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Creating a Successful Online Learning Experience

1. I am here to help you with any questions or concerns you may have. Please email or call when something isnt clear and I may be of assistance. I will respond within 24-48 hours to questions via the mode of students preferred contact. 2. Weekly Expectations a. On Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, students will read assigned chapters readings b. On Wednesday, students will post questions from the chapters they have read for the week. c. On Thursday, students will post answers to two questions from classmates. d. On Friday and Saturday will complete and submit assignment for the week. 3. Please label assignments with the week number, title of assignment, and chapters covered. Submit assignments via Blackboard page and also email to instructor by 11:59 pm Saturday. Discussion questions are due by 11:59 Wednesday and all answers to classmates questions by11:59 Thursday. 4. Print and review the rubric, outline, or requirements before beginning each lesson. 5. View videos and or chapter slides to assist with chapter readings and assignments. 6. Complete lessons by following along with syllabus dates. 7.Please read email announcements to be sure that you are following along with the course schedule. 8. You are welcome to try additional assignments that you may find interesting and befitting for certain chapters. 9. Students will study and take midterm to ensure that they are keeping up with the pace of the course. 10. Chat sessions will be conducted on Friday nights (6-8pm) to answer questions or concerns about upcoming assignments that are due the following day. This is a time that students may also share any other concerns for our course. 11. Students needing an extra boost will be given special attention via a private message to encourage their continuation of the course. 12. Completion of overdue assignments must be approved before late submission. Please email me with the title, week, and name of assignment prior to completing an overdue assignment that is more than one day late. I will deduct 5% for each day that it is turned in late after that first late day. 13. Comments on student work will be shared with each grade recorded. 14. All assignments are open book for guidance to achieve the best product submitted for the week. 15. Assessments can be retaken with permission and under special circumstances. 16 . All assignments will be graded within 48 hours of submission.

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