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Lesson Planning Form for Accessible Instruction Calvin College Education Program

Teacher Ms. Poole Subject/ Topic/ Theme diar e!tr "rade

Date April 30,2014 ###$irst#############

I. Objectives How does t is lesson connect to t e unit !lan"

The da o$ the %orm %ill help the stude!ts &!o% %hat %orms do duri!' the da a!d help the soil.

Learners will be able to#

-reate a diar e!tr o$ a li$e o$ a %orm +!dersta!d a da o$ a %orm 0e able to tal& about the li$e o$ a %orm

co'!iti(e) * + Ap A! , -.

ph sical de(elopme!t

socio) emotio!al

+ A

Common Core standards $or %LCEs if not available in Common Core& addressed#
1.21.,.1 1i$e *e3uireme!ts) 2r'a!isms ha(e basic !eeds. A!imals a!d pla!ts !eed air, %ater, a!d $ood. Pla!ts also re3uire li'ht. Pla!ts a!d a!imals use $ood as a source o$ e!er' a!d as a source o$ buildi!' material $or 'ro%th a!d repair. 45ote# 6rite as ma! as !eeded. 7!dicate ta/o!om le(els a!d co!!ectio!s to applicable !atio!al or state sta!dards. 7$ a! objecti(e applies to particular lear!ers %rite the !ame4s8 o$ the lear!er4s8 to %hom it applies.8 .remember, u!dersta!d, appl , a!al 9e, e(aluate, create

II. 'efore (ou start Identif( !rere)uisite *nowledge and s*ills.

6orms c cle a!d pre(ious da material

Pre-assessment (for learning):

Outline assessment activities 4applicable to this lesso!8

Formative (for learning):

Diar e!tr
Formative (as learning): Summative (of learning8: Provide /ulti!le /eans of 0e!resentation Pro(ide optio!s $or perceptio!) making information perceptible 6riti!' $act $rom the boo& a$ter liste!i!' to it. Pro(ide optio!s $or la!'ua'e, mathematical e/pressio!s, a!d s mbols) clarify ! connect language Provide /ulti!le /eans of Action and E.!ression Pro(ide optio!s $or ph sical actio!) increase options for interaction Writing skills are being used Provide /ulti!le /eans of Engagement Pro(ide optio!s $or recruiti!' i!terest) choice, relevance, value, authenticity, minimi e threats -hoose o!e thi!' the %orm did a!d i!corporate it i!to their jour!al e!tr Pro(ide optio!s $or sustai!i!' e$$ort a!d persiste!ce) optimi e challenge, collaboration, masteryoriented feedback

+ at barriers mig t t is lesson !resent" + at will it ta*e , neurodevelo!mentall(e.!erientiall(emotionall(- etc.- for (our students to do t is lesson"

Pro(ide optio!s $or e/pressio! a!d commu!icatio!) increase medium of e"pression

Pro(ide optio!s $or comprehe!sio!) activate, apply ! highlight

Pro(ide optio!s $or e/ecuti(e $u!ctio!s) coordinate short ! long term goals, monitor progress, and modify strategies

Pro(ide optio!s $or sel$)re'ulatio!) e"pectations, personal skills and strategies, self-assessment ! reflection

;i'hli'ht %hat a da i! the li$e o$ a %orm is li&e

Mo!itor b %al&i!' arou!d


/aterials1w at materials $boo*s- andouts- etc& do (ou need for t is lesson and are t e( read( to use"

0oo&: Diar o$ a 6orm, %orm paper to %rite $i!al diar e!tr o!, paper $ormatted %ith ho% diar should be %ritte!

5o special set up How will (our classroom be set u! for t is lesson" III. 2 e Plan 2ime 6#771 6#89 Com!onents /otivation 4ope!i!'/ i!troductio!/ e!'a'eme!t8 3escribe teacher activities A43 student activities for eac com!onent of t e lesson. Include im!ortant ig er order t in*ing )uestions and5or !rom!ts. Sho% a diar a!d see i$ the ca! 'uess %hat it is "uess %hat 7 bou'ht i! a!d see i$ the ca! ma&e a!d sa ho% it is special to me a!d see ho% ma! co!!ectio!s o$ it bei!' a diar ha(e %ritte! i! a jour!al or i$ the ha(e o!e. A!s%er 3uestio! %ith thumbs up

6#891 6#99

*ead diar o$ a %orm ,/plai! the $ormat o$ the diar e!tr the are 'oi!' to %rite a!d the! tell them the are %riti!' the jour!al as a %orm 3evelo!ment 4the lar'est compo!e!t or mai! bod o$ the lesso!8 "o o(er a! e/ample %ith them ;a(e them help me %rite o!e a!d 'i(e me su''estio!s $or o!e as a class *e(ie% the %orms da so the ha(e ideas o! %hat the are %riti!'

1iste! to the boo&

Stude!ts tal& about the %orms da Stude!ts as& 3uestio!s i$ ha(e a!

Stude!ts %or& at des& Se!d stude!ts to des& Ta&e stude!ts %ho !eed a little more help aside a!d ma&e sure the ha(e a! idea a!d do their &id job o$ the diar e!tr ;a(e o!e or t%o stude!ts share %ith the class their e!tries a!d see i$ a! o!e=s da is similar to the %orms i! real li$e also 7 %ill chec& to ma&e sure i$ the i!cluded somethi!' that a %orm does i! real li$e duri!' their da .

6#991 87#89

Closure 4co!clusio!, culmi!atio!, %rap)up8

Stude!ts share their %or& a!d discuss i$ da is similar to theirs

:our reflection about t e lesson- including evidence$s& of student learning and engagement- as well as ideas for im!rovement for ne.t time. 46rite this a$ter teachi!' the lesso!, i$ ou had a cha!ce to teach it. 7$ ou did !ot teach this lesso!, $ocus o! the process o$ prepari!' the lesso!.8


5ame#################### Date############### Dear Diar , 7! the mor!i!' 7> ########################################### ############################################ ############################################ 7! the a$ter!oo! 7> ############################################ ############################################ ############################################ 7! the ,(e!i!' 7> ############################################ ############################################ ############################################



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