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Geometric Constructions

Teacher name Subject Grade Level Time duration Materials needed Adam Curtis Mathematics Geometry 40 Minutes Laptops Internet Constructions Review Worksheet Compass Straightedge G.4 The student will construct and justify the constructions of a) a line segment congruent to a given line segment; b) the perpendicular bisector of a line segment; c) a perpendicular to a given line from a point not on the line; d) a perpendicular to a given line at a given point on the line; e) the bisector of a given angle, f) an angle congruent to a given angle; and g) a line parallel to a given line through a point not on the given line The students will be able to accurately and quickly draw all geometric constructions. Students will also gain technology skills while navigating through a Prezi presentation. The lesson will begin with each student being given a laptop to work on, a compass, and a straightedge. They will then receive the Geometric Constructions review sheet, which has instructions on how to complete the days assignment. The students will be viewing a Prezi presentation, and completing the review sheet. The teacher will circulate around the classroom while the assignment is done, to allow for personal help if needed. The review sheet will serve as the assessment.

Lesson Objective

Purpose of the lesson



This lesson aligns with several TSIPs and NETS-T standards. I believe by creating a Prezi presentation, it aligns well with TSIP standard 1 which states that the teacher must be able to demonstrate effective use of a computer system and software program. It also matches standard 2 of the TSIPs which states the teacher must be able to apply computer productivity tools for professional use. It also satisfies standard 7 of the TSIPs which states instructional personnel shall be able to plan and implement lessons and strategies that integrate technology to meet the diverse needs of learners in a variety of educational settings. I believe the lesson satisfies standard 2 of the NETS-T in that it is a digital age learning experience and assessment. By demonstrating and monitoring their computer use it also satisfies standard 4 which states that teachers must promote digital age citizenship and responsibility.

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