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Anki - Readme

Anki is a free flashcard programme. There are versions for a range of different operating systems including Windows, Macs and smartphones. You can download the relevant version from

Installing Anki
Once you have downloaded and installed the programme create a new folder on your computer and copy 'ChineseBasic.anki' into it. Open Anki and click on File/Open and select ChineseBasic.anki. Do not use Import to open the file.

Using Anki
The Chinese Basic card set is intended to help you learn the Chinese characters that appear in the CULP Chinese Basic programme. For each character the reverse side of the card gives the Pinyin transcription of the character, a translation and some words that contain the character. You can use Anki in order to learn to recognize characters or in order to learn the characters from their meaning in English. Please note: a) the translation provided reflects the meaning of the character in the course, the meaning of the character in other contexts might be different. b) some characters only occur with other characters, they do not have a common meaning of their own. c) some characters are quite rare but they appear in common expressions or in (place) names. You will only be expected to recognize these characters as part of the name or expression. You can add to or amend the flashcards to suit your own needs. See the instructions on the Anki website to find out how to do this. If you discover a mistake, please report it to your teacher, so that future versions can be corrected.

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