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This picture depicts the classroom environment, in the picture are students desk, anchor charts, the class

Smartboard, the teachers desk, etc.. The Smartboard, is used during instruction to display activities, PowerPoints, and other instructional materials for students. Also pictured is the whiteboard that uses to write directions. Above these boards, are Math posters as well as ELA posters above the boards to add to the learning environment.

This is a picture of one of the word walls located in the classroom. Before starting the lesson the teacher has students participate in a vocabulary activity. The teacher says a definition of a word from the wall and it is the students role to say the word he or she defines. This particular word wall covers words from the Science content.

Displayed on this part of the white board, are the content standards that are being taught week by week. The standards are for Math, Science, Social Studies, and ELA posted. Also the classroom jobs for the week are displayed, students are chosen based on behavior from the previous week.

The anchor charts enhances students learning by reinforcing previous learned concepts. There are a lot of charts I could of took a picture of, but I chose to focus on the anchor chart which covered the rules on capitalization. I chose to highlight this anchor chart to demonstrate the innovative way in which my teacher used the rules of capitalization.

Expectations During Instruction

Rules 1. Students must always listen to directions that are given to them the first time. 2. Keep hands, feet, objects and negative comments to yourself. 3. Have all classroom materials and supplies with you before entering the classroom. Consequences 1. Students will face a verbal warning. 2. A student/ teacher conference will be conducted and the students grade will move to Needs Improvement. 3. A phone call to the students parent will follow if the behavior continues. 4. Students will have to reflect on the rule(s) that were broken and write why they broke the rule, why it was wrong to do so, as well as ways to prevent the event to happen again. The students conduct grade will be changed to Unsatisfactory. 5. A parent conference will be set up with the students parents. Incentives 1. Verbal Praise from the teacher. 2. Stickers and stamps. 3. Student will receive snack from the snack bucket.

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