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Lesson Planning

Lesson Title: Claiming the Land Grade:3

Goals or Objectives: The student will be able to demonstrate his/ her knowledge of the pioneers in the Midwest through class discussion and activities that illustrate the hardships that the pioneers faced compared to modern day Grade Level Guide: Content Standards Content Curriculum !ocal "oints Common Core +tate #ie: $CTM% &'(%)* +tandards CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RI.3.6 Distin +T($,(', - .+&$G guish their own point of view ,/0/L1"M/$T(LL2 from that of the author of a text /!!/CT&0/ (""'1(C3/+ &nterdisciplinary Connections This lesson could be connected to geography by studying the prairie and surrounding terrains

Academic Language: "ioneers% homestead% prairie% immigrants% claim% +oddy% firebreaks Students Needs: The students will need to have background knowledge of both the pioneers and the (merican culture during that time period% to understand the te4t This will be shown through posters hung around the room that display important elements of the 5677s /nglish Language Learners +pecial $eeds #can be a group such as 8struggling readers9 or individuals*

Materials: "oster boards% pioneer clothes% washing tub% copies of the te4t Pioneer Girl, Language Function: 3elping the students analy:e the te4t rather than ;ust talk about it% will allow them to better describe and e4plain what they read to others who have not read the book +tudents will be able to demonstrate their knowledge and ;ustify how the hardships that the pioneers faced would be eased today due to modern conveniences when writing their report at the end of the lesson Lesson Plan Be ore: 1n the first day of the lesson% the students will arrive to class and find it set up like a mini museum The posters hung on the wall will depict the lifestyle% hardships and important legislation such as the 3omestead (ct of 56<= of when the pioneers were alive% through pictures te4t and diagrams The students will have the first part of the class to visit each poster and pick their top three favorite posters (lso the vocabulary will be included and defined in the posters The class will come back together and discuss what they learned or what the students found

fascinating% while the teacher fills in any important information that the students might have missed !uring: 3ands on activity 8living like a pioneer9> 3ave volunteers try on pioneer clothes and hand> wash clothes% while the teacher talks about all these things and asks kids to compare and contrast with what we do today 'ead the te4t Pioneer Girl together and e4plain their thoughts and view point that might be different from the author (fter reading the te4t% a ?ui: to demonstrate that the students understood and comprehended the book 3ave time in class to formulate their thoughts for the report% that will e4plain and describe their knowledge of the book /4tra pioneer books for early finishers A ter: @hat types of hardships did the family faceA #$o Christmas presents* 3ow was everyday life then different to nowA &f you were living during the pioneer days what activities or parts would you likeA @hat would you dislike or miss from your life nowA &f you were writing the story% would you have taken a different point of view than what the author tookA Lead a class discussion and write some of their e4amples on the board +tudents write at least a 5 paragraph report on what they learned about the pioneers and their answers to the above ?uestions The report can include visual elements like pictures

Assessment: 3ow will you determine who knows which ob;ectivesA ,escribe the tools and techni?ues you will use Type of assessment #formal or informal* ,escription of assessment Modifications to the assessment so that all students could demonstrate learning Those with language disabilities can read their report or orally e4plain to the teacher what they learned /valuation Criteria> @hat evidence of student learning #related to the learning ob;ectives and central focus* does the assessment provideA The students have to analy:e life then to now through their report



@rite a short synopsis of what they learned and how life was different back then Bui: over book

"esources: Lists of other books about pioneers

Anal#$ing %eac&ing: To be completed after the lesson has been taught @hat workedA @hat didnCtA !or whomA (d;ustments
@hat instructional changes do you need to make as you prepare for your ne4t lessonA

"roposed Changes
&f you could teach this lesson again to this group of students what changes would you make to your instructionA

Whole class: Groups of students: Individual students:

@hy will these changes improve student learningA @hat research/theory supports these changesA

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