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Ana Maria Hernndez Garca Specialization Areas Well and Reservoir Architecture: Master in Reservoir Architecture, The University

y of Tulsa, USA (1998). Several Projects focuse on !o"#le$ %ell Architecture in P&'SA ()T*'*P 'ene+uela (1999 SP* ,oru" Series an Multilateral %ells- *$#erience an ,uture &evelo#"ents in 'ene+uela .y P&'SA) Several Projects in (ntelli/ent %ell Technolo/y in S()T*, Petroleu" Research, Tron hei", )or0ay ( (A&! Pro uction 1eolo/y A##roach as a tool to accelerate the i"#le"entation of A vance &rillin/ Technolo/ies- (ntelli/ent %ell *valuation Metho olo/y, 2332) Several Projects elineatin/ Reservoir 1eo"etry, ,lo0 Units, &rillin/ %in o0s, &raina/e Points an ("#le"entation of Techni4ues to 5#ti"i+e &rillin/ , !o"#letion an Pro uction of %ells ( 'ene+uela, )orth Sea, (ran, 6ra+il, 6arents Sea) %ell an Reservoir Architecture in Shale Reservoirs, 1eolo/ical e7!onsultancy Services (in #ro/ress) Production Geology: S#eciali+ation in Petroleu" at 8eriot %att University, Scotlan (2333) in the *valuation of the ("#act 1eolo/ical 'aria.les on Reservoir Si"ulation (*cli#se), &evelo#"ent of &ecision Su##ort Techno7*cono"ical Tools in or er to i"#le"ent (ntelli/ent %ell Technolo/ies ((%*M) an ,orecastin/ an Ris9 Analysis of 1eolo/ical 'aria.les in Reservoirs. &evelo#"ent of a Metho olo/y to *valuate the ("#act of 1eolo/ical 'aria.les in &rillin/ an !o"#letion of !o"#le$ %ell Architecture ( (A&! Pro uction 1eolo/y A##roach as a Tool to Accelerate the ("#le"entation of A vance &rillin/ Technolo/ies- (ntelli/ent %ell *valuation Metho olo/y, 2332) Several Projects focuse on Pro uction Pro.le"s such as San Pro uction, Mi/ration of ,ines, ,or"ation &a"a/e, &rillin/, !o"#letion an Pro uction of %ells, Plannin/ :Monitorin/ of %ells an *valuation of ifferent Petroleu" Technolo/ies an their i"#act on 1eolo/ical 'aria.les. Pro uction 1eolo/y constrains in Shale Reservoirs, 1eolo/ical e7!onsultancy Services (in #ro/ress) *nhance"ent of Reservoir !haracteri+ation in !ar.onate: &olo"ite Reservoirs, 1eolo/ical e7 !onsultancy Services (in #ro/ress) Environ ental Geology: !onsultant in the !o"#any A".iental Technical Solutions, ;on on, U< (2332), in the i"#le"entation of the (ntelli/ent %ell *valuation Metho olo/y ((%*M), in Projects 0here Petroleu" Technolo/ies ha an ("#act on the Reservoir 1eolo/y an )atural Resources (soils, 0ater, air). Project .ase in Plannin/ of Petroleu" 5#erations an their i"#act in ,ishin/ Activities in the )orth Sea (S()T*, Petroleu" Research 2331). &eli"itation of &rillin/ %in o0s in Artic *nviron"ents (S()T*, Petroleu" Research 2331). Projects focuse on *nviron"ental Re/ulations .ase on =ero &ischar/e Policy an *nviron"ental !ontrol in Petroleu" 5#erations in the )orth Sea (S()T*, Petroleu" Research 2331). *nviron"ental 1eolo/y an its ("#act on Petroleu" (n ustry Projects, 1eolo/ical e7!onsultancy Services ( no0 in #ro/ress) !ntegrated "no#ledge Syste s !onsultant in the !o"#any AM> S"art ;earnin/, S#ain (2332) as (nfor"ation Mana/e"ent. &evelo#"ent of Tools, Techni4ues an Metho olo/ies of (nfor"ation Mana/e"ent an (nfor"ation Analysis 0ith the /oal to accelerate the ;earnin/ Process at .oth Aca e"ia an 6usiness scenarios focuse in <no0le /e Mana/e"ent, !han/e Mana/e"ent, ?uantitative Analysis, ?ualitative Analysis, S9ill Mana/e"ent an 6usiness (ntelli/ence. (nte/rate Professional <no0le /e Syste"s an its <no0le /e Areas, 1eolo/ical e7!onsultancy Services (A#ril 231@) To# A Real7Ti"e (nfor"ation Sources Per Sector A.stract, 1eolo/ical e7!onsultancy Services (A#ril 231@)

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