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Strategy Log

Strategy Name Text Annotation Source Online Source- Type of Strategy This is a close reading strateg !or "etter comprehension. Text annotation is an excellent method to make meaning and pro#ide e#idence to support answers. Procedure How to do it? $egin to annotate: A. %ircle& underline& or stick on a post-it !or important ideas. $. 'ark repetitions or rhetorical signals. %. %ircle con!using words or phrases. (. )ote passages that seem inconsistent. *. +rite ,uestions where ou made annotations. -se our margin to decode the text& to help remind oursel! what the author is sa ing and mark our thoughts as ou read. 'arking in the margins in#ol#es the reader in: +riting "rie! summaries .isting or num"ering multiple ideas Sketching pictures and charts to explain di!!icult concepts /redicting )oting pu00ling or con!using ideas that need clari!ication (e!ining words to help remem"er them

Student Thought Process Students learn a"out the purposes and techni,ues o! annotation " examining text closel and criticall . The stud sample annotations and identi! the purposes annotation can ser#e. Students then practice annotation through a care!ul reading o! a stor excerpt& using speci!ic guidelines and writing as man annotations as possi"le. Students then work in pairs to peer re#iew their annotations& practice using !ootnotes and /ower/oint to present annotations& and re!lect on how creating annotations can change a reader1s perspecti#e through personal connection with text. Reflect/Extend ' third grade mentor teacher would also use this with her students. 2 thought it was a great strateg to teach the students when the were expected to read a passage and answer ,uestions o#er it. The were a"le to examine the text closel when the would highlight and circle important parts o! the stor . 2 would ha#e the

students do this all the time when reading. 2 do not think it should 3ust "e en!orced during an exam. 2 will de!iantl "e using this strateg in m !uture classroom.

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