Reflection Jan 12 2

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Running head: REFLECTION ONE

Reflection One Delia Gauna Concordia University

s an English Language Learner !"ecialist# the $elco%e &ac' to school is not as s$eet as a teacher( I %iss the enthusias% of students as they $al' into the &uilding $ith stories a&out their &rea'( )y return fro% the holidays $as $elco%ed &y endless a%ount of data and %eetings( I a% currently assigned to seven ca%"uses in the district and %y res"onsi&ilities include instructional su""ort to &ilingual and dual language teachers( This su""ort ste%s fro% %odeling lessons# $or'ing $ith ne$ teachers# "lanning# o&serving classroo%s# desegregating data# assisting in %a'ing decisions for students and %uch %ore( Due to %y "osition# I a% finding it difficult to log in hours at %y %entor*s ca%"us( Our district has an identified federal accounta&ility "riority ca%"us# and I a% assigned to su""ort it "rior to state assess%ents( This "riority ca%"us is "art of !chool in Need of ssistance +rogra% ,!N +-( Follo$ing %y director*s directives# I a% only allo$ed to go to %y %entor*s ca%"us once a $ee' starting .anuary /0th( I a% involved $ith several ad%inistrative activities that $ill ho"efully hel" %e &etter understand the i%"ortant role the "rinci"al "lays for student success( I &egan this $ee' &y "roviding "rofessional develo"%ent to one of %y assigned ca%"uses( 1ith colla&oration $ith the district science s"ecialist# $e trained all grade levels during their conference "eriod a&out the value of interactive $ord $alls( This gave teachers ideas on increasing voca&ulary ac2uisition strategies to hel" student develo" science voca&ulary( Our district ad%inistered district &ench%ar's during Dece%&er( In "re"aration for data de&riefs $ith "rinci"als scheduled for .anuary 30th# all district s"ecialists $ere su%%oned to central office to "ull data and for%at te%"lates for the "resentation( )y $ee' &ac' $as s"ent sitting in front of the co%"uter in e4"orting data in order to desegregate and hel" "rinci"als %a'e instructional decisions for teachers and students(

I a% ho"ing to gain the e4"erience necessary to &egin %y 2uest as an instructional leader( lthough I %ay not &e a&le to shado$ %y %entor as %uch as I $ould li'e# I feel that %y "osition $ill allo$ %e several o""ortunities that $ill hel" %e develo" as a $ell5rounded leader(

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