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Mahomet Area Youth Club Membership Enrollment Form

#he MAYC membership $ear is %rom &eptember 1 to Au'ust 31 an! the annual membership %ee is (20)00) #his membership is %or $ear* &eptember 1, 20 to Au'ust 31, 20 )

Childs Information
Chil!+s Full ,ame* Male Female /irth 0ate* 1 1 ,* 2a-e* Yes ,o

3as he1she e"er been enrolle! in an a%ter s-hool pro'ram be%ore4 Chil!+s interests* Fa"orite Foo!s* Chil! %eels un-om%ortable 6hen* 5east Fa"orite Foo!s*

Family Contact Information

7arents18uar!ians* 3ome A!!ress*
Cit$ &tate 9ip


3ome 7hone

Cell 7hone


Authorized Individuals
Please list the name, address, phone number, and relationship for each person authorized to pick up your child under the age of 14 . No child will be released to any individual not listed below or to any family or non-family member under the age of 1 . Any additions, deletions, modifications or request to list any family member authorized to pick up a MAYC member must be submitted in writing by the parents and/or legal guardians

,ame A!!ress 7hone ,umber 2elationship

,ame A!!ress 7hone ,umber 2elationship

,ame A!!ress 7hone ,umber 2elationship

Youth and Family Information

!"#$ collects and submits data to our funding and grant sources. %nly the data is reported and no individual or family information is released. Please complete the following information when submitting this form.

Head of Household: &in'le 7arent 3ome #6o 7arent 3ome Foster 7arent 2elati"e Care'i"er
,on-relati"e -are'i"er

Household ize:

Complete Famil$ &i;e*

,umber o% &iblin's

,umber o% A!ults
&&= or &&0=

Financial Assistance < -he-. all that appl$ %or e"er$ member o% $our househol!*
=1:e !o not re-ei"e Finan-ial Assistan-e #A,F >#emporar$ Assistan-e %or ,ee!$ Families? Me!i-al Car! or @i!Care :=C 0CF& Foo! &tamps Free12e!u-e! 5un-h

Annual Combined Household IncomeParents&'uardians( )f you are seeking a reduced rate to *ualify for reduced fees or a
!"#$ +cholarship, you will be re*uired to report any changes in household size, financial assistance received or income levels.

Are $ou emplo$e!4 Are there unemplo$e! a!ults in the home4 Yes ,o 3o6 Man$* 0-4,999 5,000-9,999 10,000-19,000 20,000-29,000 30,000-39,999 40,000-49,999 50,000-59,999 60,000-69,000 0,000 an! abo"e 1 Mahomet Area Youth Club-Membership Enrollment Form

Medical and Emer!ency Contact Information

)n the event of a medical emergency, !"#$ staff will contact the parents immediately. )f the person is suffering from a back, neck, head, broken bone ,arm or leg-, or internal in.ury, !"#$ +taff will call /11. %N0# 123 P"43N1&'5"46)"N 7)00 6)43$1 +1"88 N%1 1% $"00 /11. )f the parent&guardian cannot be reached, staff will contact the individual listed as the 3mergency $ontact Person.

"lease list any health issues and#or problems:

Chil!+s 0o-tor an! 7hone ,umber Chil!+s Me!i-al =nsuran-e Compan$* A 7oli-$ ,umber1Me!i-ai! ,umber*

Emer!ency Contact "erson Information

)f there are any changes to the information provided below, please provide that information to !"#$.
,ame A!!ress 2elationship

3ome 7hone

Cell 7hone

:or. 7hone

MAYC A!reements
!"#$ offers several different activities that re*uire that certain conditions, policies, rules and regulations be understood and adhered to by parents&guardians and our members. Please carefully review the following information and if you permit your child to participate in and&or use the following !"#$ resources, please sign and date the space provided near each item. MAYC $ate "ar$ A!reement 1) Bse o% the MAYC &.ate 7ar. is %or enrolle! MAYC members onl$) 2) A parent1'uar!ian must ha"e a si'ne! this portion o% the MAYC Membership Appli-ation an! MAYC &.ate 7ar. a'reement on %ile be%ore usin' o% the &.ate 7ar.) 3) #he &.ate 7ar. is %or s.ateboar!s onl$) ,o s-ooters or inline s.ates 6ill be permitte! in the s.ate par.) 4) 3elmets must be 6orn at all times 6hile in the &.ate 7ar.) 5) Members are en-oura'e! to ha"e their o6n helmets) MAYC 6ill pro"i!e a limite! number o% helmets %or s.ate par. use) 6) All helmets must be 6orn in a sa%e manner) ) Appropriate %oot6ear >har! sole shoes? must be 6orn in the s.ate par.) C) Members are en-oura'e! to suppl$ an! 6ear their o6n sa%et$ pa!s) 9) &.aters must eDer-ise appropriate -aution 6hen $oun'er or less eDperien-e! s.aters are present, an! must respe-t the ri'hts o% all s.aters) 10) MAYC members 6ill be as.e! to -lean an! maintain the s.ate par. prior an! a%ter use) 11) #he MAYC &.ate 7ar. 6ill not be open %or use unless a MAYC sta%% member or Euali%ie! a!ult "olunteer is a"ailable to super"ise the s.ate par. a-ti"ities) 12) #he s.ate par. 6ill not be open a%ter !us.) 13) =n!i"i!uals 6ho enter the s.ate par. 6hen the -lub is -lose! 6ill be -onsi!ere! trespassin') 14) MAYC is not responsible %or an$ members+ lost, stolen or bro.en eEuipment) 15) &houl! an$ MAYC members 6ill%ull$ or purpose%ull$ !ama'e or !estro$ MAYC propert$, the$ 6ill be as.e! to reimburse MAYC %or the a-tual repla-ement -ost o% an$ eEuipment or item !ama'e! or !estro$e!) 16) MAYC 6ill emplo$ all reasonable e%%ort to super"ise an! -ontrol a-ti"ities -on!u-te! in the &.ate 7ar. to minimi;e the ris. o% inFur$, ho6e"er, MAYC members use the $ate "ar$ at their o%n ris$& MAYC %ill not be responsible for any in'ury or dama!e incurred %hile usin! the MAYC $ate "ar$& Appro"e! b$ parent1'uar!ian* &i'nature o% parent1'uar!ian ,ot appro"e! b$ parent1'uar!ian) A--ess to the MAYC s.ate par. is !enie!) 1 1 0ate

MAYC Computer (ab A!reement 1) Bse o% the MAYC Computer 5ab is %or enrolle! MAYC members onl$) 2) A parent1'uar!ian must ha"e a si'ne! this portion o% the MAYC Membership Appli-ation prior to the MAYC member usin' the -omputer lab) 3) ,o !i'ital !ata, me!ia, "i!eo or photo'raphi- material o% an$ t$pe 6ill be !o6nloa!e! to or %rom an$ -omputer or -omputer relate! eEuipment o6ne! b$ the Mahomet Area Youth Club) 4) #he Mahomet Area Youth Club 6ill assume no -ontrol o"er sites "isite! nor assumes an$ responsibilit$ %or the sites the member "isits on the internet) 5) =% the member "isits an$ site o% a -ontro"ersial nature, in-lu!in' porno'raph$, obs-enit$, eD-essi"e "iolen-e, in%lammator$ an! or !an'erous nature an! or material, the member ma$ be suspen!e! or eDpelle! %rom the Mahomet Area Youth Club) 6) ,o member is permitte! to "isit an$ t$pe o% so-ial me!ia pa'e o% an$ nature 6hile at the Mahomet Area Youth Club) ) &houl! an$ member post an$ t$pe o% !i'ital !ata >photo'raphs, "i!eo, !o-uments, et-),? ta.en 6hile at or about the Mahomet Area Youth Club sta%%, members or "olunteers 6ithout prior 6ritten appro"al, the member ma$ be suspen!e! or eDpelle! %rom MAYC) C) ,o inappropriate in%ormation 6ill be eD-han'e!, %or6ar!e! or share! 6ith an$ Mahomet Area Youth Club sta%% or MAYC members) 9) Members are responsible %or the sa%e an! appropriate use o% MAYC -omputer eEuipment) =% an$ member !ama'es or !estro$s an$ eEuipment, the %amil$1'uar!ian 6ill be responsible %or the -ost o% repair an! or repla-ement) Appro"e! b$ parent1'uar!ian* &i'nature o% parent1'uar!ian ,ot appro"e! b$ parent1'uar!ian) A--ess to the MAYC Computer 5ab is !enie!) MAYC "o%er House A!reement 1) Bse o% the MAYC 7o6er 3ouse is %or enrolle! an! pai! MAYC members an! in!i"i!uals 6ho ha"e an appro"e! 6ai"er %orm) 2) All MAYC Members 6ill be instru-te! on the appropriate use o% all eEuipment) Members are to use eEuipment G,5Y =F the$ un!erstan! ho6 to use it -orre-tl$, pre"entin' the ris. o% inFur$) Members must eDer-ise appropriate -aution 6hen usin' the eEuipment in the 7o6er 3ouse) 3) MAYC members use the 7o6er 3ouse at their o6n ris.) MAYC !oes not assume an$ responsibilit$ %or an$ inFur$ sustaine! b$ an$ member utili;in' the 7o6er 3ouse) 4) Appropriate %oot6ear >in-lu!in' so-.s? an! -lothin' must be 6orn in the 7o6er 3ouse at all times) 5) Athleti- shoes must be -lean in or!er to enter the 7o6er 3ouse) 6) All 6ei'hts an! eEuipment must be put ba-. an! -leane! be%ore eDitin' the 7o6er 3ouse) ) Members must lea"e the 7o6er 3ouse in a -lean an! sa%e -on!ition) C) #he 7o6er 3ouse an! 7o6er 3ouse eEuipment are to be use! %or the inten!e! purposes onl$) 9) #he MAYC 7o6er 3ouse 6ill be a"ailable %or use onl$ 6hen a MAYC sta%% member or Euali%ie!1appro"e! MAYC a!ult "olunteer is a"ailable to super"ise a-ti"ities) 10) 7arents1'uar!ians are reEuire! to !is-lose an$ health or health relate! -on!itions o% the member prior to use o% the 7o6er 3ouse) MAYC 6ill emplo$ all reasonable e%%ort to super"ise an! -ontrol a-ti"ities -on!u-te! in the 7o6er 3ouse to minimi;e the ris. o% inFur$, ho6e"er, MAYC members use the 7o6er 3ouse at their o6n ris.) MAYC 6ill not be responsible %or an$ inFur$ or !ama'e in-urre! 6hile usin' the MAYC 7o6er 3ouse) Appro"e! b$ parent1'uar!ian* &i'nature o% parent1'uar!ian ,ot appro"e! b$ parent1'uar!ian) A--ess to the MAYC 7o6er 3ouse is !enie!) 1 0ate 1 1 0ate 1

1) = 'i"e m$ -onsent %or MAYC to release photo'raphs in 6hi-h m$ -hil! appears to the me!ia a'en-ies an! to !ispla$ or use photo'raphs in promotional materials relate! to MAYC 6ithout an$ %uture monetar$ -onsi!eration or -ompensation) 2) #o pro"i!e the best en"ironment %or m$ -hil! an! help stren'then m$ -hil!+s positi"e in"ol"ement an! su--ess in s-hool an! non-s-hool a-ti"ities, = 'rant permission %or MAYC to obtain -opies o% m$ -hil!+s s-hool report -ar! an! share that in%ormation bet6een an$ or'ani;ation !eeme! appropriate b$ MAYC a!ministration) #hose a'en-ies ma$ in-lu!e but not be limite! to s-hool !istri-ts, poli-e !epartments, &-outin' or'ani;ations, health ser"i-es, et-) 3) = 'i"e permission %or m$ -hil! to be transporte! in a MAYC o6ne! or operate! "ehi-le %or transportation to1 %rom home i% appli-able an! on MAYC %iel! trips) 4) = un!erstan! that no MAYC sta%% member ma$ transport m$ -hil! at an$ time in a pri"atel$ o6ne! "ehi-le) 5) = un!erstan! that MAYC -annot pro"i!e transportation %or m$ -hil! outsi!e o% MAYC authori;e! a-ti"ities an!1 or %iel! trips) 6) = un!erstan! that m$ -hil! must be si'ne! out b$ m$sel% or an authori;e! person as i!enti%ie! on the enrollment %orm) =% m$ -hil! is bein' transporte! home in a MAYC "ehi-le, a MAYC sta%% member must si'n m$ -hil! out) ) = un!erstan! that members a'e! %ourteen >14? $ears or ol!er ma$ lea"e the -lub an! he1she 6ill not be permitte! to -ome ba-. to MAYC !urin' same !a$ 6ithout prior appro"al %rom a MAYC A!ministrati"e &ta%% person) C) = un!erstan! an! a'ree that the Mahomet Area Youth Club 6ill not be hel! liable %or m$ -hil! i% he1she lea"es MAYC %a-ilities or an o%%-site a-ti"it$ o% his1her o6n %ree 6ill) = %urther a'ree that MAYC 6ill not be hel! liable i% m$ -hil! su%%ers an a--i!ental inFur$ 6hile on MAYC propert$, or 6hile en'a'e! in a MAYC sponsore! a-ti"it$ o%%-site) 9) = un!erstan! that i% m$ -hil! reEuires me!i-ation !urin' a%ter s-hool pro'ram hours, a H7ermission %or Me!i-ationsH %orm must be -omplete! an! in%ormation re'ar!in' !ose an! time o% a!ministration must be pro"i!e! to MAYC sta%% an! that the me!i-ations 6ill be .ept in -learl$ labele! ori'inal -ontainers) = un!erstan! that no over the counter medications will be given such as 1ylenol, cough li*uid, etc. without written consent from my child 9s physician. 10) = ha"e re-ei"e! an! re"ie6e! the Mahomet Area Youth Club 7arent an! Member 3an!boo. 6ith a MAYC sta%% member) 11) = un!erstan! that the Mahomet Area Youth Club is not responsible %or an$ lost, stolen, bro.en or mispla-e! propert$) 12) = un!erstan! that i% membership in the Mahomet Area Youth Club is terminate! b$ either MAYC an!1or m$sel%, membership %ees are not re%un!able)

=16e ha"e rea! an! a'ree to the poli-ies, rules, re'ulations an! -on!itions o% this a'reement an! an$ !o-ument re%eren-e! in the a'reement) 7arent18uar!ian &i'nature 0ate

Member &i'nature


MAYC &ta%% Member &i'nature


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