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Informatica Real Time Scenarios: Q1) Alternate Target Loading My source is a flat file which contains N number of records.

I want to load the source data into two targets such that first five records should loaded into the first target, next five records into the second target table. Again the next source five records into the first target table and so on. How to implement a Informatica mapping logic for this? Solution:

Connect the source qualifier transformation to the expression transformation. In the expression transformation, create the below additional ports:

v_cnt (variable port) = v_cnt+1 o_cnt (output port) = v_cnt

Connect the expression transformation to the router transformation. Create two output groups in the router transformation and specify the following filter conditions:

--Filter condition for first output group DECODE(substr(o_cnt,-1,1),1,TRUE,2,TRUE,3,TRUE,4,TRUE,5,TRUE,FALSE) --Filter condition for second output group DECODE(substr(o_cnt,-1,1),6,TRUE,7,TRUE,8,TRUE,9,TRUE,0,TRUE,FALSE) Connect the router transformation output groups to the appropriate targets.

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