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Greenberg 1 Michael Greenberg Megan Keaton ENC-1102 Sec.

31 2nd February, 2014 Educational Experience Draft #2 Educational Experience-Grades It was the first day of junior year and my GPA was only a 3.0 unweighted GPA. My teachers saw me in the class room being depressed and sad all the time. My teachers would always ask me questions for me to answer and I would usually answer either I dont know or pretend like I never knew the answer and put my head back down. When I took any test I would always score poorly because I felt like I could do nothing right, as if my life was a joke. I began to lose weight my confidence began to rise especially when it came to school. I was proud of the way I looked in the mirror and instead of being depressed I was happy for the first time in my life. I got a girlfriend named Daniela and she has to be the best thing that has ever happened in my life. My grades increased significantly because I was no longer depressed and I was determined to do well in every single one of my classes. Teachers saw a change in my posture and my attitude in class. My test grades improved significantly instead of getting Cs on tests I was getting As. I ended junior year with 5 As and 2 B pluses by far the best grades that I have ever achieved besides in middle school where I got straight As all throughout both sixth and seventh grade. My goal was always to attend a state university and I would not let anything get in my way of obtaining my goal. My high school GPA ended at a 3.4 unweighted GPA and a 4.2 weighted GPA. Still to this day if my grades had not improved I would not be attending this great university. I am blessed and thankful for all the people who have come into my life.

Greenberg 2 AP Psychology The first day of junior year. I had so much to fear. As I walked through those giant red gates. I was afraid that I may be late. Scared, nervous, and afraid was how I felt. My heart racing as quickly as ice melts. I walked into class my body shaking. My head felt like it was baking. Sat at the farthest desk so I didnt look like a mess. Psychology a subject that I thought I wouldnt stress. Then came along that first test. For the first test I did the best. Scored a 95% I felt like flying out the nest. Jumping for joy was my chest. Finally it was time to take the AP exam. Knew I had nothing to lose. I wish that I had been on a cruise. When the results came back I knew I failed. I thought I was going to go home and be jailed. Walking in on day 180 my head held high. My teacher was the hardest goodbye. AP Psychology thanks for the lesson.

Greenberg 3 That class is not to be reckoned. Educational Experience- SAT tutor Hello my name is Ronan Morgan. I am Michaels high school tutor mainly for the SAT. The SAT is a very comprehensive test that has three sections critical reading, math and writing. When I first met Michael he was struggling immensely with the topic of critical reading and writing. Michaels strong subject in high school was math. Michael first viewed the SAT as a walk in the park. He did not do any of the practices I assigned him and he knew very little about the specific reading that he had just read. Lazy would be a good word for Michaels attempt of preparing for the SAT. I knew that Michael was going to do badly on his first attempt of taking the standardized test based on the extreme laziness he displayed. When Michaels results came back it was exactly what I expected. A 1550 is the score that Michael got on the test. A very disappointed Michael came to me and asked me to help him get a better score on the test. I watched Michael write down a goal on a piece of paper. On the paper Michael wrote to get into Florida State I need to get an 1800 at least on the SAT. After that Michaels views changed I saw a more determined individual. Nothing was going to stop him from getting that 1800. Michael began to listen to me he studied and understood each reading he also enhanced his vocabulary. In addition, Michael became interested in the tricks I had, some of which I believe lead to his success on his second attempt on the SAT. Michael emerged after he took the second test very happy and confident. His score was an 1810 which was higher than his goal. Michael was successful because of his hard work and his determination which is something that I have never seen in any other student I have tutored. I was very surprised by the huge change in Michaels attitude. I am very proud of Michael and I hope he knows that he can accomplish anything in life as long as he studies and prepares just like he did for the SAT.

Greenberg 4 Educational Experience- College Acceptance As I was driving down the road by my house with my friend Greg in his white truck, Greg told me some shocking but exciting news. Greg told me that FSU decisions had just come out. I rushed to check if I had gotten accepted or not by using my IPhones internet. As I was pulling out my IPhone I realized that there was no Wi-Fi or internet in that area. So I told my friend to rush back to my house and drop me off so I could find out if I had been accepted. Greg dropped me off at my house. Five minutes later I opened the door to the car and started rushing towards the door. Once I opened the door and was inside my house I screamed FSU admissions are online!! Everyone in my house immediately came to look at my computer screen. As I turned my computer on my hands began to shake. I felt my body become both scared and excited at the same time. My body still to this day has never had any feeling close to the way I felt that moment. I clicked on internet explorer and loaded my mind was going crazy thinking of a reaction if I got accepted or what I would say if I was not accepted. I could see my mom right behind me with my two brothers looking intensely at the computer screen. Once I signed in the entire screen turned into fireworks with the fountain and the Florida state symbol popping up saying that I had been accepted into the Florida State University for summer 2013 semester. My heart jumped and that moment was one of the happiest of my life. My family members congratulated me along with many of my senior friends. This moment affected where I am in my education today because I would not be here if I had not been accepted to this very prestigious school.

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