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Portfolio Reflection Sheet Math A P T

Name: Alex Benesch Date: 4/25/14 o!r:4th

"hec# one: Aca$emic Achie%ement Personal Time Mana&ement Team'or#

1( Asi$e from the &ra$e that )o! recei%e$* 'hat ma#es this item one of )o!r +est in math, -ther than m) &ra$e* 'hat ma$e this one of m) +est 'as that e%en tho!&h . 'as missin& $a)s* . still 'as /re/are$ for the test( 2( 0hat math conce/ts or s#ill $e%elo/ment $oes this item sho', The math conce/ts this sho's are an&les an$ &eometr)( 1( Are there /arts of this item that sho' )o! ha%e es/eciall) &oo$ math s#ills, 0hich /arts, This sho's . ha%e &oo$ math s#ills in fin$in& an&le meas!res an$ fin$in& $imensions( 4( This item sho's that )o! are &ettin& +etter at2 this item sho's . am &ettin& +etter at sol%in& for an&le meas!res +eca!se +efore . ha$ r!she$* no'* . $i$ +etter in that /art( 5( .f )o! $i$ this o%er a&ain* 'hat 'o!l$ )o! chan&e or $o $ifferentl), .f . $i$ this o%er a&ain . 'o!l$ ta#e m) time to loo# at sha/es closer to $etermine instea$ of r!shin& thro!&h(

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