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Genetic Disorders

By: Abie M Period 6

What is a genetic disorder

A genetic disorder is an abnormal condition that a person inherits through genes of chromosomes. Which means you get these disorders from your parents. Disorders like: Cystic Fibrosis Sickle-Cell Disease Hemophilia Down Syndrome Etc.

What are the causes of genetic disorders

Some genetic disorders are caused by : Changes in the DNA Changes in the structure or number of chromosomes These things are inherited through genes or chromosomes you get from your parents.

What are 4 common genetic disorders

Cystic Fibrosis- Unusual sickle shape, Body produces abnormally thick mucus in the lungs and intestines, Hemophilia- Blood clots very slowly or not at all, Do not produce one of the proteins needed for normal blood clotting.

Sickle-Cell Disease- Affects hemoglobin the protein in blood that carries oxygen.

Down Syndrome-Cells have an extra copy of chromosome 21, Chromosomes fail to separate properly.

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