and skills. a. Perform in groups, blending vocal/instrumental sounds, matching dynamics, breath control, phrasing, and interpretation in response to the conductor. b. Perform in a small ensemble or as a soloist using appropriate musical technique. c. Interpret/perform a musical selection, respecting the intent of its creator. d. Discuss and demonstrate the importance of proper concert behavior and attire. e. Demonstrate interpersonal skills by working collaboratively and productively with others. C. Communicate through music with creative expression. a. Create an original harmony to accompany a melody b. Perform level-appropriate musical works with expression and technical accuracy. c. Improvise rhythmic and melodic variations on given melodies. III. Course Materials Each student will be provided with all music and materials needed for this course. Students must provide a black, 1 inch, 3-ring binder in which to keep all their music and materials and must bring the binder and all materials to each class. Additionally, students need to bring two pencils with erasers to class each day. All students will be assigned a music slot number in which to keep their binder, music, and materials but all students are expected to take their binders home during the week so they can practice. Recordings of parts will be available to all students so that they may practice. ***Each students is responsible for the music and materials he or she is assigned. All items must be kept in the condition in which it was given. If any materials provided by the school are lost, stolen, or damaged it is the students responsibility to replace them.*** IV. Concert Attire Each NEW student must purchase the defined concert attire. The cost for each outfit is $69. These must be ordered NO LATER THAN February 21, 2014. Concert attire is required for all concert performances, community performances, and choir tour performances. Any student not in concert attire will not be allowed to perform and will receive 0 points for that performance.

In addition to the concert attire, students must purchase a music department t-shirt, which will be used during choir tour and for some community or school performances. The cost of the t-shirt is $10. ***If the cost of the concert attire and/or t-shirts will cause difficulty for your family, please contact Mrs. Shatto as soon as possible. There are options available to help defray some or all of the costs.*** Concert attire purchased by the student will belong to the student. It needs to be clean, pressed, and undamaged for each concert or performance. If attire is damaged, it will need to be replaced before the next performance. Concert attire purchased by the school belongs to the school and needs to be returned in the condition in which it was given. It is recommended that students save concert attire at the end of the semester/school year in case they decide to participate in choir at a later time. V. Course Grading Breakdown 100<: A+ 93-99: A 90-92: A89: B+ 83-88: B 80-82: B79: C+ 73-78: C 70-72: C69: D+ 63-68: D 60-62: D59>: F The course assignments and their weights are as follows: Class Participation and Attitude: 25% Students must attend each class in order to receive full participation credit. Choral unity is important and attitude must be one of harmony not dissention. Five points each day will be given for participation and attitude; if warnings are given for poor attitude or participation, points will be deducted. One point will be deducted if student forgets to bring his or her music to class or does not have his or her music at their seat by the end of warm-ups. One point will be deducted if student does not bring a pencil to class or does not have the pencil with him or her by the end of warm-ups Five points will be deducted for each unexcused absence. Additionally, one point will be deducted daily for each unexcused tardy. Concerts: 25% There will be two concerts per semester, approximately one per quarter (please see schedule below for concert dates). Concert attendance is required for all students!!! Any students absence from the concert will result in a zero. If there is an excusable absence (death in the family, severe illness or family emergency), parents must notify the instructor before the start of the concert in order for the student to be excused. Parents must provide written verification of the students excusable absence (doctors note for illness, written note from parents for all other absences). If a student is excused from the concert, the instructor will create a suitable makeup assignment to replace the grade. PLEASE NOTE: concerts display all that students have learned over the course of the semester, and thus are crucial to accomplishing course goals. No make-up assignments will be able to replace the experience of a concert, nor will they accomplish the same course goals as richly. To that end, any concert make-up assignment will be worth only 85% of the concert grade.

Performances : 10% In addition to the concerts during the semester, there will be a minimum of two church community performances. These performances will happen on Sunday mornings at local churches. Additional community performances may occur during the course of the semester. The instructor will inform students and parents of ALL performances in advance. Attendance at community performances is required. However, students may be excused from these performances if parents notify the instructor NO LATER THAN the day before the performance. Students who are not excused and do not attend the community performances will receive a zero for that performance. If a student is excused from a community performance, the instructor will create a suitable make-up assignment. PLEASE NOTE: community performances are designed to promote GFA and develop students as ambassadors of Christ in our community. Community performances are an expectation of the school and the instructor. Any make-up assignments will not replace the experience of the community performances, nor accomplish stated goals. To that end, any performance make-up assignment will be worth only 85% of the performance grade. Assessments (quizzes, tests, etc.): 20% There will be a minimum of one assessment per week. These assessments will be based upon the music, concepts, and skills learned in class. Assessments may be written and/or sung. Please see attached schedule of assignments. PLEASE NOTE: while this list is as complete as possible at this time, the instructor reserves the right to modify this list as necessary to accomplish stated course goals. This may include additional assessments, as needed or necessary; however, this in no way modifies the instructors expectation that students be assessed throughout the learning process. Homework: 15% Choir students are expected to take their music binders home in order to practice their parts a minimum of two times per week. In addition, choir students will be given a MINIMUM of one weekly 15 minute practice assignment, but additional practice may be assigned as necessary. Practice assignments will be given on Fridays during class, and will be due the following Friday during class. PLEASE NOTE: while one weekly practice assignment will be an ongoing expectation, the instructor reserves the right to assign additional practice homework as needed to accomplish course goals. This in no way modifies the instructors expectations that the students practice throughout the semester, with or without prompting. Please see attached schedule of assignments. PLEASE NOTE: while this list is as complete as possible at this time, the instructor reserves the right to modify this list as necessary to accomplish stated course goals. This may include additional homework assignments as needed or necessary. This in no way modifies the instructors expectation that students complete homework during the semester.

Self-Evaluations: 5% After each concert and performance, a written self-evaluation must be completed assessing the performance. Written guidelines will be provided the week before each concert. At the end of each quarter, students will also assess their progress toward accomplishing course goals. VI. Classroom Rules & Expectations All students are expected to abide by the schools policies. In addition, the following policies will be enforced in the music room: A. No gum, food, or drink allowed in the room during class. The only exception is non-carbonated water. Water is very important to the vocal instrument. Please bring water with you to class! B. When the music stops, no talking! No talking will be permitted between breaks in the music unless asking a music related question to the instructor or other students, or unless allowed by the instructor. C. Warm-ups start exactly when the bell rings. If you enter after warm-ups begin, you are tardy. D. Students are expected to have their music and pencils at their seats by the end of warm-ups. One point will be deducted from the daily participation points for each missing item. E. It is the responsibility of the student to contact Mrs. Shatto about make-up assignments or missing work. Mrs. Shatto will make an effort to speak to students about work missed or make-up assignments, but, ultimately, it is the students responsibility to find out what assignments need to be made up. F. For any written assignments, plagiarism will not be tolerated. Any student work that contains plagiarism will result in a zero. G. Additional information regarding behavior expectations can be found on the accompanying Behavior in Choir sheet. VII. Course Calendar Please mark the following dates on your calendar: February 10-14: Singing Valentines Week March 2: Community Performance (location and time TBD) March 19-25: Choir and Impact Ministry Tour Location: Lyons/Longmont, Colorado (Additional information will be forthcoming) March 29: HS Music students go to see Guys and Dolls @ Music Theater of Idaho in Nampa Nampa Civic Center 7:30pm show April 8: District III Festival All school day Boise, Idaho

April 10: Spring Music Concert dress rehearsal During 7th period April 21: Spring Music Concert Greenleaf Friends Church 7:30pm May 1-3: State Solo/Ensemble Competition *Only for those interested in participating May 4: Community Performance (location and time TBD) May 19: Final Concert Greenleaf Friends Church 7:30pm May 30: Academy Awards Music Banquet GFA Cafeteria 6:30pm ***Please note: this list may or may not change at some point during the semester. I will inform you as far in advance of any changes that will be made.*** If you have any questions about any portion of this syllabus, please contact Mrs. Shatto by calling the main office or by e-mail.

____________________________________________________ Please cut off the bottom portion and return to Mrs. Shatto NO LATER THAN January 28, 2014. The syllabus is for you to keep as a reference.

Signatures By signing below, you acknowledge that you have received and read the above syllabus. You acknowledge that you understand the rules and expectations outlined above. _____________________________________________________ Student Signature _____________________________________________________ Parent Signature __________________ Date __________________ Date

HS Choirs Quarter 3 Assignment List

Date Assigned Weekly Assignment Name (Point Value) Take home music for practice (30 points) Student/Parent signature on Syllabus (15) Music Theory Pretest (100) Stand By Me Memory Test (30) Now is the Month of Maying Memory Test (30) Jubilate Deo Memory Test (30) Ave Verum Memory Test (30) Solfege and Kodaly Hand Sign quiz (20) Practice homework (25) In-class listening assignment (25) In-class weekly music theory and sight reading notes (25) Small Ensemble Test (SET) #1 (50) Practice homework (25) In-class listening assignment (25) In-class weekly music theory and sight reading notes (25) Description Every week, please take your binders/music home to practice, minimally 3 days per week. Students and parents must sign the syllabus and return to Mrs. Shatto. Please complete the Music Theory Pre-test packet through Quiz 34. Its alright if you do not know all the answers, just do your best! Memorize Stand By Me and perform (memorized) as a class. Memorize Now is the Month of Maying and perform (memorized) as a class. Memorize Jubilate Deo and perform (memorized) as a class. Memorize Ave Verum and perform (memorized) as a class. Sing and sign solfege up and down the scale. Due Date Every Friday 1-28 Monday 1-31 Friday 2-7 Friday 2-18 Tuesday 2-28 Friday 3-7 Friday 1-23 Thursday 1-31 Friday 1-24 Friday 1-31 Friday



1-21 1-21

1-21 1-21 1-23

1-24 1-24 1-27


1-31 1-31 2-3

Complete the 15 minute practice homework (details to be given on Fridays). Listen to a piece of music in class and respond to prompts. Every week, student will take notes or complete in-class assignments about concepts and/or skills for music theory and/or sight reading. (They will be assigned on Monday and due on Friday) Mrs. Shatto will assign you to an octet (8 student ensemble). You will perform Stand By Me. Complete the 15 minute practice homework (details to be given on Fridays). Listen to a piece of music in class and respond to prompts. Every week, student will take notes or complete in-class assignments about concepts and/or skills for music theory and/or sight reading. (They will be assigned on Monday and due on Friday)

1-29 Wednesday 2-7 Friday 1-31 Friday 2-7 Friday


2-7 2-7 2-10

Music Theory/Sight Reading Quiz 1 (50) Practice homework (25) In-class listening assignment (25) In-class weekly music theory and sight reading notes (25)

Quiz on music theory and sight reading.

2-5 Wednesday 2-14 Friday 2-7 Friday 2-14 Friday


2-14 2-18


2-21 2-21 2-24


2-28 2-28 3-3

Complete the 15 minute practice homework (details to be given on Fridays). Listen to a piece of music in class and respond to prompts. Every week, student will take notes or complete in-class assignments about concepts and/or skills for music theory and/or sight reading. (They will be assigned on Monday and due on Friday) Small Ensemble Mrs. Shatto will assign you to an octet (8 Test (SET) #2 (50) student ensemble). You will perform Now is the Month of Maying. Practice homework Complete the 15 minute practice homework (25) (details to be given on Fridays). In-class weekly Every week, student will take notes or complete music theory and in-class assignments about concepts and/or sight reading notes skills for music theory and/or sight reading. (25) (They will be assigned on Monday and due on Friday) Music Theory/Sight Quiz on music theory and sight reading. Reading Quiz 2 (50) Practice homework Complete the 15 minute practice homework (25) (details to be given on Fridays). In-class listening Listen to a piece of music in class and respond assignment (25) to prompts. In-class weekly Every week, student will take notes or complete music theory and in-class assignments about concepts and/or sight reading notes skills for music theory and/or sight reading. (25) (They will be assigned on Monday and due on Friday) Small Ensemble Mrs. Shatto will assign you to an octet (8 Test (SET) #3 (50) student ensemble). You will perform Festival Sanctus. Practice homework Complete the 15 minute practice homework (25) (details to be given on Fridays). In-class listening Listen to a piece of music in class and respond assignment (25) to prompts. In-class weekly Every week, student will take notes or complete music theory and in-class assignments about concepts and/or sight reading notes skills for music theory and/or sight reading. (25) (They will be assigned on Monday and due on Friday)

2-12 Wednesday 2-21 Friday 2-21 Friday

2-19 Wednesday 2-28 Friday 2-21 Friday 2-28 Friday

2-26 Wednesday 3-7 Friday 2-28 Friday 3-7 Friday


3-7 3-7 3-10

Music Theory/Sight Reading Quiz 3 (50) Practice homework (25) In-class listening assignment (25) In-class weekly music theory and sight reading notes (25) Small Ensemble Test (SET) #4 (50) Practice homework (25) In-class listening assignment (25) Music Theory and Sight Reading Test Study Guide (50) Music Theory and Sight Reading Test (100)

Quiz on music theory and sight reading.

3-5 Wednesday 3-13 Thursday 3-7 Friday 3-13 Thursday


3-13 3-13 3-13

Complete the 15 minute practice homework (details to be given on Fridays). Listen to a piece of music in class and respond to prompts. Every week, student will take notes or complete in-class assignments about concepts and/or skills for music theory and/or sight reading. (They will be assigned on Monday and due on Friday) Mrs. Shatto will assign you to an octet (8 student ensemble). You will perform Ave Verum Corpus. Complete the 15 minute practice homework (details to be given on Fridays). Listen to a piece of music in class and respond to prompts. Study guide for upcoming Music Theory and Sight Reading Test (will be worked on in class). Test on concepts and skills learned on Music Theory and Sight Reading during 3rd quarter.

3-12 Wednesday 3-19 Wednesday 3-13 Thursday 3-18 Tuesday 3-19


Behavior in Choir
PROPER BEHAVIOR Bringing your music, 2 pencils and water to EVERY class, and having it WITH YOU when class begins. IMPROPER BEHAVIOR Leaving music at home, in your locker, or another location; forgetting pencils or having to get up in the middle of class to get a pencil; having music in class but not with you when class begins. (Consequence: losing 1 out of 5 daily participation points) Talking immediately when the music stops. (Consequence: one warning will be given when Mrs. Shatto calls your name, after which she will ask you to sign your name on the Daily Behavior Log; after 3 signatures on the DBL, you will receive 0 participation points for the day and will be required to write a Behavior Modification Plan for Mrs. Shatto to be discussed with your parents at a conference)

When the music stops, talking DOES NOT start!!

RESPECT shown for Mrs. Shatto or any other authority in the classroom.

Having a POSITIVE attitude and contributing in a meaningful way to the unity of the group.

Singing when asked to sing. Singing your assigned part.

Practicing your part at home, minimally 2 times per week unless assigned more practice time (NOTE: this requires that you bring your music HOME with you)

Picking up after yourself.

Being on time to every class. Attendance of class and performances.

Disrespect shown by means of talking back, fighting with Mrs. Shatto or other authority figure, or any other behavior deemed disrespectful by Mrs. Shatto. (Consequence: immediately signing the DBL, and possible removal from class resulting in 0 participation points for the day. No warnings will be given when it comes to disrespect) Negative attitudes towards singing, the group, or individuals in the class. (Consequence: losing 2 out of 5 daily participation points, followed by signing the DBL. If behavior persists, removal from class and a conference with parents. Additionally, if negativity is not corrected before a performance, you will not be allowed to perform with the group which will result in a 0 grade for that performance) Pretending to sing. Purposefully singing another part besides your own, or harmonizing when harmony is not written in the music or requested by Mrs. Shatto. (Consequence: losing 1 out of 5 daily participation points every time Mrs. Shatto catches you doing it. If behavior persists, you will be removed from class) Never practicing at home and always leaving your music in class. (Consequence: 20 points for homework and practice will be given weekly. If you do not bring your binder home to practice, you will receive 0 points for homework and practice) Leaving trash, binders, music, pencils, water bottles, etc. throughout the class. (Consequence: consistent poor behavior will result in detention of cleaning the classroom or other cleaning projects) Being tardy on a consistent basis, having unexcused absences, ditching class, skipping performances. (Consequence: unexcused absences result in a 0 for participation points for that day; 3 tardies will add up to 1 unexcused absence and will also result in 0 daily participation points for the day of the third tardy)

Steps taken by Mrs. Shatto to ensure proper behavior: Participation Points o Students receive 5 daily participation points. Participation is a key element of choir. o Improper behavior will result in points being deducted, as outlined above (however, points may be deducted for behavior that is deemed inappropriate but is not listed above; Mrs. Shatto will document any reasons that points were deducted that were not listed above). Daily Behavior Log (DBL) o 3 signatures on the Daily Behavior Log will result in 0 (zero) participation points for that day. o In addition, 3 signatures on the DBL will require the student to not participate in class for the rest of the day, and will require the student to write a Behavior Modification Plan. The student will then be required to stay after school to discuss their Behavior Modification Plan with Mrs. Shatto. The student will be expected to adhere to the Behavior Modification Plan. o Should the student not adhere to the Behavior Modification Plan, Mrs. Shatto will set up a conference to discuss the students behavior with his or her parents (and administration depending on the severity of the behavior). Parent/Administrator Conferences o If a student has not shown progress in corrected behavior, a conference with the parents and/or school administrators will be required to discuss the ongoing behavior problems of the student. o Students will be required to modify their behavior or they risk being removed from class permanently. Detentions and Additional School Consequences o In addition to those mentioned above, detentions for improper behavior will be given if consistent progress toward proper behavior is not given. o Detentions will be administered by Mrs. Shatto or the school. o The school administration may decide on more severe consequences, such as suspensions, should a student persist in poor behavior. Removal from Class/Failing Grade o Ifdespite all efforts on the part of Mrs. Shatto, the administration, and parents the students behavior persists, that student will be removed from class permanently. They may not participate in any choir performances or activities. o Removal from class will result in a failing grade.

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