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US History 1950s Cultural Revolution Students are to imagine that they are working for WOWT in the present

day. The new station manager wants to go back to the good old days of the 1950s and have some local programming. Their task is to develop a programming schedule for a particular day of the week. The programming schedule should include a variety of topics as one might see when watching a day of T. V. Requirement in the schedule: Your timeslot is from 8:00 am to 11:00 pm. Provided a link form YOU TUBE in your presentation (your choice of technology on how you present). Your programming should include some of the following categories: Sports News Game shows Movies Political Debates Commercials / Advertisements (Provide clips of 5 and you can have those run continuously throughout the day). Cars Hair Products Clothes Toothpaste Electronics Appliances Music Late Night Shows Concerts Cartoons You must also provide a short analysis of each program and how this program reflects the culture of the 1950s. You need to be able to explain how gender roles, political views, teenage influence, rock and roll emergence and how the news portrayed events. Grading: Presentation Relevance to the 1950s Analysis of Shows /10 /40 /40

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