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Tim Blanusa

Room #:

Lesson # in unit:

Topic: Linear Functions and Integral Problems

Lesson Objective and Assessment of the objective

By the end of the session, student will be able to: Show that he knows how to solve and set up linear functions. This week I would also like to work on integral problems with finishing the sequence. Supporting Diverse Learners To support diverse learners I plan on using a number of different tools to help show how to do this. I plan on showing visually with color to show how sequences change. Method(s) for Instruction
Class/Group Discussion Cooperative Learning Small Group Guided Practice Lab Lecture or Direct Instruction Question/Answer Learning Stations Readers/Writers Workshop Teacher Modeling/Demo. Journal writing Role Play Hands-on Inquiry Learning Game Simulation/Role Playing Independent Learning Other

Use of Materials
Teachers Manual pg # Student Text pg # Picture Books Handouts: Manipulative: Related Equipment: Other: Adapted materials

Use of Technology
Cell Phone CPS Clickers Elmo Document Camera Software Student Computers Video Clips/DVD Website Web 2.0 tool Other

Strategies/Activities Selected: Graphic organizer, think aloud.

Lesson Agenda

Warm up: To start we are going to look over picture of what a linear function might be like. Robert will see how there are
different amounts of things and how when there is more how to write it.

Transitioning and Stating Objectives: When Robert sees how the greater than less than signs work I plan on putting them into equations. In the equations it will be shown how you have to build up both sides of the equation. To see how both sides are different I plan on splitting the problems up. By only looking at one side of the problem Robert will understand the individual parts. Transition to Instruction: I will then start to show Robert how to write both sides together. We will go over a couple of
problems like this.

Transition Guided Practice: Robert will see this and try 4 on his own. I will then have him go over them and explain to me why it is the way it is. Why some things are greater than others. Then we will start to move the variable x around in the questions. This will show him how functions work. It will bring back previous problems that we have practiced that he understood. When we look at problems like this we will then begin to graph 2 or 3 of the problems. In the problems Robert will see how the different lines in a graph show if you want to look at a different region. (----- line is > or <) BRAIN BREAK: look over a fun game on the ipad. The game allows him to practice this on his own. Transition to Instruction: For the second half of the hour we are going to look at sequencing and how to think about patterns to get to the next step. This is going to bring in points about algebra and finding the unknown because that is how you start looking over something. When we look at something you have to determine what is missing. I plan on teaching Robert that we are looking for the x. To look over how to find it I plan on starting by having him order basket player based on heights. They will be in order and a few of them will be missing from the middle. Then I will give Robert cut outs of the people. He will then put the player where they would go. This will be good to give him an example that he could physically see. He will have to tell me where different players would fit in. Then we will start looking over numbers. When we over look the numbers he have to figure out what the difference is between numbers. Once he thinks about how the numbers are different he can think about what

number to select. Transition to Guided Practice: I will then give Robert a number of different problems to find the missing values in a sequence. I will help him as he goes through these, but will encourage him to do it on his own. Transition to Independent Practice and Conferencing: As a final activity I plan on combining both of the standards we worked on today. I want to give him equations and he will have to take the solutions and then put them in order for me to figure out. This will show if he is understood the main points from today. In addition to giving him more practice. Transition to Wrap up/Closing: Bell ringer to see how he felt after we went through the lesson. This will also allow me to
see how he felt about it. We will also be able to talk about what he thought.

Daily Assessment How do you know your students met your lesson objective(s) and to what extent? knowledge comprehension application analysis synthesis evaluation

Formative: Class discussion CPS clickers Email teacher Entrance/Exit slip Teacher Observe Listened to conversations Quiz Thumbs up, neutral, or down Homework check Video quiz Voting Whiteboard Check Other

Summative: Test Project Report Presentation Final Exam Other

Additional Teacher Preparation:

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