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Rhetoric Assignment

Name:________________________________________ Students are to choose one of the three videos shown in class and use Aristotles rhetoric (logos, pathos and ethos) as a tool to analyze their chosen media. The paper must be typed in 12-point font and a minimum of one page, maximum of two pages in length. Students may refer back to their From Rhetoric handout distributed in class for guidance on the three elements of rhetoric. List of Videos: (all of the following videos can be found on YouTube) To This Dayfor the bullied and beautiful: Shane Koyczan When God Happens: Mike Rosen Touchscreen: Marshall Davis Jones

R Knowledge/ Understanding The work thoroughly addresses the rhetorical elements: ethos, logos, and pathos The work demonstrates an understanding of the students chosen piece of media and understanding of the assignment Thinking/ Inquiry The work uses relevant, effective evidence to support the rhetorical elements: ethos, logos and pathos Communication Sequencing of ideas

Level 1 (50-59%) -Demonstrates and addresses limited knowledge of the rhetorical elements

Level 2 (60-69%) -Demonstrates and addresses some knowledge of the rhetorical elements

Level 3 (70-79%) -Demonstrates and addresses considerable knowledge of the rhetorical elements

Level 4 (80-100%) -Demonstrates and addresses thorough knowledge of the rhetorical elements

Student does not reach the standard.

Student does not reach the standard.

-Support choices show limited knowledge of the text/media -Demonstrates limited understanding of the assignment

-Support choices show some knowledge of the text/media -Demonstrates some understanding of the assignment.

Student does not reach the standard.

-Response displays a limited level of insight and analysis based on a limited level of understanding of the text/ media. -Organization of ideas is presented with limited clarity, conciseness and appropriate academic language -Uses the required language conventions of spelling, grammar, and academic word choice with limited effectiveness.

-Response displays some level of insight and analysis based on some level of understanding of the text/ media. -Organization of ideas is presented with some clarity, conciseness and appropriate academic language -Uses the required language conventions of spelling, grammar, and academic word choice with some accuracy and effectiveness.

-Support choices show considerable knowledge of the text/ media -Demonstrates a considerable understanding of the assignment. -Response displays a considerable level of insight and analysis based on a considerable level of understanding of the text/ media forms. -Organization of ideas is presented with considerable clarity, conciseness and appropriate academic language -Uses the required language conventions of spelling, grammar, and academic word choice with considerable accuracy and effectiveness.

-Support choices show thorough and insightful knowledge of the text/ material -Demonstrates a thorough understanding of the assignment.

-Response displays a thorough level of insight and analysis based on thorough level of understanding of the text/ media forms

Student does not reach the standard.

-Organization of ideas is presented with a high level of clarity, conciseness and appropriate academic language

Spelling and Grammar

Student does not reach the standard.

-Uses the required language conventions of spelling, grammar, and academic word choice with thorough accuracy and accuracy.

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