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Bruce Rooker The Pennsylvania Rookers as this group is called, descend from Jesse Rooker,born in Whitehall, N . in !"#" to Joseph and $arcy Rooker. Jesse married $ary %usannah %illibridge &ho &as born in !'(). They had * offspring+ Three boys and three girls. ,arious parts of this group spent time in Ne& ork, Pennsylvania, -hio and $ichigan. The children &ere. Philena, born in Ne& ork /tate 0aroline, born in Ne& ork /tate 1etsy, born in Ne& ork /tate James, born in $ichigan Jesse Jr., born in Pennsylvania Nelson, born in Pennsylvania $ary %usannah died in !'*) in Pithole and Jesse died in !'## at age !() in Pleasantville, Pa. 2 &ill follo& James, since this is the line 2 am in. James married 3rancis 4raham in !'*". /he &as born in /cipio, N . in !'5!. They resided in Pithole, Pa. They &ere the parents of John 6verett born in !'"! in Pithole and $argaret 0ora born in !'"5 in Pithole. 3rancis died in !'') and James married $ary Jane Porter in !''*. James died in !#(( in Pleasantville, Pa. John 6verett Rooker married $atilda7Tilly8 %uce in !'#) and they lived in the Jamesto&n, N . area for a fe& years &here 3rancis -. Rooker &as born. They later moved to Pleasantville,Pa. Where 6rma &as born in !'#' and James 9rdell in !#(:. Tilly died in Pleasantville in !#5), one year after Pearl ;arbor day. John 6verett died in !#<5 in Pleasantville. 3rancis -. Rooker married Josephine =luppels in !#!# after meeting at a base hospital in 3rance during WW!. They settled in Pleasantville, Pa. &here they raised 5 children. 3rancis 1. born in !#)!, 0alvin 0. born in !#)5, Jack =. born in !#)* and 6rma $arie born in !#)'. 3rancis73rank8 died in !#*# in Pleasantville. Josephine died in !#":, also in Pleasantville. This &riting is intended only to introduce the names of the people in Jesse Rooker>s line thru James Rooker. There is much to be said around the lives of these people that is not included here. 2f there are ?uestions, or if more detail on some portion is desired, please contact me at or by phone at <'< *!" 5!5*. 2 am trying to put together a short history of Pithole as it pertains to the Rookers. $any of Jesse>e children &ere involved in some &ay in Pithole. James, for instance, moved a large * bedroom house from Pithole to Pleasantville, a distance of about " miles over dirt roads. 2t @ust happens to be the home &here me and my siblings &ere born and raised.

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