Candid Photo

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This photograph is one of my favorites. My fiance, Coty, didnt know I was taking his picture.

I had just given birth to our son, Kellen Christopher. I had asked Coty before I went in to have my c-setion to hold onto my phone. Our family lives far away so it was just us two and I wanted him to keep everyone updated. Afterwards, he was holding Kellen and I asked for my phone so I could text my mom. I dont remember much because I was still drugged up but I remember watching them and it made my heart swell with pride. I could tell he was already such a great daddy. I was watching him talk to Kellen and hold him so I quickly took a snapshot without him noticing. It turned out great and everyone in our family loved it. In this photo you can see how much he loves our son and how excited he was about his arrival. The tone in this photo is a bit serious but filled with excitement. His smile is genuine. You can tell it was taken in a hospital and Kellen is still a bit dirty from birth and swaddled in a hospital blanket.

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